2018-09-26 UTC
jistr24 joined the channel
# 00:08 [jgmac1106] won't hear back till tomorrow, guess I need to listen to [aaronpk]'s talk now
eamonnw28 joined the channel
# 00:15 tantek__ [jgmac1106]: that might enough reason to not use tito for future IWC
# 00:15 tantek__ I know adactio has used brownpapertickets successfully, perhaps we should look at that for future events
# 00:15 [jgmac1106] I think it is fine, I just send them an email, and they know I am a real person, its just after hours now
# 00:16 tantek__ [jgmac1106]: even if they say yes, it's still an inconvenience, especially if you need to send a last minute announcement out to everyone
# 00:16 [jgmac1106] basically people were setting up fake events and then using the service to spam
# 00:16 tantek__ uh, how could they spam anyone that didn't already have a ticket? or were they just signing people up for their fake events just to spam them?
# 00:16 [jgmac1106] yes...I do have a mailshake account but it will come from my company email not my personal one
# 00:18 [jgmac1106] I think I will just go old school and bcc everyone and actually write an email
BashCo joined the channel
# 00:24 tantek__ GWG are you going to the pre-party on Thursday night?
[dave], MeGotsThis0, [Khurt] and Brian-29 joined the channel
# 00:38 tantek__ !tell [jgmac1106] just out of curiosity, have you reached out about reserving the private room and if so approximate range of cost?
# 00:38 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
bews16 joined the channel
Vostok8, Guest8030, Guest53105, Industrial13, loganlee, Guest54603 and JanKusanagi joined the channel
Downer9, Maxis8 and rmbeer joined the channel
# 01:38 tantek__ [jgmac1106]++ wow (re: reserved we have the third floor)
# 01:38 Loqi [jgmac1106] has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (57 in all channels)
tantek, spikebike7 and FunkyBob15 joined the channel
# 01:59 aaronpk i had to get whitelisted in tito to send emails too, but it's a one-time thing per account so not a big deal
geb15 and Creamz8 joined the channel
# 02:07 tantek__ !tell GWG,[jgmac1106],schmarty can you post an RSVP (yes or no) to the indie event thursday night? (don't make me be the only one 😂)
# 02:07 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 02:08 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 02:08 aaronpk oops, reviewing email greg sent out and finding some wrong links
tantek, dcrewi17 and maxel20 joined the channel
# 02:22 aaronpk that's what i get for doing this on my phone while distracted
rotty25 joined the channel
# 02:27 tantek__ wow that was a fast fix. didn't even notice the problem
# 02:27 aaronpk for some reason i can't get your RSVP moved over though
# 02:27 aaronpk since my event URLs are based on the date of the event, the event URL chanted
# 02:28 aaronpk i made a redirect from the old URL to the new one but i can't figure out how to move your RSVP internally in my site
# 02:30 aaronpk hopefully if you update it it should recognize it as a dupe
# 02:30 aaronpk apparently it only shows up if there is at least one reply 😂
# 02:32 tantek__ ooh new feature idea for event posts: expected weather during the event!
Konehaltia3, tantek and richvdh7 joined the channel
# 02:51 Loqi GWG: tantek__ left you a message 43 minutes ago: can you post an RSVP (yes or no) to the indie event thursday night? (don't make me be the only one 😂)
