#meta 2018-10-08

2018-10-08 UTC
dougbeal|mb1 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
looks like nothing links to "using" and there isn't a /generator page and the existing redir of the using page really is about the "generating application" which meta generator is about sooo ... moving ...
moved /using to /generator "more specific term, prior use as meta generator"
deleted /using "to start a fresh one"
created /using (+374) "prompted by tantek__ and dfn added by tantek__"
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created /life-stack (+18) "prompted by tantek__ and redirect added by tantek__"
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edited /using (+447) "tantek__ added "Brainstorming: If you posted about when you started using something (put it into regular use), and also when you stopped using something (perhaps related, was replaced by something you started using?) then you could automate building a..."
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edited /using (+85) "brainstorming expand, see also"
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[eddie] joined the channel
!tell tantek, aaronpk Jean MacDonald had a great idea. Essentially having a “sponsor read” for the IndieWeb’s Open Collective in the half-way point of the My Url Is episodes.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
It would provide a way for more people to know that’s available, and different episodes I could feature different aspects. One about help maintain public services,
one about providing support for planning the summit, one for the travel assistance fund, etc.
oh good idea, maybe for the this-week podcast too!
My only question is, is the travel assistance fund separate in any way or just part of the same open collective account?
tho I suspect the audience of the this-week podcast already knows about it so maybe that's not as important
And is it only for the summit?
I know there’s been discussion about it in the past, and I think General IWC were trickier about the travel assistance if I remember correctly
we've always done it as a one-off per event, and only at IWS
we should talk about how we want to formalize it though since we are about to have actual money for it
Yeah that makes sense. The more formal it is, the smoother that can all operate
I’ll not mention the travel assistant in any of the episodes yet until we get closer towards IWS prep season
I’ll send you guys the first couple of “sponsor reads” for feedback prior to publishing them
The other funny thing is unintentionally it turns out My Url Is’ release cycle is on HWC day
Haha 😆
[tantek] joined the channel
edited /Organizers (+345) "/* travel assistance */"
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created /carddav (+21) "Redirected page to [[CardDAV]]"
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tantek__ i'll write about my CardDAV implementation when i can link to it from lahacker.net proper
tantek__: [eddie] left you a message 2 hours, 9 minutes ago: Jean MacDonald had a great idea. Essentially having a “sponsor read” for the IndieWeb’s Open Collective in the half-way point of the My Url Is episodes.
[Rose] joined the channel
created /Object_storage (+114) "prompted by AngeloGladding and dfn added by jacky"
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!tell Eddie I enjoyed 01. If release were the day before you could do a read for HWC at the end. On the day is a bit short notice.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
ben_thatmustbeme, [kevinmarks], [Rose], swentel and [eddie] joined the channel
Ohhhh interesting idea jeremycherfas
[eddie]: jeremycherfas left you a message 2 hours, 49 minutes ago: I enjoyed 01. If release were the day before you could do a read for HWC at the end. On the day is a bit short notice.
[Vincent] joined the channel
↩️ @wblau​'s keynote und die Konferenz besprechen die wirklich wichtigsten Probleme. Auch hier kurz skizziert: https://derstandard.at/2000088782030/Wolfgang-Blau-Europas-Chance-ist-maschinelle-Uebersetzung?ref=rss – mein Ziel wäre nun, während der FOSDEM 2019 in Brüssel die EU, W3C seniors, Mozilla, #indieweb grassroots, EFF u.a. zusammenzubringen ! #justdoit
[chrisburnell] joined the channel
No desire to mess with your #dadtimetable [eddie]
Haha, the funny thing is I had originally intended to release My Url Is on Tuesdays. Then this last week it seemed like it was gonna be a stretch so I posted it on a Wednesday
So then I had just decided to stick with Wednesdays. So it could definitely work to move it back to Tuesday’s
[jgmac1106] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
created /X-ray (+17) "prompted by jeremycherfas and redirect added by Zegnat"
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I think I am leaning towards trying to come to Berlin, I just have to figure out when to arrive/leave.
You'll have a great time!
I like to arrive in countries with other timezones as far in advance as I can, jetlag usually hits on day 3 for me
I will? How do you know m
Well, lots of the people going to Berlin will also be going to Nürnberg, and I expect to have a great time so...
