ZegnatHonestly? All of the WebRTC stuff so far has been working about equal for me. Except for Talky which is the only one that really munched into my data for some reason.
ZegnatI think we have used screenshare at 1 of them so far? While it is really nice to have access to it, I am not sure it is truly a necessity, is all.
ZegnatWe had some issues with tantek with that. Which might have been on Jitsi before switching to appear.in. And I think Lukas and I weren’t able to connect on Talky and appear.in, haven’t seen him on any since.
sknebelquestion is if video is needed - if screenshare isn't used much, at least least week only a few had video even on. I kind of like seeing who I'm talking to, but if mumble means less technical issues...
[renem], jjuran, [kevinmarks], jjuran_, tbbrown and schmarty joined the channel