# 03:10 tantek__ is just going to keep being annoying until indie RSVPs are an easy thing :)
Kalium13 joined the channel
# 03:14 GWG tantek__: I just updated my post.
# 03:14 GWG Although I do have a major change planned.
# 03:15 tantek__ GWG if they were easy you would've beat me to RSVPing to those indie events! ;)
# 03:15 GWG tantek__: I was out of the country and didn't do it till I returned
# 03:15 aaronpk not necessarily, discovery of the events is the other challenge
# 03:16 GWG Wrong as in, not the one that accepted replies
# 03:17 tantek__ aaronpk: presumably some discovery happens from events showing up in your reader?
# 03:21 GWG Looking forward to seeing the gang
# 03:21 GWG I am wondering what I might do for hack day
# 03:21 GWG I've been feeling a bit stalled lately with major projects having bugs for others
# 03:22 tantek__ I'm wondering if there is anything I can actually *complete* on hack day
# 03:22 GWG tantek__: The new Micropub is stalled with auth issues that may be IndieAuth issues.
# 03:23 GWG New Post Kinds is stalled for some people. I need more testers, I think
# 03:23 tantek__ GWG, sounds like a bit of pair hacking with aaronpk might be in order to fix the Micropub auth issues
# 03:23 tantek__ I bet it will be useful to document what kinds of challenges IndieAuth implementations might run into, and document troubleshooting
# 03:24 GWG tantek__: It's more a WordPress issue, I think. But aaronpk might be able to figure out.
# 03:24 GWG It is saying they aren't logged in, but they have a token
zolokar, [jgmac1106], PaulePanter21, DougieBot500027, tantek, Scrutinizer, machmalabala18, AWizzArd16, insecurity26, [dave], mongy and AstroBadger joined the channel
oats29, [Rose], Tecan20, phrost1, yd20, mikalv, davidv7, lorenzh24, depierre19, theraspberry15, BlackIkeEagle26, rphillips25, LordComac, morenoh149_20, czesmir_, eglute935, thrasher19423, gnomethrower, nocsi17, honza9, swentel, rricard2, jeremych_, [kevinmarks], ptomulik22, dulek6, advcomp2019_10, a5m07, nahamu0, Mahjong4, kbsingh23, whislock2, CalimeroTeknik15, sparx16, memedad23, Taek18, ayjay_t19, argonaut8621, Milliways22, Gustopher10, jugs, grummel25, CDuv, kaotisk29, ulimit8, dracosilv5, marahin15, [eddie], derchris2, thresh3, cl0udl1ne26, WillMoogle_, ndk19, kellyzdude10, [jgmac1106], flyback9, okdana21, muffindrake11, DerGuteMoritz12, xurizaemon13, Florent, ianthius15, jamesd__, phenoble12, [tantek], pimpind29, kujo22, DrMax5, sente17, Caspan|Vacation and klntsky26 joined the channel
dave019, Praise4, monad_cat9, Guest87754 and swaqs28 joined the channel
soleblaze13, KombuchaKip6, Qiming10, jmac, fo07, Linlz21, Azhurederp, Loomaanaatii and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Soqaris, drscream11, ajs12413, yoke23, lachesis0, tejeez11, Ethan8, rinfiyks25, [Terra]16, [manton], verovan29, inhortte20, sharkboy, jackjamieson, eon`27, britaliope_, jasonvw12, nekaii9, syncnys, Naan, ltd, arthurnn1, Lord2558, dza7, cjs22619, h3artbl33d, indexzero18, eeeeeta3, franziskus6, grim_radical4 and tantek__ joined the channel
# 17:00 gRegorLove Oops, I see it now "Please note that we'll likely make use of the Video Conference room remote conference setup at Pace University."
dukwon6 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 17:01 [jgmac1106] [gregorlove] will try Zoom first and fall back on Hangouts, we are in a video conference room so it should be okay
