#meta 2018-06-10

2018-06-10 UTC
AngeloGladding, johnstorey and eli_oat joined the channel
eli_oat, [grantcodes], jeremycherfas, jeremych- and jeremycherfas_ joined the channel; jeremycherfas left the channel
[kevinmarks], eli_oat, raretrack, johnstorey, [manton], sketchess, jgmac1106, [grantcodes], swentel, gRegorLove, AngeloGladding, [pfefferle] and jgmac1106_ joined the channel
Any interest in a site that shows a bunch of different post examples. Micropub, jf2, microformats etc..
[grantcodes]: tantek__ left you a message 3 days, 22 hours ago: I strongly encourage yout submit a proposal for MozFest 2018! 26-28 Oct London, England: https://twitter.com/mozilla/status/1003738668333436928 https://mozillafestival.org/proposals
Kind of similar to that wiki plugin I was working on
eli_oat joined the channel
Interesting [grantcodes]. I can totally see people using that to check markup examples and such
Although, e.g. the third example, I would drop the name-property?
Is that on GitHub? Would be an interesting sort of glossary project!
Zegnat: Yeah it's pretty broken right now, but I'm liking how I put it together if I can get the data transformations jf2 <-> mf2 working
Nice, I didn't know that existed
AngeloGladding, tantek and tantek__ joined the channel
aaronpk: does Loqi auto-expand toots the way it auto-expands tweets when adding to a page with the < < operator? e.g. https://mastodon.social/@Gargron/100169277500179278
[Eugen] Generally big yikes on some of the stuff here, like the docs straight out say "the process will leak memory so we periodically kill it" like what
no, only twitter URLs
tho that's been working pretty well so I might expand it to anything that XRay parses