sl007!tell sebsel et. al - regarding sound : while I know how to adapt my XLR mics to cameras, there is one problem now regarding streaming called "Apple" - I can't see an affordable "input connector" except USB … Would it be better to use a win laptop w. TS stereo plug and analogue mixer ?
Loqisl007: sebsel left you a message 1 week ago: I'll bring my normal photo camera (which takes nice video) + Gorillapod, and my kind of crappy webcam, which has 720p if I recall correctly. And I will bring the ordered Dutch AH-foods, and my laptop.
tantek!tell aaronpk in the "Register" section has prose that says "If you post an RSVP from your site to the event page, " it should say "If you post an RSVP from your site to the event page, " - couldn't find the code for this in github repo
schmartyi was planning to keep it short: "Tickets are now available for IndieWebCamp NYC! The two-day camp will take place at Dalberg Global Development Advisors in Manhattan on September 30th and October 1st. Learn more and register now at"
tantek.comedited /2017/NYC/Planning (-132) "event page and wiki page reviewed, confirmed by another co-organizer and shipped, Leaders Meetup interest list" (view diff)
tantek.comedited /2017/Nuremberg/Schedule (+50) "/* Saturday May 20, 2017 */ use ▶️ instead of the filmcamera emoji because it works in more OS/browsers/devices, add video durations to make links a bit more obvious and easier to click (bigger targets)" (view diff)