#aaronpktantek_: while you're here, do you think mozilla can host indiewebcamp in Berlin? if that's a strong possibility, I want to book that flight right now while it's cheap.
#tantek_aaronpk it's a remote possibility right now
#tantek_It will take some legwork from me next week
#tantek_(probably working with some internal office manager folks etc.)
#Loqi[Aaron Parecki] You're Invited to IndieWeb Summit!
#tantek_hmm the reply from dougbeal appears malformed
#tantek_somehow he is putting the title of your post as the title of *his* post even though his post is a reply? is this a problem of including reply-context in the entry content?
eli_oat, [Natris1979] and tantek joined the channel
#aaronpkhm yes because his post is titled with my <title> tag
[jeremycherfas] and AngeloGladding joined the channel
jeremycherfas, [jgmac1106] and eli_oat joined the channel
#Loqi[superfeedr] "Successfully added microformats2 to @cogdog’s Dimension WordPress theme so your calling card will play..." by Greg McVerry on 2018-05-27 https://jgregorymcverry.com/2917-2/
tantek, jeremycherfas and calumryan joined the channel
#tantekIs anyone interested in helping make a list of folks that we'd like to see and interact with at IndieWeb Summit?
#tantekSometimes it helps to make such an explicit "to invite" list because some folks may think of people to invite, and other folks may actually know them and can reach out!
#tantekI feel like we've done this in the past for some IndieWebCamps
#tantekthe recent tweet thread about USAToday reminded me we should invite Doc Searls for example
#tantekaaronpk have we done that for previous IndieWeb Summits?
#tantekI vaguely remember doing this for IWC NYC a while back with GWG
#aaronpkI don't remember that, but I haven't been to an IWC NYC yet
#tantek!tell chrisaldrich you think of good people to invite, and have invited several, see if you can add more to https://indieweb.org/2018/Planning#Invitations - especially see if you can add folks to help broaden the diversity & inclusivity of the community (am also working on that). Thanks!