#known 2020-11-16

2020-11-16 UTC
[tw2113_Slack_], [chrisaldrich], [Sue_Hanen], [cleverdevil] and [Ian_Forrester] joined the channel
We share in @withknown 's mission for people and organizations to own their own conversations online. Be their own(ed) hubs with @TrailHub1, go #WebNative on the @GETDWeb. #indieweb and #indiedev is the future of software co-created through conversations https://opencollective.com/known https://twitter.com/withknown/status/1148701594424229889
[jgmac1106], [snarfed], [Ana_Rodrigues], [Raphael_Luckom], Gomez, [tantek], [chrisaldrich], jamietanna, [KevinMarks], [antonio] and Wood joined the channel
Wood joined the channel
good morning!
[fluffy], [jgmac1106], [KevinMarks], [Simon_Willison], [snarfed], Gomez and [tantek] joined the channel