tantek!tell schmarty what do you think of adding "… and have a code of conduct" to the podcast announcements about indieweb events? e.g. "All indieweb events are volunteer run and have a code of conduct."
sl007!tell sebsel We have to chromecast screens at the festival area looping IndieWeb presentations (based on Joshis slides with a node "shoutbox" attached [irc, twitter, webmention etc]) - Q : Would it make sense to "combine" Dortmund Micropub and Websub demo - I mean by a common "subject" ? Also: What do you do thursday?
Loqisebsel: sl007 left you a message 1 day, 2 hours ago: - Awake ;) Good morning. Would it make sense to "combine" DO Micropub and Websub demo - I mean by a common "subject" ?
Loqisebsel: sl007 left you a message 2 hours, 1 minute ago: We have to chromecast screens at the festival area looping IndieWeb presentations (based on Joshis slides with a node "shoutbox" attached [irc, twitter, webmention etc]) - Q : Would it make sense to "combine" Dortmund Micropub and Websub demo - I mean by a common "subject" ? Also: What do you do thursday?
Loqischmarty: tantek left you a message 8 hours ago: what do you think of adding "… and have a code of conduct" to the podcast announcements about indieweb events? e.g. "All indieweb events are volunteer run and have a code of conduct."
LoqiGWG: tantek left you a message 13 minutes ago: good morning, this is your daily reminder as a co-organizer to RSVP to https://2017.indieweb.org/nyc :)
sebseltantek what about following something like /create/Facebook, and have a "Main article: create Facebook" link right above a summary of what it is now on the main page? Then just move all the content to the new page?
tanteksebsel, two things, 1. I really dislike "/" subpages (except for dates / events) as it starts to look very programmery and not user-friendly and 2. I think it's bad to do silo-centric pages
tantekyes /create-event would likely have mostly FB event creation UI - because that's what's been documented so far - however, having it be at that level at least encourages documentation of other event creation UIs (e.g. indieweb event creation UIs)
sl007EmreSokullu tip: make sure to add IWC/HWC events to https://indieweb.org/events (have just done this for Istanbul). Now it will appear in the eMail http://indieweb.org/newsletter and at the Dortmund festival monitors it would show up under "next IWCs" …