2018-05-01 UTC
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
eli_oat and [unoabraham] joined the channel
# 00:55 tantek pretty sure [jgmac1106] is in PDT or at least US timezones
# 01:02 tantek looks like there is no 516 error, and 530 is proprietary (though means "Frozen" so we could have some fun with that)
# 01:04 tantek uh, I don't think it was John Connor who went back in time
# 01:07 GWG I was always more of a Back to the Future person
# 01:16 GWG I suddenly want to watch Back to the Future.
# 01:16 [jgmac1106] I am wrong, shamed in my Terminator knowledge, Connor the spawn Kyle Reese the dad
# 01:16 tantek checked the various films on Wikipedia to make sure that Connor never did in fact go back
# 01:19 [jgmac1106] no he did not. @Guy I was talking to always drops Skynet references I wish I said go all John Connor on him and send Kyle Reese back to 1996. Was trying to also draw reference to the last principle
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 01:26 tantek schmarty I'm going to assume Bmore is meeting Tuesdays on regular HWC weeks the rest of May
[snarfed] joined the channel
[tantek], jgmac1106 and eli_oat joined the channel
# 02:08 aaronpk yes! I need to do an official announcement blog post about it but it's a go
# 02:09 tantek looks like we have 6/28 off in between IWS and OSBridge
# 02:12 tantek if OSBridge folks have Elliot Center - we could do a cross-over day
# 02:15 aaronpk OSBridge isn't doing anything officially for thursday, but i'm not sure what the deal is with the space
# 02:15 tantek I'm also ok with taking a day off between the two
# 02:15 tantek maybe we can suggest a breakfast meetup and a happy hour event to sync people up
# 02:19 aaronpk oh I didn't see their blog post yet, just their email
# 02:19 aaronpk I will ask them to update that to 2018.indieweb.org
# 02:20 tantek please do that AFTER you've blogged about it for the indieweb community
# 02:21 tantek would prefer that folks in the community get a chance to sign-up
# 02:21 tantek since we have even more limited space than OSBridge (which is already noting are limited to 200 for their BarCamp day on Friday)
# 02:22 aaronpk we can fit way more this year than last year, the last thing i'm worried about is filling up
# 02:23 aaronpk you know the room that osbridge uses for their main un-scheduled area with tables and all the activities? that's our main room
# 02:24 tantek still - I think it's better to blog it here as being official before having others link to it for sign-ups
# 02:24 aaronpk i'm gonna have to double check but I think two classrooms on the first floor, plus that big room can be split into two
# 02:27 tantek that would be good - to have four discussion rooms
# 02:27 tantek especially if we can split up the main room so it "disappears" during the "breakout" sessions
# 02:27 tantek otherwise there tends to be some "main room" inertia
# 02:27 aaronpk yea we should be able to pull the wall out and turn it into two equal sized rooms
# 02:39 tantek aaronpk, any chance that donutjs is going to be Tuesday night June 26?
# 02:40 tantek also are we charging $10 for IWS non-indie-rsvps?
# 02:41 tantek and thus could we do a ticket swap promo? tickets to either get you into the other?
eli_oat joined the channel
# 02:58 tantek want to ping the XOXO folks and see if they want to organize an informal XOXO meetup on Thursday?
# 02:58 tantek then we could have a full week Indie Open Web Source Creatives Festival!
# 03:00 tantek also this is making me want to book my hotel ASAP
[John], [tantek], chrisaldrich, [chrisaldrich], [jgmac1106], tomasparks, tantek and [unoabraham] joined the channel
# 04:39 river.cat created /User:River.cat (+239) "Created page with "I am currently working on my homepage, built in Ruby on Rails. Previously I used Jekyll, but I wanted something with which I could do access control for friends only posts and..."" (
view diff )
tantek and swentel joined the channel
[unoabraham] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas], jeremycherfas, [unoabraham], [jgmac1106], [snarfed] and [John] joined the channel
eli_oat, kaushalmodi and jgmac1106_ joined the channel
# 14:57 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
tantek joined the channel
# 15:01 Zegnat That's actually a question on the leaders page, petermolnar.
[miklb] joined the channel
# 15:35 aaronpk Worth talking about at this year's leaders summit
# 15:35 tantek domain access or community infrastructure bus factors in general?
# 15:36 tantek aaronpk, perhaps related, similar challenges with microformats.org
# 15:36 Zegnat Should have started the "interested" section, but forgot.
# 15:36 aaronpk And notice that that post says they're working with an existing organization to handle those things going forward
# 15:37 tantek well re: github and freenode we have multiple admins for those common resources so we're covered there
# 15:37 aaronpk But at least as a separate legal organization there is then the ability to share and recover things like a GitHub org
# 15:38 tantek not sure aaronpk, I think that just moves the bus factor to that "non profit org"
# 15:38 tantek and as we all know from site-deaths, orgs die all the time
# 15:39 tantek so I don't actually believe that makes it any more "reliable" or "robust"
# 15:39 tantek petermolnar: sort of. email contacts for the domain can be aliases that forward to multiple people
[schmarty] joined the channel
# 15:39 petermolnar tantek: orgs can have multiple people with "sign" power, eg. a proxy to handle problems like this
# 15:40 aaronpk There are a few different contact types listed in the Whois for a domain but I'm not sure which are considered to be owners
# 15:40 tantek petermolnar: as soon as you make it a "legal" thing it costs much more, and thus is more vulnerable to dying over time (those costs are periodic over time)
# 15:40 tantek then sharing access to a specific DNS provider account solves that
[jonathanprozzi] joined the channel
# 15:40 Zegnat The problem with GitHub orgs is that there is no way to see who actually is the admin. There was a bit of that when I asked who could grant me access to the php-mf2 repo on the microformats org. Lots of members are hidden, so who do you contact?