I have to figure out the logistics. Flights are easy with Aer Lingus
Berlin has 7 day travel tickets by the way, so they're valid for 7 days from the day of purchase
Not sure if I can stay that long
If I leave Thursday night, I might come back Monday or Tuesday
It might still be cheaper to get a 7 day ticket than another, I don't remember off the top of my head
I also have to decide how much sightseeing I want to allocate
It's €7/day for a daily ticket, or €30 for a weekly ticket
A single ticket is €2,80.
Also depends on where I am going
And that page is available in English, whoops.
I don't speak German
It also depends what sort of sightseeing you want to do. I just walked around the city last I was there, hopping in and out of the tubes to get to places.
I know some phrases, but that's it
German won't be necessary
There is a really simple public transit app with 0 German requirements if you go that route :)
Zegnat, I like to take one of those half day bus rides where you see everything but go nowhere
If you want to see the Reichstag you could register now, just don't forget your passport
Aah, hop-on-hop-off I think is one of those bus tours. I did one of those in Copenhagen. They’ll have audio tracks like a museum in multiple languages available.
Is it worth seeing?
I loved the Reichstag
Zegnat, when they have an English speaking driver I like to engage with them
Ask schmarty about our trip on the 🦆 ⛵.
That could be problematic ... in my experience even though the drivers get in touch with a lot of tourists, their proficiency in foreign languages tends to be limited...
I will survive not engaging
When I moved to the Netherlands, my busdriver from Germany to Amsterdam hardly spoke anything other than German. And he’d have been transporting tourists every day cross-border :/
I am sure my heckling would lose something in the translation
I've never been to the Netherlands either
I love the Netherlands
I really should go to Europe more
Whereabouts do you like GWG?
So when I tried to relay information about a big traffic accident that would be blocking our route, I was listening to Dutch radio translating to English and having that translated by a German tourist on the bus.
Ouch, that's tricky Zegnat
Though I still struggle a lot with Dutch
I have trouble picking vacation destinations, so I pick based on Indiewebcamps
(Understanding is usually fine, speaking not so much)
It's worked well in the last two years
And to correct my question for GWG: Whereabout are you _from_?
I would instantly know if the German translation was wrong though, as I understand it. I just didn’t trust myself to translate the stuff correctly, as I do not tend to use a lot of traficrelated German :P
(Multi tasking...)
That's how I saw Austin, LA, etc
Picking based on IWC is great GWG! I had never been to the UK prior to Brighton IWC, haha
New York. It still took me 2 hours to get to IWC NYC
Zegnat, I would do a UK event
Lots of flights I could get on
I am a fan of that tactic, I pick places based on events happening too - e.g. Seattle in January for PodCon
Gotta bug adactio again about having another Brighton one
Rose, if you ever come to one I am attending, tell me. I feel like I know you after your face was up on that big screen for a long time
New York is advantageous location wise.
I had no idea 😆
But I will definitely let you knpw.
I tried to mention it at one point
Friday/Saturday might work well next year for me next year in New York
That goes for any community members. When aaronpk was in NYC a few months ago for a day unexpectedly, I headed down to see him
We forgot photo evidence though
It's only about 10 hours to New York, direct. I could do a weekend trip
That reminds me, I still need to write down the contact for the local University wanting to do HWC from jgmac1106. I forget what he said
Rose, change planes in Dublin, you get Immigration Pre Clearance.
But I'm biased
I prefer direct flights generally, and Star Alliances don't fly via Ireland
As soon as I know when the next IWC NY is I'll see about getting holiday
Is there a place I can order a tshirt though? 😛
Talk to jgmac1106, he's much more successful at networking than I am
He probably wants a break before the next one
I did very little by comparison
I can't do anything for a while anyway. Might be nice if it's attached to another event I attend somehow. New York is a good stopover point
I have the T-shirt mockup to prove it
Well, it's hard to find events I enjoy
I tried Wordcamps, but too business oriented
I have a fair few US trips on my calendar for next year
I'd like to at least attend HWCs if I can
“too business oriented” - lots of events are :(
I have proudly attended HWCs in 3 countries :D Hahaha
Zegnat, easier when the countries are so close together
Oh for sure!
We need a...If you like Indiewebcamps, you might like... section
I should look into possibilities of starting up the Swedish HWC again if I am going to be spending more time in the city
That would be smart
we already try to cover potentially interesting events on /Events
but of course that has limits, especially when it comes to small events
I wonder if subsections under events or some kind of filter/tagging system might be useful. E.g. online, Europe, Northern USA, Southern USA, etc.
In the wiki it is, yes.
