#meta 2017-09-09

2017-09-09 UTC
j12t and tantek joined the channel
tantek Yes, the building blocks are the how, and not the why. I explained what I did and why, and I explained what I used to accomplish it (the building blocks). But as we discussed earlier in the context of generations: they understand the why, they see that the building blocks are cool, but I have no way to give them to them, because they can't code them themselves and there is no one button or CMS to use for it.
sebsel: tantek left you a message 10 hours, 37 minutes ago: could you summarize what the challenges were that you experienced when trying to setup WordPress yourself? That's super useful information for improving the WP get started experience
I tried the WordPress-one-button-route, and I was amazed by what is did, but at some point, I got stuck. I had a discussion about it with GWG in #indieweb-wordpress already, but happy to provide more info.
So what I mean is that the why is easy to sell, but the building blocks are hard to give to those people. They are not satisfied with that, because they can't use them yet.
sl007, [kevinmarks], [colinwalker] and jeremycherfas joined the channel
edited /Events (+61) "/* February */"
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The question sebsel describes 8th september were asked again and again.
[kevinmarks] and sl007 joined the channel
sl007: you mean the one on how to use the tech? Or just the question "what is your CMS?"?
sl007 joined the channel
sl007: we have some sponsorship info here https://indieweb.org/how-to-sponsor
i give that PDF to companies who want that sort of thing
tho ultimately the best way for a company to sponsor an event is to just buy the food/drink themselves and have it delivered, or offer/pay for the venue
What I know about EU sponsorships locally here is that you usually just have to pitch them your ideas with an official plan that they then get behind or not. Not sure that is a case worth addressing with one fixed document, sl007.
Do you have any idea what they wanted from you?
sl007 joined the channel
aaronpk : I know that page : my question was more regarding the political influence of the EU and if that is ok. I would be pro because it is not a "government" and not the "EU parliament" but the EU Council …
sl007 joined the channel
sorry - somebody stumpled about the fiber cable in the grass again ...
Question above -> this was why I choosed the main channel -> Festival's Internet will maybe switched of soon.
ben_thatmustbeme and sl007 joined the channel
Zegnat what do you think
!tell sl007 sponsors have to abide by the code of conduct (https://indieweb.org/code-of-conduct) and it doesn’t rule out politics. It only specified to be respectful about it.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell sl007 I do believe that if they want to push political issues that would be wrong (less respect), if the eu tech body want to preach privacy and progression, let them.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
edited /Events (+34) "/* October */ mozfest: tracking link for session proposal"
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edited /Events (-235) "/* September */"
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sl007 joined the channel