#[grantcodes]I created a mediawiki plugin that can display html and parsed mf2 json in tabs. Don't think it ever got merged though
#[grantcodes]But it is ideal for showing examples of how to mark up posts on your site, send via micropub and how silos render them
#jgmac1106[grantcodes] let’s bang it out at the summit then. It is super confusing to see each post type presented differently. Would just need to decide if there is a difference between “Experimental and Proposed” though it just maybe adding that line
#[grantcodes]Yes, at minimum we should come up with a post type template / example wiki page that can be applied to existing and new post type pages
#[grantcodes]Oh and jgmac1106: I know you are interested in headless indieweb sites, and I'm building a headless micropub endpoint. So that may be of interest to you as well. Can talk about it next week 🙂
#Loqi[superfeedr] "@Dan_Blick Let me know when you want to try out the #IndieWeb stuff. We are going to finalize some documentation..." by Greg McVerry on 2018-06-22 https://jgregorymcverry.com/3767-2/
[jgmac1106], [wiobyrne], [miklb], tantek__, [peach], tantek, [chrisaldrich], dougbeal|mb1, [tantek], [eddie], eli_oat, [cleverdevil] and hi joined the channel
#gRegorLoveThat's a funny headline sequence "You're invited to the IndieWeb Summit!" "We're going to the IndieWeb Summit"
#tantek__!tell sknebel I'm pretty sure this is you https://twitter.com/sknebel however why not put your domain in the "Website" field in your profile so your site is more findable via @-name?