#meta 2018-10-10

2018-10-10 UTC
[tmiller] joined the channel
[dmitshur] tomorrow I'm going to hold a hwc meeting at Aroma coffee downtown if you can make it
[jgmac1106], Loqi_ and mattl_ joined the channel
↩️ Awesome Greg -- "Instead of using these tools to recreate new networks, we're allowing the tools to use our students." #indieweb #clmooc #literacies
jeremycherfas_ joined the channel
Publication croisée (#POSSE) à partir de mon instance http://indieweb.me vers twitter avec @crossposter@masto.donte.com.br Le #PESOS pourrait fonctionner aussi (dans le sens twitter vers http://indieweb.me)
↩️ in essence this is what https://indieweb.org/Homebrew_Website_Club is about (although the tech may differ)
I have realised that I am being a lot more “social” on web these days. And I think m.b and efforts I put to enable the IndieWeb principles on my blog played a big role, to just open my mind to express more. I put down some of my thoughts. https://blog.amitgawande.com/being-social
Loqi_ joined the channel
Yay! A fun first Vancouver IndieWeb / Homebrew Website Club tonight. @patdryburgh wrote up some more. I’m happy I got OwnYourGram working, so I will be using Instagram again. https://patdryburgh.com/blog/vancouver-indieweb-meetup/
swentel, [kevinmarks] and [chrisburnell] joined the channel
↩️ Indieweb isn't dogmatic about the plumbing, as long as it can make web pages with http URLs we're happy.
Interesting, seems like my tweet reply to @dogtrax’ above tweet didn’t get mirrored here. And it even included the indieweb hashtag
calumryan and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
@zegnat I am tryign to figure out where Kevin went wrong, he is on wordpress.com if he had bridgy webmentions activated would syndication to indieweb.xyz work?
[jgmac1106], lets take that to dev :)
↩️ @dogtrax you are probably off to school but with http://wordpress.com you can only (which is still awesome) add webmentions. If you want all the #IndieWeb plugins you need to be on http://wordpress.org. Happy to make you a subdomain as a sandbox. (http://jgregorymcverry.com/7827-2/)
[kevinmarks], [chegalabonga], [Rose] and [eddie] joined the channel
https://dailyconnector.com/2018/10/10/testing-out-indieweb-with-poetry/ is a nice example of why I worried about indieweb.tld names :/
wow yep
is still annoyed I couldn't take part in the call. I even had a few minutes at the right time, but couldn't connect to the conference
Oh darn what happened? Blue jeans?
the web interface didn't connect at all, and the phone gateway was wonky too
Phone gateway worked for me. The web interface ... not so much at all either
didn't try for long since I was travelling that day
I am thinking of coming in Thursday morning and leaving Tuesday, but I keep wobbling
Berlin? That sounds reasonable
[aaronpk] will grab the building block session off my external hard drive tomorrow. Just got swamped IT picked wrong time to upgrade my laptop
[schmarty], [grantcodes] and jgmac1106_ joined the channel
↩️ @dogtrax @jgmac1106 @cogdog @lynhilt I did not see your poem. Did I miss it in #indieweb ?
