#known 2020-07-25

2020-07-25 UTC
[tantek], [chrisaldrich], IWSlackGateway, SomeB, Gomez, ben_thatmustbeme, rMdes, AkyRhO, ketudb, raucao, niceplace, bjoern, Guest55, RichardLittDisco, justache, PamileissonDisco, zoink92Discord[m, simibacDiscord[m, MatthDiscord[m], mZDiscord[m], ngamboaDiscord[m, sukarDiscord[m], bostaDiscord[m], crestDiscord[m], ianfixesDiscord[, LSJI07Discord[m], NastyEbilPiwateD, solanavDiscord[m, janttoDiscord[m], drshamoonDiscord, FranklinDiscord[, drbhDiscord[m], peatDiscord[m], raulDiscord[m], achingbrainDisco, HaybalesDiscord[, DamirDiscord[m], nrtxrmndDiscord[, MesaDiscord[m], RobotLordimperia, gabrielbaron16Di, wourslerDiscord[, GuillaumeDiscord, wossDiscord[m], M4eekDiscord[m], Imnotsoimpressed, richarddavisDisc, neohexDiscord[m], xtream1101Discor, thestevewayDisco, M3baidDiscord[m4, KisulkenDiscord[, PhillmacDiscord[, JordanKrageDisco, RyonezCoruscare0, AraratDiscord[m], felixschlDiscord, MissLavenderDisc, h2Discord[m], radio_aliceDisco, WesDiscord[m], rklaehnDiscord[m, leoalvarezhDisco, pankajmendkiDisc, ShmultzDiscord[m, ambackDiscord[m], captain-nemoDisc, JerbsDiscord[m], codynhatDiscord4, cam4507[m], gnunicornDiscord, l^discordDiscord, tangoDiscord[m], JonwelDiscord[m], OxyDiscord[m], KevlarmonkeyDisc, jmank88Discord[m, IgutinDiscord[m], macerbiDiscord[m, Dby0Discord[m], godparticleDisco, chinsuDiscord[m], gorhgorh[m]1, daveatQCDiscord[, felixschlDiscor4, IPFSFanDiscord[m, raisDiscord[m], Elijah3321[m], TyphooNDiscord[m, rappelDiscord[m], braditzDiscord[m, M0zAND1zDiscord[, DigitalOilDiscor, QwertyWhoreDisco, chmanieDiscord[m, freekurt, SuikaDiscord[m], JungleHeartDisco, kppDiscord[m], ianlopshireDisco, AceFaceDiscord[m, itsmekntDiscord[, jklepatchDiscord, bltavaresDiscord, pranayDiscord[m], KirushikDiscord[, nyarlathotepDisc, foxcoolDiscord[m, SnowballDiscord[, jazzy-jeff^_^Dis, celsoDiscord[m]1, jimpickDiscord[m, KeegenDiscord[m], corylDiscord[m], SpicoliWhiteDisc, erlend_shDiscord, Discord[m]3, zwelsternDiscord, boomshroomDiscor, RDeckardDiscord4, EdmundMDiscord[m, AnthonyCBuddDisc, khalnayakDiscord, pps96Discord[m], Valium[m], UsDiscord[m], suleDiscord[m], UserDiscord[m], scandichainDisco, Exca1iburTheWise, realChainDiscord, ZipperSKDiscord4, bitspillDiscord[, mZ[m], nofwayyDiscord[m, BossMANDiscord[m, DreamingInCodeDi, HenniDiscord[m], CyOp0x00Discord[, Discord[m]2, PermawebMatrixBr, TrevorDiscord[m], MMMMaggieDiscord, gunttedDiscord[m, aaronpk[m], virtual_vagrantD, tobowersDiscord[, william_shakesDi, kppDiscord[m]1, celso[m], manfredDiscord[m, anthony-albertor, astraiaDiscord[m, sekiDiscord[m]1, icaruszDiscord[4, sbpDiscord[m], borismusDiscord[, chmanieDiscord[4, rklaehn[m], coryschwartzDisc, JayWelsh0845[m], ScottSmileyDisco, cannabysDiscord[, gumshedDiscord[m, FeNiXDiscord[m]1, hazDiscord[m], brewskiDiscord[m, olizillaDiscord[, gregjeanmartDisc, Expherience[m], DerekDiscord[m], dosch[m], TroyDiscord[m], koalalorenzoDisc, pcowgillDiscord[, matyas_mustohaDi, catmanDiscord[m], MasonDiscord[m], Hsiu-PingNichola, jwheelerDiscord[, lamborghiniDisco, bengoDiscord[m], jimpick[m], adinbDiscord[m], malaclypsDiscord, amatuniDiscord[m, ArunDiscord[m], Dazuck-3BoxDisc4, dqxDiscord[m], JohnnyMilkshakes, DiscordBridge[m4, FusonDiscord[m], paulmahoneDiscor, johanhermanDisc4, hyde__Discord[m], amimDiscord[m], jenncloudDiscord, reddDiscord[m], TionisDiscord[m], TeamIanDiscord[m, CantiTurtleCoin[, Sean|FortmaticDi, RodolfoEDiscord[, carsonfarmer[m], thomasbDiscord[m, CathyLDiscord[m], sprayDiscord[m], zcopleyDiscord[m, tttDiscord[m], obernardovieiraD, kanejDiscord[m], DoppelgngerDisco, watDiscord[m], baluptonDiscord[, HarryTmeticDisco, JustMaierDiscord, Romaric[m], SmileRobotDiscor, koivunejDiscord[, TianyiDiscord[m4, arjanvaneerselDi, andrewxhillDisco, AmineDiscord[m], M3baidDiscord[m], megadogberthehim, nek11Discord[m], gauthamDiscord[m, SomeguyDiscord[m, sachaDiscord[m], mapachurroDiscor, Rick[m]1, RockSteadyTRTLD4, RomainDiscord[m], ddahlDiscord[m], sblinnDiscord