jmacI gave up and used a Lyft and got a nice lesson about southwest Portland historical street layout from the driver and now I shall walk inside. I shall be the confused hairy white guy with a gray blazer, come say hi
ZegnatDarn. Almost synced up with gRegorLove. Could have done a wikifying handoff if I got up slightly earlier. Sadly I have other things to do this morning pre-IWS :(
tglobe, t_globe, KevinMarks_, KevinMarks, calumryan and [mrkrndvs] joined the channel
jgmac1106okay perfect, I am thinking it is 1:) join IRC, matrix, or slack, 2:) hashtag is #indiewebcamp, 3:) keynotes are streamed, 4:) lightning round-the three prompts and post to chat, 5:) individual sessions-hashtag for themselves, and that's what we use for the etherpad URL.. If you want to propose a session contact me and I will propose it, 5:) demo day remote post will come at end of day today
ZegnatBut sounds about right! For demos we'll need to do some testing to see how remotes can do it. By proxy always works, of course. sknebel showed off my token endpoint at the last Germany event
ZegnatI am going offline for an hour to recharge, then I’ll be back before the venue opens to help aaronpk test the V/A stuff. Still in this weird zone between Sweden and PDX time... looking forward to IWS!
calumryanIs there an accessibility statement for IWS or any other events? Putting together a statement soon for HWC London regarding venue access and inclusion
Loqi[superfeedr] "Liked: Scripting News: What became of the blogosphere?...
"I doubt if the blogosphere of 2018 is smaller in absolute terms than the blogosphere of the early 2000s. In fact I'm pretty sure it's orders of magnitude larger...
What changed is we lost the center."
Read the full post..." by Colin Walker on 2018-06-26
Zegnatcalumryan: can't find anything on either. But they seem to have a wheelchair symbol on the door, if that's enough of an accessibility statement
schmartyjgmac1106: thanks for writing up a remote participation guide! for today’s intro and personal site demos by proxy, I will need name, url, a specific url or feature to demonstrate, and short description of the feature
Zegnatcalumryan: if you are just looking for accessibility statement in general, maybe reach out to jkphl? He's been focussing on off- and online accessibility lately and has experience running an event space
calumryansknebel: yes granted that’s great to at least indicating what’s aimed for. I had in mind something similar to BTconf to have as a template across all events along with specific venue information for each
sknebelcalumryan: interesting, something to consider. a lot of it is going to be event-specific, but I guess a general statement would be useful, even if it just outlines what kinds of things we've handled in the past and that you can contact individual organizers
sknebelalso something to consider for assitance funds, e.g. would we cover costs for someone's helper/guardian or other special support they'd need to attend. Typcial thing would be to waive entry fees, which obviously generally isn't a thing for us
ZegnatThat is something really hard to create guidelines for, because it quickly comes down to a person’s personal needs and what is already catered too. E.g. people with a visual impairment can take a second person with them in the ICE from the Netherlands to Berlin with almost no (or perhaps it was free) extra cost.
sknebelnot sure we need strict guidelines, I think that's something the decider can look at case-by-case, but right now we don't even communicate if we'd be open for considering it
ZegnatI really can’t support two streams on my connection. So I’ll be on YouTube and reachable on IRC all the time. We’ll see where I go after keynotes
[anika]Heyo is it possible to get people to stop clapping close to the microphone? It’s crazy loud and messes with the audio for the first half minute of the next person speaking
ZegnatThe microphone on Zoom is really good. Also meant it was pretty hard to get anything when we were setting up as you got voices from all conversations in the room at the same time.
Loqi[superfeedr] "I agree. We need to start planning for the #DoOO community and #IndieWeb. Super stoked as a reader as..." by Greg McVerry on 2018-06-26
jmacOh dear, if someone was trying to play me off the stage during the lightning intros I didn't hear (and I see that everyone after me is being strict with a timer). sorry!
xolotl, snarfed, [eddie] and jackjamieson joined the channel
jmacI don't know if it's pertinent to IWS, but a technique I've seen at other conferences is that lightning talks interleave presentations with non-slide announcements, so that a non-slide-using person can speak for a couple of minutes while the next presenter fiddles with their laptop and A/V setup.
[Vanessa]OK, I’ll know next time maybe. Hey, I can’t even get my IRC client to log in to chat, so I have to do it all on Slack… And with that, time for me to call it a night, I think. Good fun, I’ve enjoyed it.
Loqi[superfeedr] "17 minutes to the first #IndieWebSummit session. Need to fill the board.#IndieWeb" by Greg McVerry on 2018-06-26
[cleverdevil], sketchess and jackjamieson joined the channel; snarfed left the channel
[schmarty]we had outlet issues so the streaming laptop is not in a great position to be used for hangouts. i can try to flip it around between sessions.
Zegnatnoscript, for user-agents that do not do scripting, are like div tags and shouldn’t be ignored. If you have a JavaScript based website, you can still put parsable HTML in <noscript>. If a mf2parser does not do scripting (which it doesnt) it will parse the noscript contents. E.g. <noscript>===<div> in those cases. (Is what I said.)
ZegnatIf you want me to look into anything on that page, leave a message. I am not 100% sure when I am sleeping yet (may be when you are all having dinner) but will definitely get to it