↩️ Yes. The hub is the anchor, the connector, the neighborhood of the culture and the community #indieweb #clmooc #literacies @google Google Plus gave us that, and pretty much under our control
[chegalabonga] and [tantek] joined the channel
↩️ Ohh it's on http://indieweb.xyz made tutorial for Bridgy webmentions. That is all you can do with @wordpressdotcom let me know if you need help with that. Will try to reach out @edublogs as teaching with webmentions awesome. Never looked into new Google sites for #IndieWeb
[jgmac1106], jgmac1106_, tantek__ and [Rose] joined the channel
Requisition for a Thursday morning arrival and a Tuesday morning departure placed for Berlin
gRegorLove joined the channel; gRegorLove left the channel
Now on to accommodation
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
edited /User:Www.rosemaryorchard.com (+649) "restore since this is the *actual* user page (e.g. has things like a "User contributions" link in the sidebar on the left)"
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deleted /User:Rosemaryorchard "user pages should only be created by logging in"
moved /User:Rosemaryorchard.com to /User:User:Www.rosemaryorchard.com "restore original location and keep history"
moved /User:User:Www.rosemaryorchard.com to /User:Www.rosemaryorchard.com "actually here - missed that the User: is part of the drop down. Gee that would be an obvious UX improvment if Mediawiki could catch a redundant namespace in the text field compared to the dropdown"
deleted /User:Www.rosemaryorchard.com "Deleted to make way for move from "[[User:User:Www.rosemaryorchard.com]]""
edited /wikifying (+22) "s/IRC/chat/"
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deleted /User:Rosemaryorchard.com "was redirect, make room for actual user page to be created upon login"
deleted /User:User:Www.rosemaryorchard.com "was errantly created redirect due to bad move page UX"
[adamprocter], [Kayaelle] and [eddie] joined the channel
jgmac1106_, Re: the tutorial question, I think it depends who the audience is. Setting up the wiki user page is probably more immediately useful to introduce yourself. That's the order on /wikifying currently.
Adding to /chat-names may not matter much if they're not regularly in chat (e.g. someone new to an HWC meetup)
but sparkline is needed for who is on Loqi correct? I won’t make it a sequential tutorial but based rather on goals
created /User:Rosemaryorchard.com (+440) "Created page with "<span style="float:right;margin-left:1em"><img src="https://www.rosemaryorchard.com/images/rosemary_orchard.png" style="width:128px"></span> = <a class="h-card" href="https:/...""
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No, Loqi's whois comes from /chat-names
If there were a way to combine /Template:irc_user and /Template:sparkline into one that would be great, but I'm not sure.
gRegorLove has 22 karma in this channel over the last year (115 in all channels)
for the chat-name, sparkline, wikify me tutorial he will write
Did I just get volunteered? hehe
not volunteered, awarded karma for future endeavors given your unique insight
Interesting idea, combining the two. But would be a bit of a wrangle, gRegorLove. I don’t think you would want chat names and timezones to pop-up everywhere you add your name through a template
Combining both link to user page and to the user’s own URL is easier. See e.g. https://indieweb.org/Template:martijnvdven which includes both my homepage and wiki user page links
(I think I stole the idea from ben_thatmustbeme)
The /chat-names template uses p-nickname too
It could use some weird CSS’ing. Hide .p-name on /chat-names and display .p-nickname instead. Then have both as a span in the mini h-card of the template
But that feels really fragile.
we could look into automatically generating them, either through a form or by getting details from the user pages
although the templates are a bit tricky, e.g. there's martijnvdven and Zegnat
I think Zegnat is just a redirect, because people kept using that ...
true, I guess those could still be manual
shaners experimented with /h-card_as_a_service several years ago, though that was entirely outside the wiki.
It would be nice to add something like {{chatname | gRegorLove}} on the user page and have it show up
Could we have some sort of if-handling and pass that on? So you could do {{martijnvdven|chatname}}? And on template:martijnvdven I would just have to do {{mycard|{{{1}}}|name=martijn|photo=url|homepage=url…}}
(and the photo, url properties I forgot :)
both could work
mattl joined the channel
I'm happy to help make the automated wiki editing part of it
since Kaja already has bits for that
ooh, yeah could it check user pages when it sees an edit?
swentel joined the channel
chrisaldrich joined the channel
I guess I should teach it to poll then, to catch minor edits, but that's ok
[asuh] joined the channel
The instructions could indicate not to use minor edit of your adding/updating chat name info.
chat name and timezone can be added to the infobox template too, so they're put in the h-card there.
hm, mfwiki h-card says p-tz is reserved, for numeric offsets :/
edited /Template:Infobox_person (+107) "+chatname param"
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AngeloGladding joined the channel
www.zylstra.org blog
edited /2018/Nuremberg (+207) "/* Schedule */"
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www.zylstra.org blog
edited /2018/Nuremberg (+0) "/* Schedule */"
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edited /Template:Infobox_person/doc (+120) "update example with chatname"
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[tantek] joined the channel
this sounds like an interesting way to automate
[gRegorLove] what's an example of what you would put there?
