#meta 2018-10-23

2018-10-23 UTC
ben_thatmustbeme and [dave] joined the channel
You can stop by places like #unboundeq #mozillians #el30 #ds106 or #IndieWeb, been teaching digital citizenship lessons for free since well ever. #edtechchat (http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/EwPO1)
[eddie] joined the channel
ok, I added "https://seblog.nl/2018/10/22/13/three-things-about-readers" to the "See Also" section of /single_point_of_aaron https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=53136&oldid=53135
[Sebastiaan Andeweg] Three things about Readers during IndieWebCamp Nürnberg
tbbrown and [frank] joined the channel
There we go. Join the Indieweb chat through Slack. So I can read back (IRC client wouldn’t let me) and have better editing tools (I’m looking at you, webinterface). 👋
[tantek] joined the channel
Great time tonight talking #Indieweb with @steviedotboston @gormanate @laurenbacon and @dries (and Dave who isn’t on Twitter?)
[Rose], tonz and jjuran joined the channel
↩️ You should come visit http://chat.indieweb.org - we have a wiki which an irc bot helps us edit, and we use etherpad for collaborative notes before converting them to wiki pages.
[sebsel], [tantek], swentel, [calumryan], tantek__, sl007 and [Vincent] joined the channel
Really should transpose my information strategies posts from a decade ago to map how to use #indieweb protocols. Some ideas about feedreading: https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2018/10/feed-reading-strategies-and-tools/
tantek__ and [Rose] joined the channel
[kevinmarks], calumryan and [frank] joined the channel
↩️ #publicserviceinternet @kevinmarks: I think it looks like http://indieweb.org tbh
Question from a chat-padawan: any talks and discussion specific on Jekyll and Liquid, should that go to #dev or would a dedicated channel be appropriate? Since there is a #wordpress channel as well?
[Rose] joined the channel
I _think_ the rule is general discussion doesn't need to be in dev, but when it gets technical then go to dev?
And the WordPress room was added because people felt it sometimes overwhelmed the main dev
[jgmac1106] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
yeah, pretty much. when it gets into technical details -dev (#indieweb should be "jargon-free" was one suggestion), -wordpress was created because it had enough activity to warrant its own space. I don't see anything else having that much activity right now, but of course if people feel like they'd like another channel that can be talked about
[tonz] joined the channel
known also has its own channel, right?
true, it does. but I think that was more "adopted" by us and not split out from the indieweb channels
Yeah they are getting ripped apart onoine for this CoC
[pfefferle], tantek__, [tantek], [chegalabonga] and [eddie] joined the channel
bradenslen, [pfefferle], [chegalabonga], [lauren] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
↩️ @DonaldBMcIntosh Does http://last.fm have an RSS feed url for each user?!? How do I get it? #indieweb
↩️ The indieweb wiki has some links to scraping tools that make RSS feeds: https://indieweb.org/Last.fm#PESOS (have not tested if those still work)
↩️ Once participants comfortable with etherpad you could always do the #IndieWeb thing and encourage wiki markup and then export the documents. (http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1e8tXj)
some notes on #publicserviceinternet roday at #mozfest with Meghan McDermott, @billt @solanasaurus, @MitchellBaker @wendyg and others whose names I didn't attach twitter handles to http://www.kevinmarks.com/publicserviceinternet.html #indieweb
↩️ The amazing folks In the #indieweb community have helped me get my data off so many sites and into my own website! We’d love to have you @ a meetup sometime :-)
@indiewebcamp #indiewebcamp I made a little demo about fluid type in combination with the ch unit! https://codepen.io/Nice2MeatU/pen/MPPYGw #cssrocks
jackjamieson, tbbrown, [chegalabonga] and [Marco] joined the channel
The Codepen I created is now updated with a few links to "who had the idea first", the spec and the caniuse page of the ch unit. 🙂
↩️ @anomalily @SwarmApp When there is an #indieweb meetup in Scotland I will be there for sure !
↩️ Just grab one more person and head to a public house or a tea shop. Talk websites and IndieWeb MeetUp Scotland is born. Who knows maybe folks show enough interest to get homebrew website club going. (http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/VlwzG)
swentel, [pfefferle], sebsel and jackjamieson joined the channel
nice2meatu++ for oepning my eyes to the ch unit
nice2meatu has 1 karma over the last year
I just subscribed to @EddieHinkle's new podcast "My URL is", a short interview show talking to people about their personal websites. It has a wonderful #IndieWeb flavor. #trypod https://boffosocko.com/2018/10/23/following-my-url-is/
jackjamieson joined the channel
ok, the FOMO was too real
I just booked a train to Berlin
jackjamieson joined the channel
edited /2018/Berlin/Guest_Book (+220) "rsvp'ed myself"
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is jealous
Packed house for #IIW! Looking forward to three days of discussions about identity with everyone! Ask me about: OAuth, self-hosted identity, IndieWeb. Tomorrow I'll be talking about @Indie_Auth during demo hour!
tbbrown, ben_thatmustbeme and [asuh] joined the channel
If anyone taking #el30 wants to learn more about how #IndieWeb stuff can connect all our blogs and bring web 3.0 dreams to life using pretty much Web 1.0 tech lemme know. Happy to do a pop up virtual #IndieWeb meetup (http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/XR3uw)
[pfefferle], [chegalabonga] and tbbrown joined the channel
sebsel++ yayyy see you in berlin
sebsel has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (21 in all channels)
[Rose] joined the channel
I have major FOMO for Berlin, but I'm visiting my parents that weekend 🙂
edited /read (+305) "/* mark up and post a read */ u-read-of note"
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Thanks for that nudge. I hadn't considered that option.
oh, that :D was in reaction to sesbsel
oh, hehe
but yeah, for online u-read-of seems to make more sense, although there's something to be said for title since offline readings don't have a url. guess as usual, "proper" h-cite and understanding that is best result quality
sl007 joined the channel
edited /follow (+447) "Bridgy Fed support"
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tbbrown and [dave] joined the channel
Learning about User Managed Access (UMA) and thinking about how it might be applicable to sharing private feeds in #indieweb readers. #iiw