odda and [dougbeal] joined the channel
gardar23 joined the channel
pZombie, Guest99291 and piti18 joined the channel
# 17:40 Zegnat Already have it installed looks like. Was it used a bit during the Summit?
NL13, jal29, Guest53560, jsatk, speedio3 and Trashlord8 joined the channel
pseubodot9, plusky21, Kkiro, BuildTheRobots2, sigmundv_0, Guest15647, tcolvin9, rgrau5, elkmoose27 and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
buckley31011, trfl, swentel, rsrchboy4, tantek, Acou_Bass0, drdo20, MacCoaster28, mtreinish13 and Verge20 joined the channel
mauke22, dormiens24, [tantek], JankoHrasok, jakew, tswsl1989, fbsd, fc5dc9d4_, reptar_, hardlined17, Guest28013, AngelFre116, [kevinmarks], MiW, Berzerker28 and Nuggernogger11 joined the channel
# 20:24 Nuggernogger11 jsiracusa what is the kid's laptop situation?
ntfreak7 joined the channel
# 20:27 ntfreak7 Hi-Angel: always put the monostate first
[schmarty] joined the channel
# 20:28 [schmarty] looks like we have some odd new spam coming in via IRC. out-of-context messages from new nicks which mention unknown (not seen around here) nicks.
# 20:28 Loqi [schmarty]: tantek__ left you a message 18 hours, 20 minutes ago: can you post an RSVP (yes or no) to the indie event thursday night? (don't make me be the only one 😂)
# 20:32 tantek__ did you see the thread about possible post-camp karaoke on Saturday since the camp closes early? figured you might be into that
# 20:33 [schmarty] ooh, i saw what i took to be idle chat about karaoke. i am definitely in and would happily sponsor an hour. :}
# 20:34 tantek__ [jgmac1106]: ^^^ we have an IWC after-party karaoke sponsor!!!!
# 20:34 [schmarty] looking forward to reconnecting with you and other indieweb folks, for sure! also very excited for the lineup that jgmac1106 has lined up!
# 20:35 tantek__ also figured [jgmac1106] likes to post/tweet everytime we get a new sponsor so :)
chaignc joined the channel
# 20:35 tantek__ [schmarty]: Would the sponsorship formally come from the "This Week In The IndieWeb" Podcast?
# 20:35 chaignc > all [True,False,undefined]
# 20:35 [schmarty] [jgmac1106] *a karaoke sponsor with very little knowledge about the NYC karaoke ecosystem. i don't know how much help i'll be organizing it
# 20:36 [schmarty] [tantek]: haha, i am good with sponsoring on behalf of the podcast, but i am on the verge of an official hiatus for it, i think.
# 20:37 [jgmac1106] ...too be clear [schmarty] I was trying to combine improv and Karaoke to make parody Karaoke
# 20:38 [schmarty] [tantek]: the TWITIWAE process could always be improved but i am blocked on energy and focus. i actually have a finished script for the newsletter from weekend before last that i haven't been able to make myself sit down, record, and post.
# 20:39 tantek__ and the kind that taking a break sounds like a good idea
# 20:39 [jgmac1106] silly person writing scripts, supposed to wing it and curse a lot and hope you remove them all post production
# 20:40 [schmarty] we'll see what happens this weekend! i'm very excited to re-engage my indieweb brain.
# 20:40 tantek__ you've always done it as a passion project of sorts, so that's an important key component
# 20:40 tantek__ I'm assuming you've considered Patreoning it and decided not to?
# 20:41 [schmarty] [jgmac1106]: i could probably manage to produce a podcast like that, but i think of TWITIWAE as being more brief and info-rich. for me that means writing it ahead of time. :}
# 20:42 [jgmac1106] and if writing ahead of time means we get your sexy announcer voice, then get to work
# 20:42 [schmarty] [tantek]: i thought about that briefly, but funding isn't really an issue. it is a passion project, as you said. i think i am currently deadlocked on a handful of projects and life changes.
# 20:42 Loqi [jgmac1106] has 26 karma in this channel over the last year (58 in all channels)
# 20:43 [schmarty] so i plan not to think about it too hard until after IWC this weekend, and see what inspiration comes!
