#Loqi[superfeedr] "“What up, Colin I dig this post” “Third person is how we sound smarterest (Walker, 2016)” “The best approach..." by Greg McVerry on 2018-05-23 https://jgregorymcverry.com/2858-2/
#tantekGWG, we can only reduce the friction, not eliminate it
#GWGI think I'm close to a minimally acceptable level of friction
#jgmac1106well thanks to both of you for keeping the gears well oiled
#tantekthe interesting thing is, if you succeed, eventually you will find something else to improve :)
#tantekjgmac1106: I have prioritized exploring the UX of presenting various post types, and the UX / design / microcopy of POSSEing various post types to various silos
#tantekbecause I feel that is more important (more people reading my site than writing it), and solving those kinds of UX problems are "hard problems" that I can help with to advance the state of the art on the indieweb
#jgmac1106have you seen my spreadsheet? That is all I have been doing
#jgmac1106I want to connect a spreadsheet, to screnshots of POSSE and wesbite (WordPress) and then to the way the post gets marked up
#jgmac1106but I quickly discovered in Wordpress screnshots of POSSE and wesbite (WordPress) and then to the way the post gets marked up
#jgmac1106is dependant on theme. So I am going back and forth should the energy be spent in recruiting and onboarding the big theme communities to remove the microformats kruff.
#jgmac1106[tantek] my other issue is what is the UX today on WordPress may not be the UX tomorrow. Been enjoying my time doing WordPress only showed me I want to bail but I can’t because WordPress it the #IndieWeb gateway drug
#jgmac1106and I want to push the hard stuff. Oh well if working a corner was easy everyone would be an #IndieWeb banger…and that is as far as that metaphor should go
#tantekjgmac1106: I have not seen your spreadsheet
#tantekI don't get the metaphor but perhaps that is best
#jgmac1106meaning everyone I onboard will come through WordPress. I need to be a model
#jgmac1106the other issue us what do they use to syndicate, you know this better than me, but JetPack spts out markup that could play nice with MF2, and I haven’t tested all the SNAP options, and then there is Bridgy but that is just to Twitter
#jgmac1106my primary objective is to help myself by helping others. I learn so much trying to stay a chapter ahead
#tantekyes that's a good approach for helping type 1 users
#jgmac1106I was hoping we could have a comprehensive wiki page ofr doc of the book with all the post kinds and what happens where when you syndicate with what, but that will be a long term oal
#jgmac1106but in all my time doing thismost people go from blogger, weebly, wordpress.com, etc>shared hosting WordPress>something else but it seems to be a 7-10 year cycle for many
#tantekjgmac1106: such "overview" wiki pages typically get out of date quickly because people don't have time to update them
#tantekwe keep track of how to POSSE to particular silo destinations on the pages for the silos themselves
#jgmac1106well for example I didn’t know that based on w3c standards folks shared I should leave the title blank in a WordPress post because if you add a title a note becomes a post, but then you will get a numerical permalink, but if you have a title Twitter will display that and truncate your post
#tantek(I should break that out into a separate page likely, like this)
#jgmac1106yes that is what I meant, I filed an issue about header tags and folks said I should be leaving title blank to be compliant with the discovery notes
#tantekand nothing that a user should have to put up with. ever
#jgmac1106WordPress users are used to puttin gup with alot
#jgmac1106its a theme issue and Dave’s great and I want to celebrrate his work so trying to find ways to help him with documentation
#tantekif the goal is to get WordPress users to post tweets on their own website instead of (before) Twitter, then I'm not sure that's a good enough bar
#tantekbecause they won't, they'll just use the Twitter client(s) directly
#jgmac1106Not sure in the digital humanities, new literacies, digped, circles I head in. Folks are interested and have been blogging for 5+ years which is a good metric of readiness I just made up out of no where
#jgmac1106so I started that spreadsheet hoping to help [gwg] with documentation atleast for his theme and bridgy, if folks syndicate with JetPack and SNAP we can’t control those pages
#jgmac1106It is also teaching me a ton about good semantic markup as I compare how each theme renders a post-kind differently
#jgmac1106well I am gonna go watch Expanse and maybe sneak in a game of Splatoon on kids switch, thx for catching. Hope travels have been safe and productive
#gRegorLove__Unfortunately an issue with WP is the interface is primarily for articles: title and a body. Then with plugins you can add all sorts of custom fields and functions, but there's not a way to turn off the title field, afaik.
#gRegorLove__So easy note posting in WP might require a custom interface. Or using micropub.
#jgmac1106its not. different thing, but just as wordpress.com is a major json overhaul…
#jgmac1106I have been reading up a bunch on what WordPress considers best practices with their titles and theme development. I agree major inconsistencies [gRegorLove__] with the Discovery Notes
#jgmac1106[gRegorLove] You can use the wordpress.com editor with a wordpress.org site if you sign on through jetpack
#jgmac1106Drupal IndieWeb will be next experience. i want all the headaches
#tantekjgmac1106: have you reviewed the WordPress setup Tutorial by j12t?
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "WordPress Tutorial" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "WordPress Tutorial is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#tantekhmm they're not that well organized so for now