#meta 2017-09-08

2017-09-08 UTC
tantek, sl007, [jemostrom], [kevinmarks], IndiePad1 and [sebsel] joined the channel
sl007 I got the wrong train. Now at Dusseldorf Lufthafen. I'll get there, but later :(
jeremycherfas, sl007, [pfefferle], [sebsel], IndiePad2 and sknebel joined the channel
Okay, this is not going to be an IndieWebCamp like others. We're just giving information to the random people who walk in now, but that's a thing too.
at least we're in a tent.
What I notice is that it's really hard to sell these building blocks to people. They like what they see, but they want to know what's the next step they can take to get that too.
One kept asking: what's your CMS then? And I thought: yeah, but that is not going to help you.
I gave them Wordpress as advice, but in the train towards this, I tried to set it up myself, and it's not all plug-and-play yet. (although it's really not bad! not criticising!)
sebsel: It needs some UX love
I am not using Wordpress myself, but I would like to share some love if I could :)
tantek, [pfefferle], eli_oat and sl007 joined the channel
Nothing wrong with handing out information, sebsel. Make sure to advertise HWC Berlin / Nürnberg while you are at it, great spots for people to go to get started.
[colinwalker], [kevinmarks], [pfefferle], sl007 and tantek joined the channel
edited /events/2017-09-06-homebrew-website-club (+9) "/* Photos */ comment out extra SF photo til after newsletter since we have a nice HWC Berlin photo this week!"
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sl007, jeremycherfas, [jemostrom], j12t, tantek, j12t_ and j12t__ joined the channel
oh, the newsletter only has a limited number of photos?
sl007 joined the channel
no but the tweet does
j12t_, [cleverdevil], j12t and j12t__ joined the channel
j12t, sl007, j12t_, j12t__, tantek and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
edited /Events (+857) "add dreamhost party"
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gRegorLove and tantek joined the channel
tantek: thx! quite happy with the turnout. not sure what happened there, but not complaining :)
sknebel++ great job!
sknebel has 2 karma in this channel (56 overall)
edited /Events (-120) "sort when Keith's talk is, make the indieweb event about his talk, time, and fragment link (even if their site is js;dr :/)"
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mh, even with JS that link doesn't open the correct modal. no permalinks for talks really is dumb
but consuming code that looks for an element with that frag ID will find it, and even if it just gets the text content inside, that would work
I kinda want to write a speaker's agreement addendum: If site information about the event, talks, speakers requires JS to view, the speaker is granted a CC-by license to republish any/all event site information so that it does not require JS to view.
tinbox << write a speaker's agreement addendum: If site information about the event, talks, speakers requires JS to view, the speaker is granted a CC-by license to republish any/all event site information so that it does not require JS to view.
ok, I added "write a speaker's agreement addendum: If site information about the event, talks, speakers requires JS to view, the speaker is granted a CC-by license to republish any/all event site information so that it does not require JS to view." to the "See Also" section of /tinbox
just seeing sebsel's comments about "really hard to sell these building blocks to people" - I'm a bit confused by that
building blocks are the how, not the why
!tell sebsel could you summarize what the challenges were that you experienced when trying to setup WordPress yourself? That's super useful information for improving the WP get started experience
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
sl007 joined the channel
tantek, I am thinking of having a partial hack day for the Indieweb plugin tomorrow
[cleverdevil] joined the channel