LoqiIndieWeb Summit 2018 is June 26-27, 2018 in Portland, Oregon; the eighth annual gathering for independent web creators of all kinds, graphic artists, designers, UX engineers, coders, hackers, to share ideas, create & improve their personal websites, and build upon each others creations https://indieweb.org/2018
tantekgreat chance to propose / facitlitate discussion sessions about anything indieweb including reaching a broader audience and I'm sure there will be others interested
jmacI needed to decline this year's mid-June Perl conference due to vacation conflicts, but thought that that might be a suitable fill-in... i gotta price it out
jmacIf you tell anyone who lives in NYC that you got a great AirBnB you will get insta-lectured though. In my experience. (Except for the person hosting you.)
tantekaaronpk, I noticed that 2018.indieweb doesn't have the " Contribute to the Travel Assistance Fund " like we did in 2016 - do you think we could add that? I'd like to see us reach out and help folks who can't otherwise make it like we did in 2016
ZegnatCould very well be “organisational”. Last time in Berlin, streaming wasn’t planned in advance and only because Stefan of Contentful (venue sponsor) was attending were we able to set-up a last minute live connection.
aaronpktantek: I didn't think we have enough time to put that together since registration went up so late. Also that needs someone dedicated to running that program for it to work, and I don't have time to do that.
aaronpkI'm other words I'm not comfortable just putting up a call for donations unless there is someone dedicated to doing the outreach to find people to use the money
LoqiOpen Source Bridge (AKA OSBridge) is an annual open source conference in Portland Oregon where many indieweb talks have been given over the years, and the event which served as an anchor for the immediately adjacent very first IndieWebCamp in 2011 https://indieweb.org/OSBridge
wolkenbruch.netcreated /Template:alexk (+175) "Created page with "'''<dfn>Alexander Kulbartsch</dfn>''' first joined IndieWebCamp 2018. The project I started there was [[projects#gopost]] to make parallel posts to different social networks."" (view diff)
wolkenbruch.netcreated /User:Alexk (+175) "Created page with "'''<dfn>Alexander Kulbartsch</dfn>''' first joined IndieWebCamp 2018. The project I started there was [[projects#gopost]] to make parallel posts to different social networks."" (view diff)