LoqiSlack is a closed-source team communication tool similar to IRC but with expanding support for various types of content such as emoji polls, inline images, and attachments https://indieweb.org/Slack
tantekSlack << 2018-04-02 John O'Nolan: [https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/980872508395188224.html After 4 years of running a 11,000 member public Slack community ... we’ve decided to shut the whole thing down for good.] - thread unrolled. Criticism: scaling limits.
Loqiok, I added "2018-04-02 John O'Nolan: [https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/980872508395188224.html After 4 years of running a 11,000 member public Slack community ... we’ve decided to shut the whole thing down for good.] - thread unrolled. Criticism: scaling limits." to the "See Also" section of /Slack
LoqiMySpace was a popular social networking site in the 2000s that relaunched in 2013 as a music listening service with social aspects https://indieweb.org/MySpace
LoqiPinterest is a visual bookmark hosting silo where users "pin" (bookmark), or "repin" (repost a bookmark of) a page with a specific image from that page to a "pinboard" (named bookmark collection) and follow other users and/or pinboards created by others https://indieweb.org/Pinterest
LoqiReddit is a link aggregator and bulletin board site where community members may submit links and text posts, vote on the submitted entries, and post comments on them https://indieweb.org/Reddit
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "Sina Weibo" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Sina Weibo is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "Tencent Weibo" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Tencent Weibo is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiMeetup.com is an event silo for creating and/or finding small gatherings in your local community who share your interests, sometimes used by some Homebrew Website Club cities to organize local HWC meetups, acquired in 2017 by WeWork https://indieweb.org/Meetup
Loqi[Aaron Parecki] wow @meetup, classy. Removing a group's list of sponsors that you used to show on the meetup page, then charging them $30/month to add the sponsor section back? Yeah I'm not gonna play this game.
Loqi[skippy] i may be in the minority here, but I find the loqi content in here very disruptive to the conversation. :( i dont want to completely ignore loqi, because then i might miss out on !tell messages left for me. :(
[miklb]I think the decision to move the Loqi edits out of the main channel was a good idea and now that there is so much dev talk, I’d agree moving them again would be good.
aaronpkone of the reasons I didn't make all the `<<` edits minor edits is I wanted the confirmation that the wiki edit happened since I was worried there might be a glitch with the wiki editing code
Loqi[beders] Another site that is doing their marketing all wrong.
My Dad couldn't give a rat's ass if the network was 'Decentralized' or that 'Relationships can be made across any compatible system'
All he wants is see pictures of his grand daughters and post fu...
[chrisaldrich], j12t, [jjdelc], [miklb], Kongaloosh, [gerwitz], [sdepolo], [kevinmarks], [kaushal_modi], tantek and [colinwalker] joined the channel; skippy left the channel