[m], CarboClanCDiscor, SirMemesALotDisc, efnDiscord[m], CharlieRaptoreum, eshohetDiscord[m, PerinDiscord[m], Sm03leBr00tDisco, richtercamdenDis, KinnardDiscord[7, ksDiscord[m], r5723013Discord[, vbDiscord[m], WellinkDiscord[m, ptonerDiscord[m], kanej[m]1, M|NecoDiscord[m], thomasDiscord[m], ritewhose[m], romaricDiscord[m, maparentDiscord[, MikeShultzDiscor, panDiscord[m], wossDiscord[m]1, Akshay[m]2, celsoDiscord[m], ReallySnazzyDis4, cyluDiscord[m], AblibuDiscord[m], JD9Discord[m], Tianyi[m]1, shivankDiscord[m, gmelodieDiscord[, gozala[m]1, JustMaier[m]1, vinDiscord[m], Dr_JayWDiscord[m, enricomarino[m], ithithDiscord[m], ShokuninDiscord[, M8431[m]1, DoggersUniteDisc, Oxy[m], JeffMaherVegas[m, drshamoon[m], Senshi[m], Lolicon[m], sacha[m], oed3[m], RealSnazzy[m], AuHau[m]1, celso[m]1, fozzie[m], seekr, [manton] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Is there any way to increase the debugging information from WithKnown? Trying to construct an POST to create a photo entry and all I get back is 403 forbidden. But no idea where to look.
jeremycherfas, jeremych_, seekr and [mapkyca] joined the channel
You could try upping the log level in your config.ini
These long delays and timeouts are getting to be a bit of a hassle too.
jeremych_ joined the channel
I see `Loglevel = 7` in my `config.ini` but I am not able to find an explanation of the different Loglevels I could use. The only examples I have been able to find are about boot logs.
This page http://docs.withknown.com/en/latest/install/config/ says there are only 4 levels. I guess I will try `Loglevel = 4` and `debug = true`.
Didn't seem to make any difference.
Maybe I should upgrade from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0 before I go any further.
What are you posting with or are you rolling your own? 403 is forbidden. Known won’t just accept random POSTs, so you need to authenticate using session or API
You’ll also need a CSRF token
[Erik] and Cute^LaiL joined the channel
justache joined the channel; Cute^LaiL left the channel
!tell [mapkyca] I'm using the HMAC signature, as recommended. At the moment, using Paw to construct the POST.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
I thought that the HMAC signature was enough. Do I need CSRF as well?
I'm going to upgrade now and hope nothing breaks.
rMdes joined the channel
na, I think you’re right. Don’t think you need a csrf for api auth, was mis-remembering
There seems to be an ambiguity in the docs. `http://docs.withknown.com/en/latest/install/debugging/` refers to "logging = 4" while `http://docs.withknown.com/en/latest/install/config/` refers to "loglevel" Is logging and alias of loglevel?
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Of course, my api key changed when I updated, and with the new api key, I can at least do a status update. Photo, not yet.
Mystified; I can create a photo post, except that the photo itself is not included. Is it being stored somewhere else during upload and then not found by WithKnown?
[mapkyca] joined the channel
You using `multipart/form-data`?
Yes. And photo location is available online.
Doesn't seem to need any kind of authorisation to access.
Tried as POST and as cURL and both give the title and the description, but the image is not there.
hey what would it take to fix the Known indieauth plugin?
My goal is to use the RSS feed from bibliogram to trigger a POST or cURL from IFTTT or Zapier.
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Known worked with the form-encoded flow originally and didn't fully do the json flow.
[manton] joined the channel
That doesn't mean anything to me. Sure, I'm out of my depth, but I am trying.
cn1, rMdes, [chrisaldrich], jamietanna, [schmarty], [Rose], [tantek], jamietanna1, seekr, [eddie], tcanRemedy and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Sorry, that was in response to Aaron
[tw2113], [schmarty] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel