#meta 2017-09-02

2017-09-02 UTC
edited /events/2017-09-06-homebrew-website-club (+67) "Added venue and time for Austin."
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[manton], eli_oat, sebsel, EmreSokullu, EmreSoku_ and sl007 joined the channel
sebsel - how is the demo going? - aaronpk fun fact: A guy has published 1st full websub hub for node and he is living near Dortmund https://github.com/hemerajs/websub-hub - just mailed him …
[hemerajs] websub-hub: A WebSub Hub implementation in Node.js
edited /Events (+1194) "/* September */ HWC Berlin on Thursdays, at least throughout September (future tbd)"
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sl007 sorry it's crazy busy atm :( will make good use of the coming week
sebsel: sl007 left you a message 21 hours, 15 minutes ago: et. al - regarding sound : while I know how to adapt my XLR mics to cameras, there is one problem now regarding streaming called "Apple" - I can't see an affordable "input connector" except USB … Would it be better to use a win laptop w. TS stereo plug and analogue mixer ?
I have absolutely no expertise in mics.
[miklb], tantek, [kevinmarks], [tantek] and eli_oat joined the channel