2018-08-19 UTC
fluter, [tantek] and e-mail joined the channel
# 00:39 aaronpk I haven't looked in slack in a couple days but I'm guessing there is only one instance of the YouTube link that got through? Loqis adaptive spam filtering isn't integrated with the slack gateway yet so the first new spam phrase still gets through to slack before it's blocked
# 00:40 [tantek] Ok good to know. I’ll keep deleting on the Slack side then :)
# 00:43 aaronpk This has been working well enough I might try to move that code into the part that does the slack gateway and Web logs to avoid that problem
# 00:43 aaronpk I'm hesitant to spend any more time on this stuff than necessary because this spam wave is not going to last forever
# 00:55 [tantek] (If email is any lesson, the spam waves never go away, they just keep evolving)
# 00:56 [tantek] In other news I finally resorted to creating a Mastodon account to explore the UX, contrast with IndieWeb solutions etc
# 00:56 aaronpk well this one is a targeted attack on a few individuals so i suspect the person will get bored eventually
# 00:57 aaronpk [tantek]: lol that sounds similar to my reasons for building activitypub support into my site, which was partially to explore the protocols to contrast with the indieweb solutions
# 00:58 [tantek] aaronpk or they’ll point their spam gun at another target. Or worse they’ll hire themselves out for spam-as-a-service
belak14, [kevinmarks] and Smeef11 joined the channel
luke-jr16, agree, tantek__ and [tantek] joined the channel
# 02:33 [tantek] I mean it’s good that you’re seeing “activitypub sites” instead of “mastodon sites”
tantek, [jgarber], [chrisaldrich], sielicki, [eddie], rwg26, boars, [cleverdevil], Guest5853, Erynnn7, tesu3, Fleet19, qmr24, LooCfur14, kloeri18, Welcome, cwre, foddo15, Smeef13, Remco29, drh20, fryst5, PityDaFool24, samouy5, Karasu, [kevinmarks], acuzio28, BuildTheRobots25 and [pfefferle] joined the channel
# 11:33 aaronpk Mastodon still does ostatus stufff but for "legacy" support now
# 11:33 aaronpk WebSub isn't part of activitypub at all because there are no feeds or polling in activitypub
Hoosilon22, ksft27 and Lildirt joined the channel
# 13:29 Zegnat aaronpk, something weird is going on. I am seeing messages in the chat logs that I am not seeing on IRC!
# 13:30 Loqi [ludovicchabant] Cool, looking at the chat log I learned about cleverdevil’s ditchbook! Might try it with Twitter (I don’t want to bring Facebook stuff to my website since those were semi-private while my website is public)
yaymuffins5 joined the channel
# 13:30 Zegnat Not only is it in the logs twice, but it hasn’t made it through to my IRC client at all :O
# 13:32 sknebel Zegnat can you join a conventional client for a bit to compare/make sure it isn't quassel messing up?
# 13:34 Zegnat I guess I can install a different client and run side-by-side for a bit
# 13:37 aaronpk He must have sent that right after joining the channel
# 13:38 aaronpk the IRC channel is in a special mode where only +v people can say stuff in irc
# 13:39 aaronpk Loqi is also an op, and ops can see m essages from people without +v, which is how Loqi is kicking out all the spammers
martijnvdven joined the channel
# 13:40 aaronpk Correct, because Loqi started repeating spam into the channels
# 13:40 aaronpk so now if anyone says the same thing twice without +v that phrase gets added to the spam list
# 13:40 aaronpk that’s how these latest two YouTube spam URLs got auto blacklisted
# 13:41 aaronpk Loqi still sends a PM saying that your message wasn’t sent to the channel
# 13:42 aaronpk yeah the logger isn’t hooked up to the same thing that knows about the spam so those messages still show u pin the logs and also get sent to slack
# 13:42 aaronpk I just keep hoping the spam will go away and we can switch the channel back to normal
# 13:47 Zegnat Interesting how ChanServ -v’d my second account, after Loqi +v’d it
# 14:14 aaronpk i wonder if i need to have Loqi tell chanserv to +v people
# 14:16 sknebel it maybe doesn't like nicks being authed and +v under te same account
# 14:17 Zegnat Yeah, it -v’d me as soon as I authed as Zegnat.
zeroed, jlf9, [pfefferle], [kevinmarks] and u1dzer00 joined the channel
[pfefferle] joined the channel
Goldman6014 joined the channel
# 16:36 tantek__ I thought the Semantic HTML MediaWiki plugin supported video
# 16:36 aaronpk we dropped the plugin because most of those tags got moved into core
# 16:38 tantek__ I don't see why video should require raw when img doens't
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 16:45 Loqi [tantek] mediawiki-semantic-html: A MediaWiki extension to restore support for the HTML4 phrase elements used in wiki mark-up.
# 16:46 aaronpk I think that was one of the blockers in upgrading a few years ago
# 16:47 aaronpk The list of tags is just an array in MW core... I *could* add it there
Chex23 and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
[eddie] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[manton], tantek__, bleepy5 and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[jgmac1106], ululate, Guest43602, sebsel, liste20 and [pfefferle] joined the channel
Simba23, [stefp], bradenslen, [grantcodes], msm6 and ski777716 joined the channel