[chrisaldrich]tantek, on the Federated Web/Fediverse question, we should definitely have something. Many of us here have one or more accounts in many of those spaces and several in those areas are either here or aware. Then there's work like Fed Bridgy which could potentially tie pieces together into a larger whole.
[chrisaldrich]I think we've also got pages on most of the software that comprises the Fediverse or related tech, we should have some top level page to tie things together and be welcoming to those who want to participate.
aaronpkhm this is not true "will see an incoming webmention as a non-sequitur and content-free HTTP request, and ignore it.", a misunderstanding of webmention
tantekand re: "IndieWeb has proven itself ready for a far more public debut" - not until we have something that the "far more public" can easily adopt (Generation 4 here: indieweb.org/Generations
tantekanything formal like a "non-profit organization" creates even more of a recurring admin-tax/time-tax that will inevitably harm the productivity of volunteers
jmacI dig the generations thing, and I suppose my point is that it'll take some extra organizational to cross the next generational boundary. I don't dictate who the oompher will be or what form it should take. But I do feel there's some readiness there
tantekwe've been able to do most of this without a formal org: "central and easily-discoverable points for public communication and social media, and it can accept donations and sell branded merchandise."
tantekspeaking of which aaronpk, should we start thinking of t-shirts (maybe in a new color?) for IWS, perhaps a short run of microformats shirts too assuming I can get the logo files?
aaronpkwe don't have anything someone can give significant amounts of money to or allocate in meaningful ways. right now we're basically covering costs either by having sponsors pay the costs directly or running things through me
tantek"to start truly effecting change on the world" we need Gen4 ready solutions, that, much more than anything organizationsl / bureucratic, will make a difference
tantekThe other advantage of being more "under the radar" is that we are less likely to be the attention of attackers, griefers, trolls etc. (since they have more public targets to attack). It buys us time to continue solidfying what we have, and broadening our appeal
tantekand certainly welcome your "pledge to help however I can, and I begin with this note of encouragement borne on equal parts hope, personal excitement, and benevolent impatience"!
jmacIn all seriousness I have learned a LOT about running a charitable technology foundation over the last couple years, and having said my piece on that please consider me a knowledge-resource there.
tantekone (real) concern I have is with (actual) Nazis on Twitter using a giant swastika in their avatar and then that showing up in a facepile or list of RSVPs *on my site*
tanteksgreger++ for coming up with the pixelation solution to apparent GDPR concerns, because I think it has solved another problem! (abuse from unknown users)