jmacNate Cull's attitude on Twitter is admittedly rather more acid than I would have employed, but it does back up my observation that literally nobody I know outside of these IRC channels (and the one blogger I follow who got me into it) has heard of IndieWeb. I can totally respect the notion that the hackers need to work in monastic peace, but boy howdy there is a visibility problem. I dunno, maybe the solution is to set up a separate IndieWeb Ombudsman
aaronpkIt strikes me as arrogant to say that a group that has been running public events in cities all over the world for the past 7 years whose members are part of many other groups including the W3C, as well as giving talks at many conferences is somehow sitting in obscurity
jmacI'm sorry, I don't mean to deny or diminish all the work you and the rest of the group has accomplished (and which has been cycling around in my brain for months now). All I really mean to express is the surprise I felt to discover this amazing thing that's been happening where I couldn't see it for years, and then seeing that reaction again and again among my colleagues in the months since when I bring it up
[tantek]Jmac it’s ok. The dev world is obsessed with so much cargo cult nonsense from blockchain to “everything must be an app”, and the web dev world is similarly obsessed with the JS framework / loader / component model du jour that it’s nearly pointless to try to fight all that hype with actual practical things
[tantek]In general folks on this community have found that what works is gettin stuff working for themselves that they can incorporate into daily use, and then iterating on that. That’s helped indieweb grow steadily, calmly, and organically