tantek___hey aaronpk could I request that the tweet unfurling that Loqi does for the < < command also include the timestamp in addition to the date? Useful when you add a bunch of tweets then later want to go through and time sort them (e.g. what I thought I was going to do with /2018/Oxford)
[jgmac1106]....I forgot it always shares the image of the hcard.....need to test if a u-photo replaces it...I have no desire to spread my mug across the web with every post
[jgmac1106]through it in a parser...unmung...seems to miss the start date...has end date but no end time...maybe tryong to put start date and time into same field messes it up
[jgmac1106]should have just stuck with the manual fromt he get go plan...but its the closest in terms of a n hevent interface I have seen yet. i would separate the date and time fileds..or use a GUI to control the input
[jgmac1106]interesting I choose GMT and it converted the 24 hour clock to the 12 hour...but yeah its pretty awesome...small little tweaks,. but will RSVP
Loqi[Greg McVerry] Looking forward to #IndieWebCamp NYC this weekend. A few tickets still left. You should join us in building and hacking on your own website.
Loqi[Greg McVerry] 100% agree& understand. Saw writing on wall with @thinkup then when using a micropub client my Twitter app was suspended for @ mentioning too many @mlb players when I was live tweeting home run derby. Violated harassment policy to @ mention
Loqi[Tantek Çelik] @jgmac1106 @benwerd consider the glass half-full:
* Lots of @-mentions violate policy? Use domain-mentions!
A little work to get @mlb players domains; surely as celebs they have them.
If(when) they enable Webmentions, they decide instead of Twitter!
LoqiZegnat: tantek__ left you a message 10 hours, 3 minutes ago: if you have a moment to figure out what happened with webdav(.)org, see if you can find out information like I was able to using archive.org for portablecontacts: https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?title=site-deaths&type=revision&diff=51986&oldid=51982 and wikify accordingly. Would be good to know when webdav(.)org died.
ZegnatI have now thought Loqi about both that spam message and the one in the main channel. Both use slightly different unicode. Who knows how many itterations of the same sentence are going around. Might need different heuristics again :(
swentel, opty15, petermolnar, pahiz, mete29, [eddie], [kevinmarks], [jgmac1106], jeremych_ and busterbcook12 joined the channel
[jgmac1106]I won't guess gender and ethnicity from a lit of names but really hoping IWC NYC is one of the more representative events we have done...worked hard to get word out in under represented communities
dougbeal|iOS, dougbeal|mb1, [kevinmarks], oelewapperke19, g0tmi1k14, hiberno, ctag and kaushalmodi joined the channel
tantek__!tell jgmac1106 FYI I just invited folks working on the Data Transfer Project to participate in IWC NYC. Might get a few more last minute sign-ups that way.
Loqi[jgmac1106]: tantek__ left you a message 46 minutes ago: FYI I just invited folks working on the Data Transfer Project to participate in IWC NYC. Might get a few more last minute sign-ups that way.
aaronpkit's usually easier to tell the bar/restaurant that the tickets are good for only drinks under a certain amount, and people don't usually complain about having to buy their own food either, so i'd do that
[jgmac1106]yeah just talked to bar. I can set a tab amount but they won't do drink tix. Will just ask folks to stay on a beer and wine honor system and buy their own food
Zegnat[Rose], I expect some of us will be on Moodle for an online HWC October third, maybe you’ll be able to make it there :) Lots of us EU folks are spread around and do not have the mass for meet-ups, so settle for an online conference call
[jgmac1106]not a -meta convo, more for chat...but I have too much work to do to be hanging online anyway, still if you are a Moodle user shoudl check it out
Loqi[tantek]: [jgmac1106] left you a message 2 hours, 22 minutes ago: had a flury of tix activity this morning up to 42, so we should end up around 25.
[tantek]!tell schmarty could you create a FB event for the Thursday meetup that we could invite people too? Right now the preparty / social is a bit buried in the wiki page and not mentioned anywhere else.
[tantek]!tell [jgmac1106] do you have time to write an email to send to ticket holders outlining the rough schedule of everything day by day from Thu night thru Saturday? I think there are email templates on the wiki for this (Aaronpk would know)
Loqi[schmarty]: [tantek] left you a message 4 minutes ago: could you create a FB event for the Thursday meetup that we could invite people too? Right now the preparty / social is a bit buried in the wiki page and not mentioned anywhere else.
[jgmac1106]@gwg there is an optional walk across the Brooklyn Bridge for those who haven't been to the city and want a touristy thing to do. We should be right close to the tenement museum, WTC memorial, and Chinatown, plenty to do
tantek__since the venue is closing so early - should we have an optional "after hack" party maybe pick a nearby coffee shop to keep things going informally?