#known 2020-11-17

2020-11-17 UTC
test, [chrisaldrich], jeremy, [tw2113_Slack_], supercoven, jamietanna, [KevinMarks], [Rose], [schmarty], [jgmac1106], [Aaron_Klemm], [fluffy], [Jeremy_Keith], [snarfed], jeremych_, [Simon_Willison], [CrowderSoup], [tantek] and CombatVet joined the channel
↩️ The nice thing about micropub is that you can prototype on Wordpress too as an option. There's a good separation of concerns there.
↩️ I'd use micropub as the posting abstraction, as that is well developed and can work across different backends. That way you could separate the UI and backend model. Building on @withknown with a LAMP stack, or a node model using existing libraries if more custom
[jeremyfelt] and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel