#meta 2018-11-19

2018-11-19 UTC
edited /commitments (+79) "+categorytree"
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Updated the commitment pages to include a categorytree: https://indieweb.org/2019-01-01-commitments#Other_Commitments
Those should stay up to date with new pages in [[Category:IndieWeb Commitments]]
Thx @cleverdevil I just published my first read post using an idno plugin I remixed! I clearly have a few things to adjust on the templates but the markup looks correct. #IndieWeb (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1UpIDj)
[jgmac1106], deathrow1, eli_oat1 and cambridgeport90 joined the channel
↩️ Basically best place to go to for help is the #IndieWeb chat. Either #Knownchat on freenode or link to the Known channel from https://chat.known.com (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/uaQpZ)
[tantek] and [eddie] joined the channel
[tantek], [asuh] and [eddie] joined the channel
↩️ The rel attribute stands for relationship. Rel=me creates a relationship between me and the online services. You can then use this to create authentification with the right API https://indieweb.org/RelMeAuth #vdthess18
↩️ A great resource to know more about decentralized web: https://indieweb.org/ Don't forget to have fun, your website is a playground!! Let's share what we know, just chose where you want to share it. #vdthess18
[Vincent] joined the channel
Great talk about the #indieweb by @adactio at #voxxeddays #thessaloniki - extremely inspiring! https://t.co/XHDUvw6C0p
[kevinmarks], [jgmac1106], jjuran, [Vincent] and jeremych_ joined the channel
created /Perch_Runway (+19) "prompted by petermolnar and redirect added by sknebel"
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edited /Perch_Runway (-1) "whops, no dot."
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swentel joined the channel
edited /2019/Online/Planning (+186) "/* Goals / Ideas for Online Medium */"
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eli_oat1, [jgmac1106], [Vincent] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Just proposed a "nap time" session idea for the upcoming IndieWebCamp-Online. Meaning parents can give a window for their session based on normal nap schedules with understanding start and stop times may shift dramatically. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1gItTf)
[Csongor], [kevinmarks], eli_oat1, [jgmac1106], [dave], [schmarty] and [tantek] joined the channel
aaronpk has 65 karma in this channel over the last year (302 in all channels)
aaronpk++ for the IWC Berlin sessions summary podcast! i have posted it to the TWITIWAE stream.
[schmarty]: aaronpk left you a message 22 hours, 44 minutes ago: feel free to copy this to your this-week feed so it ends up in the main podcast feed too! https://aaronparecki.com/2018/11/18/7/indiewebcamp-berlin
yay thanks!
[eddie] joined the channel
very cool, I'm looking forward to listening to that!
didn't expect it to take me that long to edit, but at least it's done now!
Aaronpk, zegnat the mf1 markup needed the spans/abbrs that were in there before because the deployed h2vx doesn’t support the time element unfortunately. Dev.h2vx.com has some experimental time element support if you want to try it
Alternatively if you know of another service to turn h-event into .ics so people can subscribe to events in their iCal, we could use that instead of h2vx. That’s the use-case this is for
didn't gRegorLove write one?
also, have you actually looked at the ics feed that it's been generating?
(Re /Events and one-day-template etc)
I can take a look at your new template to see if it is possible to make it work with mf1 hCalendar
the current ics feed is kind of a mess, has a bunch of invalid data in the dates
Aaronpk probably because we’ve neglected it. It use to work completely
Using the templates consistently would make that easier since they could include any necessary backcompat smarts, just as they can be DRY even if they output duplicate info
this is as far as I got with the new template https://indieweb.org/Template:Aaronparecki.com/one-day-event
the example at the bottom is using it too
Last call for events this week - assuming no HWC tue or wed?
jackjamieson joined the channel
https://indieweb.org/reader needs a bit of an overhaul - it's too hard to find the latest info about all the awesome readers
which social readers are people using?
Make sure any stuff that needs to be done (that you don't do yourself) is in https://indieweb.org/to-do before December to help provide fodder for 2018-12-indieweb-challenge 😄
aaronpk is Monocle usable by anyone or just you?
pretty sure others are using it
both my hosted one as well as a self-hosted one
I don't keep usage logs on it though so I don't really know
edited /reader (+438) "social readers section at top since that's what's new, exciting, and actually broadly usable today, move Indigenous and Together there, note IndieWeb examples need review and updating"
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[zak] joined the channel
edited /reader (+284) "/* Social Readers */ add Indigenous screenshots"
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edited /reader (+205) "move Monocle to social readers"
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Eddie I needed it more urgently so here's a quick iterative attempt to improve the relevance / appeal of /reader
ok [aaronpk]move Monocle to the new Social Readers section
feel free to improve that new section - this was a quick rough attempt to highlight the most relevant stuff with visually compelling screenshots quickly
nice, definitely an improvement
now we can easily send people to indieweb.org/readers as the latest in Reader development, period.
