#[schmarty]currently waiting on them to contact IT to create a bluejeans meeting event for us to join via the conference equipment here.
#ZegnatShould we download any Bluejeans software in the meantime? Or is it available through a browser? (Sorry if you don’t have the answers, [schmarty]!)
#[schmarty]great question, zegnat! i am not sure. i think the bluejeans.com link i dropped above might have the answer.
#[schmarty]i *think* they'll give us a meeting link to share
#ZegnatI found it a little vague ...it says that for “smart user control” (w/e that means) you can go download an app ...
#[eddie]“Join meetings in under six seconds through the mobile app, desktop app or directly in the browser without the need to download.”
#ZegnatOh, hang on, they hide a WebRTC link at the bottom, even though they auto-start a download (bad practice there!)
#[chrisaldrich]yes, the download before giving you the web option is a bit much...
#ZegnatThis WebRTC is murder on my bandwidth. And no options (as seems to be the norm for most of these WebRTC things :( ). Going to try the app it downloaded
#aaronpkcan probably call from google hangouts for free
#ZegnatLet me try the iPad app first. Then I can go look at Hangouts.
#ZegnatBlueJeans, like so many of these platforms, has a weird focus on streaming high quality video all the time. Doesn’t work for me with my connection. I don’t need to see someone has a sticker on their charger brick, I need stable and functioning audio.
#Loqiadmin in the context of the indieweb refers to the act of and UI for signing-into, installing, configuring, updating, backing up a personal site and anything else that has nothing do with creating or reading the posts themselves https://indieweb.org/admin
#ZegnatI think the branding confusion, and the point aaronpk is making, is that someone will be @someone@indieweb.me. But `someone` can be any username, and may not even be on the IndieWeb wiki, or in the chats, or ever attended an event. This someone does suddenly seem part of the indieweb.org “club”
#ZegnatAm I hearing GWG volunteer for fixing everyone’s toughest problem: coming up with names?
#Zegnathas to leave for dinner, might call in again afterwards if still going on in ~1 hour.
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "this colour discussion" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "this colour discussion is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#ZegnatNow the sound is gone. Hanging around to see if BlueJeans tells me the meeting is over :P
#aaronpkZegnat: yep it is over! We are at burgers now
#ZegnatI reckoned, just wanted to see if it would throw me out.
#ZegnatIt didn’t. Could have used it as a free international phonecall proxy by just inviting other people to call in to meeting :P
#ZegnatI am shutting down. Call-in quality was passable, hope I was clear to you all when speaking. I do hope these conference people will start seriously testing with 3G internet some point in the future. Entire countries depend on it
#ZegnatEnjoy burgers everyone! I am going to catch up on my reading and head for bed
#LoqiGregorlove has 18 karma in this channel over the last year (107 in all channels)
#gRegorLoveAdded "Review the task list from the previous meetup" because I think that's something easy to forget about post-IWC
#[tantek]It's been really difficult to "review" issues without getting part way into solving them
#[tantek]By the time someone knowledgeable about an issue explains it to everyone else, you're (likely) halfway to solving it (for some issues at least)
#[jgmac1106]But if you think about today we said, "Do we want to start with something easy to tackle or important to solve" we were all exhausted and chose easy to solve. Not sure I wa lnt to prioritize issues until the day od
#[schmarty][jgmac1106] if you are getting name tag stickers from staples, you'll also want to pick up some sharpies and some large format post-it notes for the schedule grid. 4"x6" is the usual size, but whatever they have is great.
#[jgmac1106]I am a teacher. I always travel with bags of sharpies.
#gRegorLove[jgmac1106], yeah, the brainstormed steps are to prioritize day of