#known 2020-04-25

2020-04-25 UTC
[tantek], [TimApple], [LewisCowles], [KevinMarks], [jgmac1106], BellaRebella, desmondrivet, Verlf, chrisaldrich, twMat, brunow, doubleloop1, [prtksxna], [chrisaldrich], BillSeitz, seekr, theianjones, NicoleMejia, [christophe194] and [snarfed] joined the channel
Hey all [mapkyca] and I working on Course Builder plugin. If folks have time to beta test would love feedback...
Next step webmention badges, mf2 driven teacher dashboards, and ML driven tutorial chatbots....
.... But for now... Beta testers please
BillSeitz, AliciaAway and doubleloop1 joined the channel