"name" sounds a bit freeform for something that likely needs a constrained set of values
US/Pacific, similar to what we're using on /chat-names currently
I think those names have a more formal name / designation than "tz-name"
I wonder if they do, I only know them as “names from tz database”.
goes looking
chuckles at "-link" being a suffix there
looks like "location" in there
probably good to be explicit about that aspect, tz-location or tz-location-name (similar to the existing country-name property)
That's part of the name. format is "Area/Location"
The format just calls it “name”: https://data.iana.org/time-zones/tz-how-to.html
Interesting how it has examples of NAME “Chicago”, NAME “US”, and NAME “America/Chicago”
right, "NAME" is ambiguous even just in their own usage!
that's the problem with calling (everything) a name
agreed, but "location" has a specific meaning in their usage already, too.
and it's the meaning we want
per "Locations are identified by continent or ocean and then by the name of the location, which is typically the largest city within the region." https://data.iana.org/time-zones/tz-link.html
NAME Chicago and NAME US are names of rules, not zones
I guess it isn’t so much a location name in the tz-how-to, it is a rule name. There is a rule America/Chicago. That rule has dependend on the rule defined as US at times. At other times dependend on the rule called Chicago.
Yeah, I just saw that too, sknebel :)
In "US/Pacific" the location is "Pacific"
We want an mf property to put the whole value "US/Pacific"
which is what I quoted refers to
here is a longer quote with examples
"Locations are identified by continent or ocean and then by the name of the location, which is typically the largest city within the region. For example, America/New_York represents most of the US eastern time zone;"
So the location is both "America/New_York" and "New_York". Crystal clear, IANA :)
“Names normally have the form AREA/LOCATION, where AREA is the name of a continent or ocean, and LOCATION is the name of a specific location within that region.” - https://data.iana.org/time-zones/theory.html
It talks of “Each tz region has a unique name” on that page
So they are region names, consisting of an area and a location
I'll take -link over /theory any day 😉
zone names aren't just location based though, e.g. "CET" is also one
that looks more like an abbreviation
which we should discourage due to poor usability/fidelity
[Rose] joined the channel
CET is dangerous, because it becomes CEST in the summer.
and I'd say half the time I see people say PST when they actually mean PDT
And I've seen many people get confused because they google "time now in CET" and Google doesn't say "by the way, CET isn't currently active"
though they could!
They were smart enough to tell me when daylight savings ends here rather than in the US
CET is deprecated according to wikipedia
hah! thanks gRegorLove for proving my point. Even the Europeans misused their own tz abbr
Similar with other "singular" ones like PST in that table.
Ooh, as a tz name, yeah, they want to move on to the region based ones
also does S = Standard or Summer?