ideally each of our generically named pages is similarly appealing, showcasing screenshots from best examples of indieweb projects / products / services
Great improvement tantek!
need to somehow capture that design goal in /wikify
and yes, I've heard several people mention they use Monocle (and I use it whenever I'm on a computer)
edited /reader (+15) "note feed readers are read-only, more descriptive than "legacy", explicitly note Social Readers are interactive"
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edited /reader (-1) "/* Indigenous */ slight tweaks to Indigenous description"
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aaronpk, [tantek] not as a service, but a library: https://github.com/gRegorLove/mf2-to-iCalendar
[gRegorLove] mf2-to-iCalendar: Convert microformats h-event to iCalendar
aha awesome. have you tried it out on the /events page?
that looks straightforward enough I'd be happy to set it up on the server to convert wiki pages
If the mf2 is good, it should work. I've used it on several client sites so far.
sweet. i'd much prefer that over continuing to wrangle mf1 templates
benwerd, swentel and [schmarty] joined the channel
i use aaronpk's hosted monocle in firefox as my desktop reader.
I should re-record this and just focus on the social readers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwECN4uVuHg
[eddie] joined the channel
edited /audience (+307) "/* Indieweb examples */ +me"
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edited /audience (+190) "/* Indieweb examples */ $me"
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edited /token_revocation (+56) "link IndieAuth revocation in dfn too"
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[jgmac1106], [dave], benwerd, jackjamieson, [kevinmarks], tantek and [tantek] joined the channel
also agreed to switching to the mf2->ics converter assuming it works!
[Tantek Çelik] The Homebrew Computer Club 38th Reunion: Inspiration To Try A Variant
Happy anniversary a
The problems I mention in that blog post are largely still true!
hey [jgmac1106] I've been following your https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/pages/100daysofindieweb - very impressive
quick question on yesterday's entry though - it says "Planned IWC-Online" but AFAIK that's not actually done yet right? Like we don't have a set date, way to RSVP for it etc.?
Not to diminish what aaronpk did with 100daysofindieweb I'm pretty sure the expectation is actually *shipping* something (not just "working on it") on every day
IMO for 100daysofindieweb, better to have note the one thing you shipped, rather than that plus "worked on" things that haven't shipped or aren't really visible results I guess? (like what's the visible outcome / shipping of "debated switching CMS (again) " ?)
or am I misinterpreting this and is it more of a personal log of 100daysofindieweb related things you've worked on? (which is also a great thing to do, just a different variant than the original)
my goal with it was to ship some visible improvement every day. so it was a combination of completing something plus also making sure that thing was visible to others.
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
I think that's a good bar to set
also good to self-limit to one, I mean if you do more than one in a day, maybe save "launching" it for the next day just to give yourself a breather 🙂
or queue up the things you're making incremental progress for being able to "finish up" in a future day so you reduce your future cognitive load
I did also sometimes find that the original goal was too large, so I split it up into two smaller goals, but both involved shipping something
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Is community shipped or built? I am leaving my evangelism out... Though that is quantifiable x post today, but stuff like planning IWC-Online or IWC-New Haven will take time. I will count community activities
But like [aaronpk] said, I shipped a plugin yesterday... Do not like it so it will be chunked.. One day will be write templates, next day functions
I also have to learn all this stuff as I go. I can't just ship a plugin built on php...first I have to spend hours learning how... I do not track that
No when I reach day 43 and decide... F this I just want to figure out how to do this with flat files.... Well then I am royally screwed if "shipped" is metric of success
For me I made a commitment to do #IndieWeb work for 100 days I may engineer my site or codes for others but I may also iterate on community
i'd count something like launching a registration page for the event, but not stuff like sending emails about planning
I will give you, "debated switching LMS" has lower value but then I was also working through with someone on how to edit their htaccess file if running Known on Apache... So it weird way it sparked that outcome...
[aaronpk] I like that filter "must be outward facing"
I liked it as well. it definitely biases the kind of things that get done during the challenge, so you should be aware of that, but I thought it was useful
Been trying to add the list item and then link to a post... But it's day five... Already tired.... The low bar this morning might have been "oh shit what will I do today" but then I was able to ship something on my site after hating the plugin and redoing my stylesheet
Now tomorrow I can write a tutorial on Grint files to compile your stylesheets in Known (right after I learn how to do that and what a Grint file is)
If you think you can do #100Days better feel free to dogfood on your own site and we can compare Feb/March
... But point taken... Will keep the low bar stuff off... May make a page to track it all
what is IndieWeb Challenge?
