[ryan339]Should loqi be sending these to slack? “Welcome, awolf. Since you weren't yet recognized as a real person, your message wasn't sent to the channel. I'm repeating it below for you.”
LoqiWelcome, [ryan339]. We've had an influx of IRC spam recently, and you were not yet recognized as a non-spammer. Your previous message wasn't sent to the channel, but I'm repeating it below so everyone can see it. You are now marked as verified, so your future messages will be sent as normal.
Loqi[ryan339]: Should loqi be sending these to slack? “Welcome, awolf. Since you weren't yet recognized as a real person, your message wasn't sent to the channel. I'm repeating it below for you.”
Loqi[superfeedr] "It’s Micro Monday again. I recommend everyone to start following @colinwalker, I think he was one of the first people I started following here on Micro.blog. If you are interested in IndieWeb, tech or philosophy it will be a follow worthwhile" on 2018-02-05 http://localhost:1313/post/3490cff3-9f33-4dd0-89bf-d85752a4f7ac/
benwerd, __idiot__, maskedlua22 and NvpkD1y7Ez joined the channel
Loqi[superfeedr] "I just got to chapter 15 of @hertling’s Kill Process phenomenal elevator pitch description from Amber..." by Greg McVerry on 2018-08-02 http://jgregorymcverry.com/5470-2/