LoqiIndieAuth is a way to use your own domain name to sign in to websites — it's like OpenID, but works with services you likely already use, and is much easier to setup https://indieweb.org/IndieAuth
aaronpki've been imagining the OAuth 2 extension spec being named IndieAuth, but am realizing that most people think of IndieAuth as the part that lets you authenticate with twitter/github/etc
schmartyZegnat: my understanding of IndieAuth-the-protocol is that it only requires authorization endpoint for identification, token endpoint for authorization. indieauth.com is an implementation of that which wraps RelMeAuth.
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "IndieAuth-the-building-block and how does it relate to Indieauth-(.com)-the-service and Indieauth-the-protocol" yet. Would you like to create it?
ZegnatIndieAuth is the protocol that allows discovery for an authentication endpoint (and optionally a token endpoint) on any URL, allowing you to sign-in with a URL of your choosing.
ZegnatThough do the IndieAuth authentication and token endpoint follow the oauth2 endpoints exactly? I seem to recall not, which means the two endpoints would also be specced by the IndieAuth protocol?
ZegnatYeah, the discovery is definitely what makes IndieAuth protocol different. But what about the endpoints themselves? I know we mirrored e.g. scope and state on OAuth for selfauth. Is an IndieAuth authentication-endpoint === an OAuth authentication-endpoint?