#meta 2018-04-01

2018-04-01 UTC
[kevinmarks], jjuran, AngeloGladding, j12t, chrisaldrich, [tantek], jacky, tantek, [jeremycherfas], [grib], jeremycherfas, jeremych_, [miklb], [snarfed], symon1 and davy__ joined the channel
[jeremycherfas]: agreed about absorbing things, however the trade-off is plumbing discussions tend to scare away folks who see too few words they recognize
we've seen a few tweets / posts about that recently, can't recall the URLs right now
point being, it takes explicit work to make the main #indieweb channel as welcoming as possible to newcomers, and moving plumbing / programming talk is something all of us who have been here a while can help do
and yes, sometimes any of us can need reminding
[kevinmarks] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
I'm in full agreement with you, and a healthy <cough> can work wonders.
As an inexpert user of IRC, is it conventionally useful to copy over a link to the original message in which ever channel?
i'd say that's useful if there's enough discussion in the other channel that the new channel might be lacking context
aaronpk: tantek left you a message 1 day, 12 hours ago: this looks like an inappropriate lol from Loqi: https://chat.indieweb.org/2018-03-30/1522380766627800 - perhaps match a whitespace after "haha" ?
helps link up the discussion in the logs later
(fixed that haha btw)
Right. And I know we've chatted about this before, but the fact that /chat is not logged means if anything there should be preserved, it ought to me moved elsewhere, possibly here, right?
yeah basically repeat or summarize the thread in a logged channel if moving the conversation from -chat
I'll try ...
tantek, j12t, [snarfed], [Vanessa], [chrisaldrich], jacky, chrisaldrich, [kevinmarks] and [miklb] joined the channel