belengar.eucreated / (+908) "Created page with "= Belén García de Pablos = Directivo en la Asociación de Ingenieros Navales y Oceánicos de España. I have 14 years of experience mainly in management and team leadership..."" (view diff)
rivercatHello, I'm planning to go to the IndieWeb camp in Düsseldorf, but I still need to find somewhere to stay. Does anyone know of a couchsurfing possibility?
sknebelrivercat: I think your best bet would be to tweet at @jkphl (the main organizer) and ask him to retweet your request. not many of the attendees hang around IRC
sebsel, [davidmead], tantek, AngeloGladding, [jgmac1106], vivus, [deeden] and [tantek] joined the channel
jmac(OK looking deeper at it and it's a comment with a whole wiki page created in its support and that's cool. But that's different from "Hello Famous Internet Mans Anil Dash, maybe you should check this stuff out")
jmacSo I wanna write a summary blog post of my observations and hunches after three months hanging around IW, and I wanna not embarrass myself with my ignorance...
jmacAm I correct that there's no central organization for IW? Like, if I wanted to talk to IW's press agent, or donate $1,000 towards developing IW standards, that's... not really a thing at this juncture, right?
jmacLooking at Does that red-bordered header at the top mean this group wrapped up operations in February? (The presence of meeting minutes after this date would seem to disagree with that?)