#meta 2018-10-09

2018-10-09 UTC
moved /Lets_encrypt to /Lets_Encrypt "capitalize more like the actual name"
edited /Falcon (+569) "add HTTPS to semi-prioritized working-on list. move auto Bridgy POSSE to FB to Canceled features since they dropped their publish APIs, some other spot reprioritizations"
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created /Volunteer (+387) "prompted by tantek and dfn added by jgmac1106"
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[kevinmarks] I don't know a good way to reach Maf, feel free to send him the wiki page if you get a chance! https://indieweb.org/events/2018-10-10-homebrew-website-club#Mountain_View
[tantek], jjuran and tantek__ joined the channel
edited /Volunteer (+1039) "tried to think about ways to organize the page"
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[gRegorLove] summit volunteer table looks perfect
[tantek], tantek__, [Rose], jjuran and jeremycherfas_ joined the channel
Hmm. I thought we had volunteers listing on /Planning too. But seems like I misremembered.
swentel, sl007, gRegorLove_, [kevinmarks] and calumryan joined the channel
Looks like I’ll be speaking about IndieWeb at the local Rotary club, right after IWC Nürnberg. Hahaha!
edited /Reddit (+864) "/* How to export */ Added a link to my Reddit content exporter."
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[jgmac1106] joined the channel
edited /Volunteer (-430) "/* Good First Bug */ removed good first bug description since building for yourself and choosing your own goal is our workflow, still some folks want to build for others first, not sure"
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[kevinmarks], [Rose], [jeremycherfas] and swentel joined the channel
jgmac1106, jeremycherfas, I tweeted at benwerd re: knownchat: https://twitter.com/martijnvdven/status/1049638228897292288
@benwerd sorry to trouble again, but looks like #knownchat on Freenode is once again stuck without operator to help it. Loqi lost its +o status. I’d recommend giving Loqi the +O (capital o) flag through ChanServ, so it gets auto-op’ed. (Feel free to ping me, Zegnat, for help.)
Zegnat has 30 karma in this channel over the last year (165 in all channels)
Bot replies for the @glitch-hosted #fediverse bot are still work in progress. Anyone wants to poke around? http://github.com/fourtonfish/glitch-fediverse-bot #indieweb #activitypub
[kevinmarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
edited /tags (+344) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ + me"
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jgmac1106_, [eddie] and [manton] joined the channel
hey [fourtonfish] I am actually heading to Glitch HQ on Thursday are you going to be there?
jgmac1106_, [jgmac1106] and [eddie] joined the channel
Is this business/page involved in trafficking? Language Symbols Colors Signs #'s T=20 2 7 7=2 2 7 7=18=9 https://twitter.com/T =249 69 183 93=6 6 3 3=18=9 @Mozilla=88 34 101 38=7 7 2 11=27=9 @IndieWebCamp=104 59 220 67=5 5 4 4=18=9 #QAnon @POTUS @Real_FFA @mgaudy1980
crappy pic of [tantek] in that tweet, not sure what is all about
!block Cyberibum
[Rose] joined the channel
Okay, I blocked "Cyberibum" from all IndieWeb Twitter searches
edited /Events (+759) "/* October */"
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[tmiller] joined the channel
I added nyc hwc to the wiki can someone check I put it in the correct place
looks good to me, and when did we get the "new" tag, that's fresh
you copied the entry below it, and there already was an entry for HWC on that day
edited /Events () "(-730) /* October */ remove duplicate entry, join multiple entries for 10-10"
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fixed the copied, and joined the two cities, moving the {{new}} labels to the location fields
edited /Events (+12) "/* October */ bold NEW looks nicer"
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OK! Milano Gastown, 36 Powell, is hosting us tonight for the IndieWeb Vancouver meetup, 6pm. @patdryburgh @rtanglao @kempedmonds @IMmsGNU @DogePreacher @gregeh Special guest @benwerd perhaps? Open to all, if you want to come and tinker with websites.
