benwerd, tantek, [miklb], strugee, [colinwalker], agn1, [kevinmarks], jeremycherfas, sl007, eli_oat, [eddie] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
#[chrisaldrich]Just noticing that the /rel-me page has a red link for /building_block despite the fact that there's a page for it... Perhaps it redlinks because that page redirects to a Category page? Anyone have an idea why this quirk exists?
#aaronpkit links to "building-block" which just isn't a page
#Zegnatcalumryan I'd love to meet up tomorrow! voxpelli is also on the list for Leaders Summit, maybe he is in town already as well?
#tantekwhat time is the leader's summit and is there any chance of very early morning remote participation from the US?
#calumryanZegnat: maybe there’s a quiet coffeeshop somewhere in the morning. Where about in Berlin will you be?
benwerd joined the channel
#voxpelliZegnat: oh, am I on the list for that? because I won’t make it this time around
#voxpelliHaven’t been able to focus on anything indieweb lately
[miklb] joined the channel
#Zegnatvoxpelli, yeah, I think you were still on the list to be on-site for the Leaders Summit tomorrow
#Zegnatcalumryan, I am with sknebel in Potsdam. We have yet to plan exactly when we are heading for Berlin tomorrow.
#sknebelcalumryan: we'll likely meet up at least in the evening with sgreger and flo, but we'll keep you updated if we do something earlier in Berlin. how do we reach you best, e-mail, twitter, ...?
#ZegnatI'll note down your number calumryan, worst case we sent you a text when heading into the city :)
#sknebel!tell tantek even of the people on-site not everyone has time and we don't have a remote-friendly space, so it will just a bunch of us meeting up it seems