Loqichrisaldrich: tantek left you a message 1 week, 5 days ago: feels like a timely week to organize an ad hoc HWC LA - lots of folks you're chatting with would likely be interested
Loqichrisaldrich: tantek left you a message 1 week ago: how does it look for a monthly regular HWC LA / Pasadena meetup? If you picked something like "first Wednesday" might make it more predictable and get folks to start showing up regularly.
Loqichrisaldrich: tantek left you a message 1 week, 5 days ago: feels like a timely week to organize an ad hoc HWC LA - lots of folks you're chatting with would likely be interested
Loqichrisaldrich: tantek left you a message 1 week ago: how does it look for a monthly regular HWC LA / Pasadena meetup? If you picked something like "first Wednesday" might make it more predictable and get folks to start showing up regularly.
[chrisaldrich]tantek, hopefully we'll get some more regular meetings in LA as several of my weekday evenings are clearing up from long-standing other evening meetings!
[eddie][chrisaldrich] adding the brackets used to work. Then Slack updated their API so that you only get mentioned if you use the user'd id reference. So the IRC client would have to store the Slack user id's (numeric ids) in the bridge, and then convert the username in brackets to the slack numeric user id which would then turn it back into the slack @-mention with proper notification support
chrisaldrichGWG, we're still working on it. I just got another potential lead last Friday that I need to follow up on this week. My west side connections have been dragging their feet...
chrisaldrichI'll note that my own web-based mentions didn't ping me in Slack previously, but Eddie's mention just now did. I did change a few settings, so perhaps that made the difference?
LoqiOpen Domains Lab is a “space” created as part of the A Domain of One's Own project at St Norbert College that encourages people with domains to work alongside each other physically or virtually to improve their web presences https://indieweb.org/Open_Domains_Lab
schmartytantek: thanks for the ping! i created pages for the next HWC Baltimore. we're still off-cycle for a bit, partly because of the snow bump last time, but also because my April is kind of whack.