Oh okay so when adding to the same date I just add the location?
edited /Planning (+12) "/* Toronto */"
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edited /User:Mylesb.ca (+216) "/* Websites */"
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swentel joined the channel
Thanks! We need one more person to confirm the retweet!
Over iets meer dan een week zit ik in de trein naar Nuremberg voor @IndieWebCampDE. Wat ga ik daar doen? Daar ga ik eens over denken. https://diggingthedigital.com/indiewebcamp-2018/
edited /events/2018-10-09-indieweb-meetup (+14) "/* Vancouver */ street address, mf2 fix"
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[tmiller]: yes, otherwise it'd be a bit much when there's many HWCs going on
edited /Events (+17) "archive past hwc"
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edited /Events (-5) "/* October */ rm TBA for Vancouver"
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[tmiller] joined the channel
The venue has limited outlet space where would I put that on the wiki? That way people are aware
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
a coffee shop in manhattan, people should know. This is what I would do. You have a Known site. Probably best UI, by that I mean only, for events out there. Make an event there
like this, you can set Known not to set events to your home page...or decide if your personal site and your business site will be same space, pros and cons for both but not a convo for this channel
[tmiller]: you can just add a new line under the time there https://indieweb.org/events/2018-10-10-homebrew-website-club#New_York_City
IndieWeb Virtual MeetUp: Google+ Diaspora
so stoked you pulled this off!
it's a wiki so it's fine to just throw notes onto the page
Thanks guys! We'll see how it goes I'm glad I'm moving towards doing it though
created /canopy (+20) "Redirected page to [[Canopy]]"
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I don't think there are recordings but there were many virtual vHWC's this summer where I sat alone for two hours. If you get one person you double attendance than most first attempts.
has definitely had a few PDX homebrew website clubs with just himself
what is the canonical how to run an HWC page? we should add these reflections somewhere
It looks like we don't have a page for "canonical how to run an HWC page" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "canonical how to run an HWC page is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Yeah I'm hoping to get at least one
Most Chicago HWCs were only Kartik and myself :)
[Rose] joined the channel
I'll be in Chicago in July next year, I should try and tack on an HWC 😛
(And October, hopefully)
That makes me feel a lot better [gRegorLove]
↩️ There's no tweet-length recipe, and I've been trying to figure it out all my career. But for starters: (1) establish a Domain of One's Own (2) Reclaim your data (3) tune into the IndieWeb concept and find others.
From a brand new WordPress install, using the IndieWeb plugin and following its instructions, has got me all set up with zero fuss. I now have webmentions coming in smoothly from Bridgy and automatically syndicating out. Love it! (https://davidpea.ch/2018/10/09/34/)
↩️ I am running two virtual #IndieWeb meetups on G+ and HoA at 8:30 edt. Look all over web for links. Its 8:30ish bc been four day weekend and don’t know which demons I must excise in my children before bed. (http://jgregorymcverry.com/7792-2/)
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
↩️ Here is the agenda for tonight and tomorrow #IndieWeb Virtual MeetUp on Google+ to talk about our future and responsibility to the web: http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/10/09/agenda-for-virtual-indieweb-meetup-on-google (http://jgregorymcverry.com/7794-2/)
↩️ glad it went so well! You both know you can stop by the wordpress channel in #IndieWeb chat anytime. It can be very theme specific if it works. Wondering what theme you used @realdavidpeach (http://jgregorymcverry.com/7796-2/)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
oops no tit
Here is the slidedeck I will use in the first 10-15 minutes of the virtual #IndieWeb MeetUp I am organizing: I will do an HoA that anyone can join and we can comment across different G+ channels and Twitter. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Oou1hCsibpa5JnBeMaUtoVLT3MmA9d0ixH38ETcHNOw/edit?usp=sharing Hard to follow… http://jgregorymcverry.com/7798-2/
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r25AO5TemMs Here is the link tor HoA IndieWeb Meet Up. Also feel free to join us on Twitter or Google+. (http://jgregorymcverry.com/7801-2/)