#known 2020-04-26
2020-04-26 UTC
Catalynna, [chrisaldrich], [jeremycherfas], [LewisCowles], [KevinMarks], [tantek], [jgmac1106] and jeremych_ joined the channel
[jgmac1106] plug in idea...take my 5 most use tags and put them in a footer

[LewisCowles] [mapkyca] I think it's fine. I've spun up a few sites. I've not been able to create a problem non-artificially. Apologies for holding you up checking
jeremych_ joined the channel
[jgmac1106] well my Known install failed.....

[jgmac1106] going to try FTP...not sure what went wrong, copied my upload folder, my config.ini and my theme, deleted subdirectory, did a reinstall from github updated composer dependancies got a 404, tried both public_html/quickthoughts and public_html/quickthoughts/known as directory roots

[jgmac1106] the folder structure so vastly different now though...not sure I can use FTP

[jgmac1106] grrrrr.....and now my restore from backup throwing a 500 error.....hopefully shared host can fix....this updating process is so hard for me, not sure why I break and then end up falling so far behind. thought ihave been updating and staying current

[jgmac1106] here is to hoping my shared host can reinstall, I have no idea how I mess this up everytime. I follow directions to the T

[LewisCowles] jgmac1106, do you run SQL first before uploading? [mapkyca] is it possible that the {}_metadata leads to config attempting to read DB cached values?
[mapkyca] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] mapkyca++

[jgmac1106] The bid difference for me I do not have everything in a folder /known in my directory, all my files just in the subdirectory /quickthoughts

[jgmac1106] I have a copy of my DB, my uploads, and my config.ini...I should be able to do a fresh intall and connect them alll....no idea where I am going wrong

[LewisCowles] could it be the htaccess?
[LewisCowles] I'd hate for it to be that
[LewisCowles] but it's happened to me before
[jgmac1106] I do have a ton of customizations in my htaccess...hmmm

[jgmac1106] going to delete everything, ftp and see if I can add upload, config.ini, and htaccsss back

jamietanna joined the channel
[jgmac1106] no just waiting for 28k files from my upload folder to sftp....

[jgmac1106] now*

[jgmac1106] I should have never tried to update, just too damn hard, thought composer updating would make it easier

[jgmac1106] looks like ftp update didn't work either : (

[jgmac1106] that was mean Loqi

[LewisCowles] gives Loqi a stern look
[LewisCowles] sassy today
[jgmac1106] well will have to wait for my shared host to restore, hopefully they have better luck, composer update fialed, new composer isntall failed, new github install failed, now ftp failed, I still have my database and upload folder so I guess that cuts the pain a bit..,

[LewisCowles] I wonder if the host has a restore functionality for the mean time
jeremycherfas I have not tried a recent update, but I am on a sub-folder like you [jgmac1106] So, at stream.jeremycherfas.net

jeremycherfas But I think you have a lot more customisations than I do.

[jgmac1106] Lewis yes, relying on my host htey will install

[jgmac1106] Yeah Jeremy I think that is my approach

indier and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] and I restore from server backup and still pulling a 500, grrr...but back, had to reinstall all the composer dependancies

[jgmac1106] lost two days of content, important stuff, have all my uploads....that kinda stinks

[jgmac1106] will just redo the bookmarks...that is all that matters, I have the photos still

[jgmac1106] My build doesn't have everything in a folder /known that seems to trip up a ton of stuff

jeremycherfas Is this a new departure? As I said, mine is in a folder that is not called Known but I have not come across any problems like the ones you have.

[jgmac1106] jeremycherfas I think I am a super edge case of using an install that ran through a custom installatron plugin originally

jeremycherfas Oh yes. I vaguely remember you doing that. Are you still using that? You said you were doing an update by FTP. So does the problem go back to that?

[jgmac1106] I thought I was staying current then I shared my version number with mapkyca...its the bookmarks that hurt....I have the images and all the files, everything else updated to 4/25 why Known only went to 4/24 is quite perplexing

[jgmac1106] only takes time to fix....have plenty

jeremycherfas The one time I got in serious trouble with my install, I kept `/uploads` and a note of `config.ini` and did manage to connect them all together. Do you have any idea of where things went wrong?

jeremycherfas And I guess you don't have a local backup with which you could try again?

[tantek] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I have a copy of the DB and the uploads, but I think just redoing the 20-25 bookmarks be faster

[jgmac1106] 24 notes, and 4 photo posts, the phots I will restore...the notes I am fine with losing, everythign on archive.org anyways

[jgmac1106] plus twitter, micro.blog, tumblr and who knows where else think mastodon somewhere too

[jgmac1106] bookmarks are just my most popular feed for people to subscribe too

jeremycherfas So the DB wasn't absolutely current? To the moment you started to update?

[jgmac1106] ...may have done exactly what caused you serious trouble.....in the new build config.ini is in a folder configuration in my build config.ini just in /quickthoughts subdirectory

[jgmac1106] ^^ dunno and learning would take way longer than redoing bookmarks

jeremycherfas Sure. It's your install.

[jgmac1106] yeah, why I was trying a scorched earth and just reconnecting the database and my upload, htaccess, and config.ini but I failed along the way....will give it a college try when I get up the courage again

[jgmac1106] I have plenty of other fresh installs to test the coursebuilder plugin on

[jgmac1106] which means it has to be soemthing to get existing DB to talk...any fresh install, same shared host works fine....hmm thanks for letting me think this through with you two

[jgmac1106] I wonder how many different versions of Known are out there and how many people try to stay current or just keep an older version trucking

jeremycherfas I'm definitely in the keep on trucking school, until there's a major bump in functionality. But I'm a much less intensive user than you.

[KevinMarks] and [mapkyca] joined the channel
seekr joined the channel
[jgmac1106] thx for tips mapkyca...I did backup first which was strange....wonder what happens if I restore my backup now....

[grantcodes] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Eureka that worked....after my server was reinstalled I was then able to reinstall from backup! Yipee, thx for tip Marcus

[jgmac1106] okay and you can all riddle me this.....I am now on 1.1.9+2020041901 instead of 1.0.0-rc.1+2019092902 even though I rolled back my server and then did a restore from backup..

seekr joined the channel
[LewisCowles] magic
Bombonica and [mapkyca] joined the channel
[KevinMarks], manificattion10 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I had been updating to each new release which surprised me when I saw my current version...two possibilities...either my versioning file wasn't updating or it just updated but I am on a borked version with all my custom installs and changes