I want to do that kind of thing wth rags once we start using calagator for events
tags not rags
we've looked at various other things, but nothing felt right enough to be worth the extra maintenance. been meaning to expand Kaja's abilities too
That sounds good. I should look at calagator
calagator has tag pages so you can easily browse events that way too
aaronpk, we're going to do that?
the main instance is http://calagator.org it's just for Portland events
Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference
aaronpk, I just remember us discussing it, but not sure what happened
There's a few things we need to add to the software before we can use it
mainly allowing edits only by logged in users
Any movement?
Not in a while
Oh well
[tmiller], [cleverdevil] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
we will do another NYC for sure, but @gwg is right we will make sure it won't be same time President is in lower Manhattan, reeked havoc on travel and security
[tantek] joined the channel
edited /User:Cjwillcock.ca (+43) "/* Finished */"
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[tmiller] joined the channel
Good to know, thanks [jgmac1106]!
I haven't been to NYC since I was 8, so I'll be scouring the wiki page for recommendations.
We can help with that
jgmac1106 and I still have to plan a Tenement Museum run
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: the subways were fine during IWC NYC
and AFAIK the security issues had nothing to with timing, but rather untrained staff
I got a couple emails people saying they weren't coming due to the announced travel advisory...but yeah the security at Pace had to cost us a dozen or so people
also makes me wonder if we should start charging a minimal amount to increase attendance
like we do / did for IWS
[jgmac1106]: what are the popular tech meetups in NYC, even just for an evening, and do they charge?
yeah $10 tix maybe good gate keeper
not sure, don't know the scene
[jgmac1106]: even $5 might be enough for an IWC. I think we do $10 for IWS
[schmarty] and [Rose] joined the channel
I'd be willing to buy a ticket.
And it would contribute towards costs a little perhaps. Something like Eventbrite could even be used as marketing as well as for ticket sales.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
sweet landed a speaking gig at Moz Berlin day before IWC, now to raise the travel funds from Provost and Dean's office. Pieces coming together
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
I need to look into accommodations
@gwg if you aren't bunking with [schmarty] and I get funding I will happily room with you again
He already arranged accommodations
[tmiller] joined the channel
I will post once I get the plane tickets
I still need to figure out which days
sl007, [kiai], [Rose], [schmarty], swentel and dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
Rose: HWC Seattle should happen wednesday before PodCon. Though thats crunch time for Foolscap Prep (Feb 1-3)
Wednesday before... I could swing that
edited /site-deaths (+443) "/* Upcoming */ Google Plus"
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edited /Google_Plus (+451) "site-death"
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edited /site-deaths (+132) "archive quitter.no"
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[manton] joined the channel
manton has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (61 in all channels)
I'm moving forward with planning for IndieWebCamp Austin 2019. The 3 weekends that seem the most promising so far are Jan 12-13, Feb 9-10, and Feb 23-24.
If anyone thinks they can attend, add your name here: https://indieweb.org/Planning#Austin
So that we can get closer to picking a good date.
Ooh awesome I will take a look at my calendar
[manton]: Sounds fun
edited /Planning (+53) "/* Austin */ votes"
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voted on those three. Most of the others I'm flexible on currently.
Haven't been to Austin in a while; will be nice to visit.
Cool, thanks! Would be great to have you in town.
I learned a lot helping organize IndieWebCamp Austin last year. We’re doing it again in early 2019. Planning is underway now with possible dates on the wiki. https://indieweb.org/Planning#Austin
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
gRegorLove, anything we can do to get you to IWC Berlin?
[eddie] joined the channel
Not this year, but maybe next year
I'd never really considered traveling that far for an IWC before, but it would be fun :)
jjuran joined the channel
Not going to blame you. I have no idea what needs to happen for me to seriously consider a US one!
tantek__ joined the channel
#testing just trying something out, part of my #IndieWeb intentions...
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
looks like I should post an indie event for MV!
[kiai] joined the channel
@kunez5 you may want to try the Knownchat on IRC or https://chat.indieweb.org I saw this error before with someone and they had overwritten their config.ini file. Not sure if that helps. (https://jgregorymcverry.com/7754-2/)
[schmarty], [asuh], [chrisaldrich], sl007 and [kiai] joined the channel
↩️ @OnlineCrsLady More motivation for me to get my own site up :) #indieweb
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Tantek, invite Maf, he came to an earlier south bay HWC
↩️ Well, folks like you make everyone else feel connected & at home no matter what social network you're using, including the Canvas community site. I want to start publishing on my own site(s) though as a backup: https://indieweb.org/POSSE