depends if you mean PST or BST/CEST 😛
timezoneabbrs has -1 karma over the last year
Er, PST8PDT? that one's new to me
BST is summer time there, so doesn’t matter :P
Anyway, currently I'm leaning -1 on "location" in the mf property name for this, due to the AREA/LOCATION format
maybe we should just call it tz-string to make it clear there's something funny going on
Hmm. “UTC” (and Etc/UTC) are not deprecated. So not every official tz zone name has a region name
tz-string sounds good
this is almost worth a follow-up post about why timezone (names/strings) suck
since IANA docs can't even be specific
Interestingly, The US/* ones are also deprecated
[Tantek Çelik] Why You Should Use Timezone Offsets Not Timezone Names
Yes, you should be using America/*
I've always preferred those so I don't have to remember city names :)
Etc/GMT-6 etc seem to not have been deprecated either, gRegorLove, if you want to stick to offsets
what's worse is all those strings only have meaning within a certain start date (optional end date)
Glad to see we have that article linked on /timezone :)
I think there is a good argument to be made for tz-string. The tz database files just title the names “TZ”. Just like the table on Wikipedia
so if you want to future-proof your provincial timezone strings, you have to actually put the date of use into the string
tz-string would suggest to me more "+0700" or so for some reason, not sure why
depends what kind of future proofing you want :D
sknebel, p-tz is already defined I believe, to be +0700
like 2018-10-10/America/New_York
I have it on my h-card, and pretty sure I took it from the mf wiki
otherwise you have to sniff the date of use of the tz string from the context
for a user profile, it makes sense that is not bound to a date
no it should capture the date when the user chose it from a pop-up or whatever
since they're certainly not typing them in by hand 😉
[grantcodes] joined the channel
no, the date doesn't matter
Well, date matters, but for finding the user’s time you may assume it to be $currentdate
it does because rules
you want it to follow the rules
edited /events/2018-10-10-homebrew-website-club (+9) "/* New York City */ Add Dmitri to RSVP list."
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If the definition of "Europe/Berlin" changes, e.g. because they actually do get rid of DST, I do not want something to remember "oh, but DST existed back then" and assume I follow DST somehow
no Zegnat you cannot assume currentdate because of any rules added between when the user set the timezone and the currentdate
good example sknebel
so you do not need to store a date with it for user profiles
yes you need to store the date the user set it
to capture their intent at the time
I think on my h-card you can assume currentdate. If I set it to Europe/Stockholm, I do not mean Europe/Stockholm today (with DST), I mean Europe/Stockholm any day (even after DST goes away)
I don’t want to go and change my profile just because DST-change happens
I am still in Europe/Stockholm, no change
or because the underlying law changes
Europe/Stockholm may not have DST in the future, great. that applies regardless of when that was added to the profile
if you derive something from that, you apply a date (e.g. if Loqi answers "what time is it for Zegnat", it applies the current date and the rules according to the tz-database for that date)
Sorry, I don't see that date) on https://indieweb.org/irc-people
I kinda want Loqi to reject any dfn attempt that uses one of the words from the phrase in the definition of the phrase
what is object storage
Object storage is a storage mechanism that manages data as objects as opposed to files https://indieweb.org/Object_storage
hmm, would need plural extensions too
I chuckled at that
!tell AngeloGladding,jacky is either of you (or anyone else) actually using "object storage" on your site? Otherwise I'd like to delete that stub.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[tantek]: nuke it
deleted /Object_storage "no known indieweb usage;content was "{{stub}} '''<dfn>Object storage</dfn>''' is a storage mechanism that manages data as objects as opposed to files.", and the only contributor was "[[Special:Contributions/Loqi.me|Loqi.me]]" ([[User talk:Loqi.me|talk]])"
everyone using s3 is
yeah i was going to expand upon it when i ventured into that space
AngeloGladding: [tantek] left you a message 2 minutes ago: is either of you (or anyone else) actually using "object storage" on your site? Otherwise I'd like to delete that stub.
but for now i have nothing
what is s3?
Amazon S3 is a file hosting service from Amazon https://indieweb.org/S3
edited /URL_design (+159) "/* Topic */ explicit list of why slugs should be optional in your permalinks (and not part of the "ID" of the post), add autolink URL extension fragility"
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quite the scrollback to catch up on
Hey #indieweb folks! My Atom/RSS to WebSub/WebMention bridge is almost ready for use! Check it out at http://github.com/PlaidWeb/Pushl The docs need a lot of work but the basic functionality is there.
Lots of timezone stuff, so maybe worth skipping. ;)
oh but i love timezone stuff
Then you'll love it :)
edited /Amazon_S3 (+201) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ some more examples (cleverdevil, miklb)"
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created /POSSE_delete (+25) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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edited /POSSE (+235) "/* Delete */ Add IndieWeb Examples section"
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[manton] joined the channel
IndieWebCamp Austin update: leaning toward either Feb 9-10 or Feb 23-24. I think for simplicity we're going to go with the same venue as last year. Just kind of want to lock it down this month so everyone can have it on their calendars, so if you think you can make it let me which weekend is better or put your name here: https://indieweb.org/Planning#Austin
thanks for the reminder! gonna look at my calendar right now
Also if _neither_ of those weekends work, we can pick another one. Just from talking to people those weekends looked best so far.