# 20:43 tantek__ [schmarty]: it's had an awesome run TBH, and super grateful for it. But more super grateful for you, so whatever you decide, know that you have support
# 20:44 Loqi [tantek] has 14 karma in this channel over the last year (91 in all channels)
# 20:46 [schmarty] with full focus i managed to rush out a whole episode in something like 90 minutes after the 2017 Leaders Summit so it would be done before the pre-party :}
# 20:47 tantek__ clearly we'd need to give you time to do so. couldn't miss the sponsor at the afterparty
# 20:48 [schmarty] these days i seem to pick away at the writing over long periods. i think i could use a new approach.
# 20:48 [jgmac1106] we need someone to build a bot with text to voice that can do the new members part
# 20:49 [schmarty] [jgmac1106]: that is one of the more challenging parts to write, actually! i often have to go hunting for bios. also, a bot would possibly be the one way to have *worse* pronunciation for names that i'm not familiar with. 😂
# 20:50 tantek__ this is our first FriSat IWC I think, which means it will be split across newsletters!
# 20:50 [schmarty] happy to chat about all this more at IWC if it comes up! for now: i need to get packed and on a train to NYC!
# 20:51 [schmarty] [jgmac1106]: one last check before i pack up: are you all set for remote setups for breakout rooms? i could bring my chromebook-based kit but obviously would rather lose the weight if we won't be using it.
# 20:52 [jgmac1106] I grabbed so much stuff that may not work, grabbed a tricaster mini, a bunch of mics, a couple video cameras, black magic camera, and some tripods
clintpatty joined the channel
Valentine13 joined the channel
# 21:26 Valentine13 well, I'll try the restart, bbiab
# 21:26 Valentine13 night of the living dead just used a bunch of public domain stuff they had lying around at their university
# 21:26 Valentine13 splud: indeed tempering is a feature and they would likely stated it
# 21:26 Valentine13 I remember some xmpp question a few weeks back
# 21:26 Valentine13 Oh, 5 years? That should be in a museum.
olesalscheider2 joined the channel
# 21:35 olesalscheider2 we haven't had new technology since the 1960s
# 21:35 olesalscheider2 he has to level up or something
# 21:35 olesalscheider2 Going on 21 hours
# 21:35 olesalscheider2 "Statistical physics" is ours really
# 21:35 olesalscheider2 zero maintenance
# 21:37 aaronpk is the spam making it through to slack? I thought I had fixed that
# 21:38 aaronpk ah i blocked only the ones that were matching the spam filters from reaching slack
# 21:40 Loqi aaronpk has 62 karma in this channel over the last year (308 in all channels)
# 21:40 aaronpk maybe if i think of it as a game it will be more fun actually
[dave] joined the channel
# 21:47 aaronpk new rule deployed to prevent anything from non-voiced users to be written to the logs or pushed to slack
[eddie] joined the channel
# 21:48 aaronpk somehow missed that case when i was doing this before
# 21:52 aaronpk so the new pattern is the bots send like 4-5 messages in 10 seconds
# 21:52 aaronpk so i might need to add some rate limiting rules for recently-joined accounts
# 22:04 Loqi [jgmac1106] has 27 karma in this channel over the last year (59 in all channels)
# 22:14 Loqi [jfdelnero] uMTP-Responder: Ligthweight Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) responder daemon for GNU/Linux
# 22:15 aaronpk i might need to deop loqi and make a new spam fighter insteadf
# 22:15 sknebel to annoying to make everything in Loqi conditional on spam-mode and +v?
# 22:19 tantek__ "responder daemon for GNU/Linux" sounds like something you'd use for a bot
[tantek] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 22:46 [jgmac1106] Thinking Hole in the Wall 15 cliff Street for Leaders Breakfast tomorrow
# 22:46 [jgmac1106] Will add to wiki when I get to hotel.... Too bad I booked R-S luckily found a hostel room at Bowery Hotel for tonight
# 23:01 AdrianTP0 bls: i guess i have a deeper problem
# 23:01 AdrianTP0 know a tiny bit more about python but still :)
[eddie] joined the channel
# 23:09 [jgmac1106] Sooo next time I move the leaders meeting earlier to accommodate European friends remind me to change my hotel reservation ahead of time... Or not book in Downtown during a UN meeting
[dougbeal] and tantek__ joined the channel