tantek__, [kevinmarks], [Rose] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]I won't speak to why Rose is attending the event. I will just note she said as woman Codes of Conduct make her feel safer....If having explicit expectations of behavior, a single page on a wiki makes events for attractive fro unde rprivledged people I don't see the harm in having one
#[Rose]Basically it's because I know that the people organising it have taken into account the fact that some people act inappropriately and are ready to handle _any_ issue along those lines.
#[jgmac1106]you can have toxic behavior that doesn't break the law that can ruin an event. Really saying you will attend no events that have Code of Conduct feels a little strange. What is wrong with saying "Be nice to people. If you feel someone isn't being nice to you here are three people you can talk to."
#[Rose]Be that someone bogarting all of the sandwiches at lunch or threatening behaviour, there's acknowledgment that the world is not full of perfect people but that we all want to make this the most positive experience we can.
#[jgmac1106]behavior is subjective....I don't think we can apply humanistic positivism as to what counts as "good behavior" I make behaivor contracts in every classroom I have ever taught from kindergarten to college, they work
#[Rose]I did that as a teacher too, if people know what is expected of them then it's easier for everyone to follow along.
#[Rose]For those who are going to do the right thing anyway they contribute by adding to the rules, for those who might have seen things differently it's a clear indicator as to what should be done here. Especially if you have more than one culture in a place then things get sticky quickly otherwise 🙂
#[jgmac1106]but I don't say hitting person two times will result in....I say keep hands to your self.....Embrace subjectivity rather than striving for an objective ideal...but now we are debating truth and getting into philosophy,,,,but if having a CoC of conduct means getting more women and people of color to feel safe at events I will accept losing 1-2 people who do not believe in having CoC
#ZegnatIt is still interesting to hear if the people the events would be “losing” have any specific complaints about the CoC that could be addressed. From what I read from cweiske there isn’t much we could address in his case, as it seems to be more of a principle thing – which I respect in and off it self – but maybe there are others.
#ZegnatMaking sure we are just as open to people who have complaints about, as to the people who feel empowered by, the CoC is important imho
#[jgmac1106]I agree I am looking for the link for [cweiske] to add his criticism that CoC's are too subjective and cover what the law already disallows
#[jgmac1106]though I did notice as I typed his user his status update is "I hate you I still hate you"....sure just an old joke
#[Rose](As a note what is allowed in public places differs to private property in many countries, and considering IndieWeb is international I think it's perhaps a good thing to re-iterate even what is considered standard laws if only for consistency)
#ZegnatThe fact that there isn’t 1 IndieWeb GmbH LLC AB Inc that takes care of all the events also makes the whole thing a lot more variable. The same goes for HWCs. Sometimes meetups have been at venues with their own rules (e.g. there have been those that required attendents to give their name at the front desk), have been part of bigger events with separate rules, etc.
#[jon]Ashe Dryden’s discussion of why events should have codes of conducts has a good summary of why I (and many others) won’t go to events without CoC’s: “Choosing to only attend events with a Code of Conduct means you are supporting and sending a clear message to conferences that have thought about the safety and comfort of all of their attendees - the Code of Conduct signals a concious committment to that.”
#aaronpkokay tweaked things a bit again and the really aggressive spam filter part should only be run for people who have joined in the last 5 minutes (and will not be run against slack people)
#aaronpkugh there is more missing but it's a lot of work to restore them from slack
#[jgmac1106]cut and paste the tiny bit [Rose] wants to cite and she can just publish a post with a blockqoute??...or just a file in Git Repo, a with a dump of whatever log you are looking at [aaronpk]
#ZegnatI just listed my pronouns in all languages I speak on my site. Thus: edgecase. I do love that we'll have buttons now! Maybe I can get some more people in Nürnberg to put their pronouns on their profiles.
#[Rose]I'm literally in the middle of making a new indieweb site for myself, so I'm up for it
tantek__ joined the channel
#tantek__Zegnat: ending what is questions with a preposition like about is ignored by Loqi
#AnchakorJust a random feedback, the CoC seems to be one of the best I've seen. My primary concern about CoCs is how zealot-inclined it is - if a single mistake can ruin a persons career/life. This CoC seems pretty OKish with the "peacefully", "respecfully" wording, might be even nicer to emphasize private conflict-resolution.
#tantek__appreciated Anchakor! feel free to add to indieweb.org/code-of-conduct-feedback!