I heard back from Tara Vancil who said that she and Paul Frazee (also works on Beaker) hope to make it.
oh cool
↩️ Going to do in indieweb Virtual meet up tonight if you want to join me for help shooting for 8:30 but will be late as I have to coach a soccer game so showers and bedtime routines will be off-kilter tonight
[jgmac1106] will you be able to make vHWC next wednesday?
[tmiller] joined the channel
Question:if I want to add a note with a photo about where I'm sitting since the Cafe is a little big where can I put it for the NYC HWC
[tmiller], if you can post to your site easily, add the link under the address on https://indieweb.org/events/2018-10-10-homebrew-website-club#New_York_City
Or you can upload the photo to the wiki and embed it there.
No real rule about it; whatever is easiest :)
created /Template:tm (+189) "Created page with "<span class="h-card" style="white-space:nowrap">{{sparkline|https://rootedfromnature.com/file/392aa1adf775fcd502a5c0db3fc97b7d/thumb.jpg}} [https://rootedfromnature.com Tiara...""
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edited /Planning (+154) "/* Austin */ surprisingly all the 2019 dates work for me"
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Going to the inaugural Homebrew Website Club in Mountain View tonight. Have a website that you control? Join us! https://indieweb.org/events/2018-10-10-homebrew-website-club#Mountain_View #indieweb
edited /Planning (+140) "Added comment about not conflicting with IndieWebCamp Austin."
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edited /deleted (+8) "add rag"
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tmiller++ nice!
tmiller has 1 karma over the last year
be sure to get someone to take a photo of at least the two of you as well
(or selfie 🙂 )
selfie has 1 karma over the last year
↩️ Come by a local Homebrew Website Club then. There are lots all over the world: https://indieweb.org/Events, e.g. a new one starting tonight in Mountain View, CA. #indieweb
I hope j12t is coming to MV!
tmiller you got your brownie finally! (also I think that image is only Slack - for now?)
[tantek] it's not even a good brownie
I need to RSVP
I like how the # of people in the photos doubled.
↩️ ping me any time then @grammasheri and I can walk you through #IndieWeb options for personal sites and public groups m
I'd recommend this episode of Crazy/Genius from @TheAtlantic featuring @merbroussard to everyone. There’s something to be gained here in the people side of what #IndieWeb movement is doing as well as for their efforts towards inclusion. #DTMH2016 https://boffosocko.com/2018/10/10/tech-was-supposed-to-be-societys-great-equalizer-what-happened-crazy-genius-the-atlantic/
edited /Twitter (+888) "/* POSSE Follows to Twitter */ POSSE Updates & Deletes to Twitter, link to larger articles"
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edited /2018/Berlin (-7) "/* Adjacent Events */ not in Berlin for hack week before IWC :/"
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[cleverdevil] joined the channel
edited /events/2018-10-10-homebrew-website-club (-49) "/* New York City */ Clean up NYC section (remove empty comma, duplicate sentence, etc.)."
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[jgmac1106] joined the channel
tmiller has 2 karma over the last year
Nice first HWC.!!
You doubled my first attendance! And matched my attendance last night.
jgmac1106, can you email me the contact for the potential interest in my neighborhood?
That and can someone tell me about pre Berlin hack week?
Yeah better yet let me do the intro. Your email is on your h-card. She is on the #IndieWeb IES grant as a PI with me. Studies learning and video games
[tmiller] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] is he in NY area?
I can't tag him
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
A friend of mine is working on reading electricity meters in Australia. Australia has completely mad timezones, and also changes the DST date when they host sporting events.