#tantekschmarty: how useful have you found it to have a separate @HWCBaltimore account? do you think we should create one per city?
#schmartytantek: still testing the waters. i have been considering moving more of the HWC Baltimore presence out of my personal streams to make them feel more "official" and (eventually) encourage co-organizers to do some posting.
#schmartyin terms of twitter, i like having the separate account because the shorthand of "@HWCBaltimore" saves so many characters over "Homebrew Website Club Baltimore", haha
#tantekschmarty - perhaps capture those thoughts on a "Twitter Accounts" section on /HWC ? I think there are a few others, @HWCLondon for example
#tantekand perhaps aaronpk and I should create accounts for PDX and SF
#schmartyi've been thinking of beefing up indieweb.org/Baltimore as the "home" of HWC Baltimore. need to chat w/ my usual co-organizer but he's traveling at the moment.