aaronpkI just replaced the login mechanism of webmention.rocks with indielogin.com. If you have your own authorization endpoint, you won't notice anything different. but now it will also work with twitter/github relmeauth.
LoqiThe Leaders Summit is a half-day of activities and sessions before IndieWeb Summit 2017, for everyone who has co-organized an IndieWebCamp in the past two years or at least two Homebrew Website Club meetups with at least one meetup photo https://indieweb.org/leaders_summit
LoqiThe Leaders Summit is a half-day of activities and sessions before IndieWeb Summit 2018, for everyone who has co-organized an IndieWebCamp in the past two years or at least two Homebrew Website Club meetups with at least one meetup photo https://indieweb.org/leaders_summit
tantek.comedited /2018/Leaders () "(-4580) delete hollow copy/pastes from 2017, note a couple of likely proposers, rename "centralisation" to "IndieWeb Community Infrastructure" to more accurately reflect the topic" (view diff)
ZegnatYep. But the “also” in that first sentence refered specifically to GWGs point. Which was removed, and which I also thought to be about orgs. I have a small internal debate whether it is worth going in and removing the word “also”, hehe
jgmac1106may want to consider adding off-record. Please do not quote without permssion to description in the indieweb-chat Slack channel. New communitied members may not catch the nuance that it is only channel not archived
[jgmac1106], jgmac1106_ and [matthilt] joined the channel
[matthilt]I use Microsoft's Azure cloud platform to host my site and some other services. I have a fixed cost I can spend each month there. I was goofing around and spent all the money early so MS has kindly turned all of my services off. Its my fault really. I just should have planned better.
[jgmac1106]I will keep a look out and try and share it with folks I know in Redmond, but I find asking for things nicely in Twitter gets you free stuff.
[jgmac1106]Plus you can always find extra free credits some where. I think my last free year of credit came from a code ai found in a reddit thread for Brazilian start ups
jeremycherfasOne thing I didn't ask you to clarify was the difference between authorization and authenticatioon. It seems to me that a lot of what indieauth and selfauth and indielogin are doing is authetication. I am authentically who I say I am.
tantekaaronpk would you consider "just" a password to be authn or authz then? I thought it was authz (since knowing *just* a password says nothing about identity)
aaronpkalso this train of thought is a fun brain teaser but is not helpful for people who want to understand how things like quill or micropub clients work
aaronpkin the indieweb context, when you log in to an app or website that is not your own site, you are both providing it your identity and proving that
tantekwrong reasoning - anything about safety / blocking / banning needs to be treated *differently*, more urgently, than it's apparent (especially self-experienced) experience would imply
aaronpkand the simplest version of that is authz is used to give apps access to do stuff with your website, and authn is saying who you are which is most commonly used when logging in to sites
ZegnatLogin/signin to me: whenever there is a form I have to put something into, and a button to press to then get (or not get) access based on what I put in the form
ZegnatI am just saying that the visual of a form that gives access is what I call a login. And that no matter what word you put above it, that’s my instinct. Wondered if aaronpk might have the same idea, as he doesn’t see a meaningful difference either
ZegnatHmm. Don’t think I follow. Which aspect am I not seeing? I am probably blind to it in this conversation as much as I am blind to it on the web then :/
ZegnatInteresting. Whether I have to create an account or can use an existing count (from silo / OpenID / IndieAuth) is all the same to me, I guess. Which is why that never registers for me, probably.
jeremycherfasAll I know is that when I get to create an account and I'm offered login/signup with Facebook or Twitter, I look extra hard for the one that allows me to use my email.
Loqi[superfeedr] "I documented the WordPress plugins I adopted in January when I started shooting for IndieWeb adoption and started my microblogging journey. It seems to work pretty well but give this post a read if you want to see what I did or are willing to educate me on what to change." by Ron on 2018-05-02 https://ron.theguests.us/2018/05/02/1401/
LoqiAn RSVP is a reply to an event post that says whether the sender is or is not attending, might attend, or is just interested in the event https://indieweb.org/rsvp
Loqi[superfeedr] "The registration page for the upcoming IndieWebSummit from June 26-27, 2018 in Portland is now up. Whether you’re just starting your first website or building bleeding edge web applications, this is the place to be. RSVP now! #Indieweb #BarCamp If you’re game for an extended trip, I’ll note that it’s right after Open Source Bridge (@OSBridge) … Continue reading """ by Chris Aldrich on 2018-05-02 http://boffosocko.com/2018/05/02/registration-for-indiewebsummit-2018/
LoqiThe phrase Federated Social Web is an early 2010s phrase that historically referred to several things, including federation with social standards, the Federated Social Web Summit event(s), and 2010-era social web efforts https://indieweb.org/FSW