# 15:41 tantek right, a simpler hack of a technical solution is cheaper, and does not introduce another layer of abstraction (another org) which itself is vulnerable in likely more opaque ways
# 15:41 tantek note that they didn't even name or link to that non profit org
# 15:42 tantek which means even they are not confident enough in it to name it
# 15:42 tantek this is the common "add a layer of abstraction" error
# 15:43 tantek whereby adding a layer of abstraction looks like it solves the problem, because it moves the problem to somewhere more opaque
# 15:43 tantek developers do it all the time with frameworks, APIs etc.
# 15:43 tantek and yes, people do it with delegating things to orgs
Jeena joined the channel
# 15:46 [jgmac1106] Orgs come with defined leaders rather than porous leadership opportunities. I think that can be problematic as well
# 15:46 Jeena Ok, I think I get it a little bit, but it seems like Zegnat said that not all slack people show up, I tried to tab for [manton] and it didn't work
# 15:46 Jeena but that might be because he is not online or something?
# 15:47 Zegnat A separate IRC connection is opened for a slack user when they send a message. But those bots don't stick around indefinitely
# 15:47 Zegnat Also means their first message comes with a delay.
# 15:50 Loqi [aaronpk] Slack-IRC-Gateway: Bridge Slack rooms to IRC channels
# 15:52 Jeena I'd like to know where aaronpk gets his time from to implement such a huge amount of different tools and things
# 15:54 Zegnat I am on the fence between him using a time turner or owning a TARDIS.
# 16:00 tantek see also: breaking things down into small problems to solve one at a time
# 16:03 Jeena I mean forking is a good option but takes a lot of effort to get everyone on board with the new name
# 16:03 Zegnat Possibly. We were actually discussing that above.
# 16:03 Zegnat There is an item on the agenda for the leaders summit to discuss it.
# 16:04 Zegnat Quick, organise some HWC and join the leaders summit remotely, Jeena! ;-)
# 16:06 Loqi [indieweb] microformats-ruby: A Ruby gem to parse HTML containing one or more microformats and microformats2 and return a collection of dynamically defined Ruby objects, a Ruby hash or a JSON hash.
# 16:10 Zegnat I can probably travel to Gothenburg for free next week on Thursday and Friday, because of Ascension Day. But that might not suit a HWC, Jeena? ;-)
# 16:10 Jeena isn't thursday a red day and friday a klemmdag?
# 16:11 Jeena ah hehe Ascension Day is the name of that day in english
# 16:13 Jeena when Jesus left the earth and ascended to heaven I guess
# 16:13 Zegnat I don't know. I only know my brother doesn't have school in Gothenburg so I can use his travel card those days. I have been brought up extremely heathen and know not what any of these days are about.
# 16:14 Zegnat I had to Google the English name of the day, so take that with a grain of salt.
# 16:16 Jeena About a HWC on those days, yeah I'm not sure, I am taking the friday off so I might be on vaccation somewhere
# 16:19 Zegnat I am hoping they'll have me travel there sooner for job application anyway. Just thought I'd throw the option out there.
[Thom_M] joined the channel
# 17:02 Loqi App likely refers to native app, typically a less functional version of a web site that is usually restricted to one or more proprietary platforms, but may also refer to the .app top level domain https://indieweb.org/app
# 17:03 tantek aaronpk note that there is a /.app page yet Loqi shows the /app page for that query. Not sure how much work that would be to fix.
[eddie] joined the channel
# 17:13 [eddie] “Less functional version of a website?” I think that while sometimes being true is not ALWAYS true
# 17:15 Loqi A snarkinition is a portmanteau of (and meaning both) snarky and definition, often used to start wikifying a technology or piece of jargon which is not necessarily well regarded, sometimes as an implicit challenge to advocates to step-up and say why otherwise https://indieweb.org/snarkinition
# 17:21 tantek [eddie], given that nearly every media etc. rando site has a less functional "app" version (usually they screw up copy/paste, URLs, etc.) these days, the "typically" statement is accurate
# 17:22 tantek we could also add how apps typically ask for far more privacy violating device permissions
# 17:23 Zegnat On the other hand, a lot of public transit websites need a bajillion js libraries to tell me when the next bus goes. Those apps are a lot smoother in my experience
# 17:24 tantek Zegnat public transit websites are definitely an area due for a global improvement
# 17:25 tantek the one here (bay area?) is called nextbus / nextmuni.com and has both JS SPA version and permalinks for particular route-direction-stop
# 17:25 tantek (which work server-side, then update client-side)
swentel, AngeloGladding, [miklb] and swentel_ joined the channel
jgmac1106__, [Thom_M], sebsel, jgmac1106_, [jgmac1106] and vivus joined the channel; vivus left the channel
[colinwalker], [chrisaldrich] and [Thom_M] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 21:07 [chrisaldrich] wonders why Zegnat hasn't put his pen-case data into his massive h-card? For me the pens and pencils you use = true identity.
[ryan339] joined the channel
# 21:08 Zegnat Maybe I’ll make it a nested h-review of my favourite pen
# 21:10 Zegnat If you do document it, [chrisaldrich], be sure to send me a webmention (like sebsel did) so I can link to you from the page :D
# 21:15 Zegnat This is going to require a whole new redesign of my h-card!
# 21:22 grantcodes aaronpk: any update on that mediawiki plugin? Not that there's any rush
tantek and [snarfed] joined the channel; Jeena left the channel
eli_oat joined the channel
# 22:44 schmarty grantcodes, [eddie], [jonathanprozzi] , maryreisenwitz.com, bouhmad.com, and myself.
tantek, [cleverdevil], [manton], [Thom_M] and eli_oat joined the channel