tantek, gRegorLove and [tantek] joined the channel
#[tantek]Any news from manton on IWC Austin venue?
#Loqi[tantek]: sknebel left you a message 2 hours, 30 minutes ago: even of the people on-site not everyone has time and we don't have a remote-friendly space, so it will just a bunch of us meeting up it seems
#[tantek]And did I see that aaronpk has booked flights?
#tantekhow are things in Berlin? any leaders meeting up somewhere with wifi?
jjuran, [kevinmarks], [eddie], calumryan_ and calumryan joined the channel
#calumryanhi tantek don’t think that’s happening, meeting for drinks and food tonight I think. Can note anything discussed but probably not suitable wifi for a stream.
#tantekonly two photos out of 6 HWCs? that seems odd
#tantekdid all those HWC actually happen? Nurnberg? Brighton, Frederick?
#tantekanyone on vHWC get a screenshot of participants?
#tantekhmm we didn't capture the Gothamist etc. site-death this week
#tantekthat seems significant especially because it was so sudden and unannounced
[eddie] joined the channel
#[eddie]Frederick was a party of 1 ? So I didn't bother with a photo. With the holidays coming up, and not gaining very much traction I'm gonna suspend the Frederick meetings until I can meet more people in the area to be able to stabilize it a bit more. Until then, I'll just continue my occasional trips into Baltimore to see schmarty and the gang
#[eddie]I'm gonna move it into the "Needs Restarting" category on the HWC page
#tantek[eddie] sounds like a good plan, thanks for keep up with it!
#tantekhey schmarty, with so many podcasts in the newsletter itself, does it makes sense, or is there a way to make the newsletter itself a podcast?
#tantekcan I subscribe to the newsletter in a podcast player and have it auto-play all the audio in the newsletter in the order that they're in in the newsletter?
#aaronpkthe way it sends the email is it replaces the "rss feed" every week, and mailchimp is set to email out when a new item appears in the RSS feed
#aaronpkit wouldn't be hard to have this also generate a separate RSS feed for just the items in the podcast section, so that you could subscribe to that in a podcast player
#tantekcan a single RSS item have multiple enclosures?
#Loqireal-time comments are the display of comments on a view of a post (typically on its permalink) as they are received by the post (presumably via webmention), without needing any explicit user reloading, refreshing, or any other tapping/clicking etc https://indieweb.org/real-time_comments