The IndieWeb Challenge is to collectively ship something IndieWeb-related every day of December! https://indieweb.org/IndieWeb_Challenge
[tantek]1 joined the channel
Stupid autocorrect. It Grint a word?
edited /Organizers (+614) "fix dfn grammar, simplify slightly, add proposal for making "organizer" more active to focus and encourage"
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hey organizers past and present, please take a look at the proposal at the top of the page there (just past the definition) and add your summary +1/0/-1 opinion and thoughts/feedback - https://indieweb.org/Organizers - appreciated!!!
not sure I understand your comment about "folks who would opt out"
edited /2018-12-indieweb-challenge (+874) "add inspiration section to start queuing up things to do for the challenge, collectively and personally"
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Yeah "opt-out" usually too busy or not available more than anything. I like page and new filters
edited /2018-12-indieweb-challenge (+249) "/* Inspiration */ +me"
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I think the opt-out might refer to people like me, who would no longer fall under the criteria. We discussed it a bit while he's here. I don't mind at all, myself, I'm in favor of the change.
Based on 2016 and 2017 pages, the IWC threshold used to be two years, so I'm not sure that part changes
tantek's left now so will have to confirm when he's back in chat.
Yeah but then the threshold has complications as in "crap this would filter out @Zegnat and [gRegorLove] and now someone has to edit wiki"
I don't think it's a problem to filter me out. Doesn't mean I can't be involved in the community.
and/or it can be encouragement to put together some HWCs. That's a pretty low threshold.
I can still dump etherpad notes even if I'm not at the Organizer's meetup :)
Appreciate the thought, but I'm in favor of getting new people in there.
<-- makes gRegor and Martiin organizers on all events to never wiki garden
I know I tease... And I agree....and would rather have our diversity goals met with current filters but happy to create filters that allow for explicit D&I efforts
But yeah looking forward to HWC-San Diego
You gonna make it?
Could be really popular in the winter months. HWC at the beach.
Ohh by the way you organized last vHWC-America and atleast two others I recall
If vHWCs count (a good question), then we might still meet the criteria
I make no differentiation between physical and digital spaces... And Martiin does vHWC-Europe... So Bonus... No wiki gardening
Cali is hard... Travel expensiveSupposed to go to a conference in Palm Springs next week but bailed due to cost (and moral weirdness talking literacy and poverty as a swank resort)
... But I can often line up a speaking gig. Got connections at UC-San Diego... Speak there every so often so mayne
The last vHWC-America's, while a few technical difficulties went well, the Convo on mf2 and WordPress, improving accessibility, and your php mf2 talks just as good as any f2f.
Did we finalize LA?
[eddie] joined the channel
I do think virtual HWC/IWCs should all count, as it takes time and effort (maybe not as much as in person) and shows an active desire to further IndieWeb participation.
As someone who would be “opted-out” I think it’s an okay rule. I believe next month (Dec 2018) would opt me out as an organizer. I’m actively trying to figure out how I can continue to help move IndieWeb forward, whether online or in person. I expect to be able to “renew” my organizer creds through virtual until I find a way to make a sustainable in person HWC happen
I think I would be neutral. I wouldn’t be offended, I think a person’s desire and focus also plays a lot into it
I won't be able to make it to a HWC next Wednesday. I will be out of town
If you organize, you are an organizer. I am convinced that I am not one though
I do nothing
and you're an organizer for IWC Online, [eddie]
I think activel organizing an upcoming event overrides an otherwise-lapse
ahh gotcha. that makes sense
I think I would be in favor of the new time-based with that clause because it includes both past and intention
People solve the problem of eligibility by organizing
[eddie]: Dates for IWC Online 2?
Seems a pretty even split
I really would like to get more people to vote on dates before I finalize them. At this point one weekend has been ruled out 3/16-17
Everything else in March is still even
and there are a ton more people who have expressed interest but not voted for dates, so I think I’ll start pinging them and see if I can get some more responses
I have nothing this far out
me too
lol might be our problem/solution?
people don’t really have a preference this far away?
Then we just pick
Suggest distance from New Haven
Yeah, good idea
The weekend of 3/9-10?
Sounds good at the moment
It seems inbetween Austin and New Haven
Gives us time to really plan something unique
So maybe what I’ll do is ping those interested to see if those dates are in conflict just to confirm we’re not ruling out potential participators
Yep, it’s nice to have something far enough in the distance that we can set it up well
and get word out for people
So, let's see about trying new things
Maybe some preset stuff