#Loqigregorlove has 19 karma in this channel (250 overall)
#aaronparecki.comedited /2018/Planning (+69) "/* Costs */ split bars/bagels, and actually these supplies are coming out of direct tickets/donations to this event, not open collective funds" (view diff)
#aaronpktantek__: I see leaders' summit breakfast is covered by mozilla, do you have a plan for that? I haven't done anything with food for monday yet other than the pre-party
#tantek__aaronpk I was going going to just pay for everything at the smoothie place
#[eddie]!tell aaronpk: As I work on some onboarding screens for Indigenous, do you know what the URL will be for the Aperture sign up page? Will it be the homepage or a sub url like /signup
#Loqisknebel: tantek__ left you a message 10 hours, 17 minutes ago: I'm pretty sure this is you https://twitter.com/sknebel however why not put your domain in the "Website" field in your profile so your site is more findable via @-name?
#Loqi[superfeedr] "I am #NotAtISTE like many #edtechafterdark. Instead I am heading to #pdx for the #IndieWeb summit. You..." by Greg McVerry on 2018-06-23 https://jgregorymcverry.com/3775-2/
#Loqi[superfeedr] "Sorry to miss the #OpenBadges summit this year. #ISTE18 was same time (though I am ardent #NotAtIste)..." by Greg McVerry on 2018-06-23 https://jgregorymcverry.com/3781-2/
[wiobyrne] joined the channel
#Loqi[superfeedr] "@senorG sorry I am missing #BadgeSummit this year. I will be at #IndieWeb summit instead. I may even..." by Greg McVerry on 2018-06-23 https://jgregorymcverry.com/3783-2/
#Loqiaaronpk: [eddie] left you a message 9 hours, 25 minutes ago: As I work on some onboarding screens for Indigenous, do you know what the URL will be for the Aperture sign up page? Will it be the homepage or a sub url like /signup
#ZegnatHmm, looks like everything that didn’t have a proposer listed was dropped from /2018/Leaders? I’ll probably be re-proposing the Code of Conduct topic then.
#aaronpk[eddie] I'm gonna try to finish the signup flow today but I'm thinking it'll be just a home page IndieAuth login form
#vanderven.se martijnedited /2018/Leaders (+605) "/* Overlap Between GitHub Communities */ Rename and add another unclear organisational point about the GitHub org" (view diff)
gRegorLove_, [jgmac1106] and gRegor-mobile joined the channel
#gRegor-mobileZegnat: there was copy paste from 2017. See issues on /Leaders
#gRegor-mobiletantek: could you also review that? I left items that were explicitly proposed for 2018 on 2018/Leaders, merged other comments into /Leaders issues
#gRegor-mobileIt felt weird to move things that had a proposer and votes to the issues list
#gRegor-mobileThe "connecting to chat" dialog keeps periodically popping up
#gRegorLove_To clarify, I went through the edit history on /2018/Leaders and moved any new comments on the 2017 copy/paste into the /Leaders#Issues list, so everything should still be there.
#Loqi[gRegorLove] tantek: I'm wiki gardening /2018/Leaders and /Leaders. Were you suggesting taking the Sessions sub-section from the former and moving it to the latter?
#ZegnatYeah, I was just surprised, as I thought some of us had shown an interest in that topic and the list of people interested had also grown.
#ZegnatSo I’ll just repropose it, with myself as proposer.
#Loqi[[tantek]] Gregor we don’t have any sessions for 2018 leaders yet so I think a Sessions section is misleading at this point
#gRegorLoveAs it stands now, I've de-duplicated, and removed any 2017 sessions that were copied to /2018/Leaders. Any *new* comments that people added to those 2017 sessions are merged into /Leaders#Issues
#ZegnatIt could also have been me treating it more like a meeting-agenda than list of sessions, because a lot of the items I am interested in taking up are organisational (infra access, Github org guidelines, CoC) and not really unconference-sessions. Some of the points may only take 10 minutes where we just decide that 2 people will create a wiki page or something
#gRegorLoveI'm stubbing 2018/Introductions based on last year
#ZegnatSomeone make sure to have a convenient 5 minute break after the session grid has been created, and throw pictures of the session grid my way, and I’ll wikify that again ;)
#aaronpkIt would be a good idea to mention the boundaries of our space, since the lobby area is open to other classrooms and the rest of the building which we don't have
#ZegnatProbably a question you can ask on Monday of the Leaders, but any volunteer CoC contacts?
#aaronpkAdd that to 2018/Leaders plz :-) we should designate people then
#ZegnatHeading off, 11pm and I still have some stuff todo tonight. I’ll see if I can write-up a more concrate agenda point re: CoC tomorrow. Else I will just shimmy it in during the call on Monday.
#Zegnataaronpk++ on all the organising! I am looking forward to the next few days :D
#Loqiaaronpk has 58 karma in this channel (1650 overall)
#ZegnatgRegorLove++ for the wiki gardening on the Leaders page, I hope I can take some of it off your hands during IWS itself :)
#Loqigregorlove has 20 karma in this channel (251 overall)