#meta 2017-09-05
2017-09-05 UTC
[miklb], tantek, gRegorLove, ben_thatmustbeme, EmreSokullu, IndiePad2, IndiePad3, IndiePad4, IndiePad5, [kevinmarks], IndiePad6, [colinwalker], [pfefferle], sl007, IndiePad7, EmreSoku_, IndiePad1 and EmreSok__ joined the channel
IndiePad1 and eli_oat joined the channel
# edited /2017/Dortmund/Guest_List (+409) "/* Participants */ 2 festival RSVP (one is still "pending")" ( view diff)
[colinwalker], eli_oat, EmreSoku_, [miklb] and sl007 joined the channel
IndiePad2, tantek, sl007, IndiePad3, IndiePad4, [colinwalker], EmreSoku_, [cleverdevil], IndiePad5, [kevinmarks], IndiePad6, tbbrown, IndiePad7, IndiePad8, IndiePad9, jjuran and [manton] joined the channel
EmreSoku_ and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
EmreSoku_, EmreSok__ and tantek joined the channel
[cleverdevil] joined the channel