#meta 2018-11-26

2018-11-26 UTC
grantcodes[m], sl007, eli_oat, jjuran, [jgmac1106], [Sim] and the_hoomanist joined the channel
edited /chat-names (+137) "/* Nicknames */"
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jgmac1106 joined the channel
created /User:Simonesalis.com (+170) "Simone Salis is a radio host and media producer, founder of The Hoomanist: an expanding resource of creative and ethical guidance for creators in a technological society."
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[eddie] joined the channel
edited /follow (+990) "/* Indieweb examples */ +me"
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jgmac1106 and [tantek] joined the channel
edited /follow (+884) "/* Following People vs. Feeds */ +add potential challenge"
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kisik21 and [tantek] joined the channel
edited /Facebook (+314) "/* See Also */ NYT article with litany of criticisms"
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swentel, danyao_, sl007, [Vincent], [chrisburnell], [jgmac1106], jeremych_ and jgmac1106 joined the channel
can I like a wiki page? would it be meaningful?
Kaja___, sknebel, swentel, Facebook, [kevinmarks], jgmac1106, eli_oat, [jgmac1106], benwerd, [dave], microgram, [tantek], [Csongor], blundin, [cleverdevil] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
kisik21 you can "like" any URL
hmm looks like confusion between /Events and https://indieweb.org/events/2018-11-28-homebrew-website-club for this week's HWC
!tell [schmarty] is HWC Baltimore meeting this week?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell dougbeal is HWC Seattle meeting this week?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[schmarty] joined the channel
Ah, yep. I need to make the wiki page
and then we need a list of the steps to manually take to make sure the individual wiki page "shows up"
schmarty, just to confirm, Tuesday or Wednesday?
Tuesday (tomorrow)
edited /Events (+456) "add presumed HWC bmore event + location specific wiki event page for Tuesday, just SF + Virtual EU for Wednesday"
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!tell jgmac1106 any HWC New Haven this week?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
eduardm and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Yes, just did post
[jgmac1106]: [tantek] left you a message 10 minutes ago: any HWC New Haven this week?
I am confused do we make a wiki page for each week now or do I just keep updating the page I made?
[jgmac1106]: which date?
generally, new page. but since the automated stuff isn't ready yet, if it is wednesday you can also just add it to https://indieweb.org/events/2018-11-28-homebrew-website-club
we don't want to reuse old pages for new dates
I figured each HWC, had its own page
eli_oat and [eddie] joined the channel
but since the automation for collecting all the individual pages, some people are still just liking from the "weekly page". Once the automation is done, you could create a new page for every event, I believe
but since it's always the same HWC, there shouldn't be many changes when copying/pasting
[gRegorLove] [chrisaldrich] vHWC-Americas?
blundin and sl007 joined the channel
[eddie], I think really I would like one HWC-New-Haven page and then a template for each HWC held, but happy to do whatever if individual pages will make automation easier
If there was just one HWC New Haven page, then it shouldn't have a date on it
I'm definitely not one to make decisions, as I have nothing to do with it all 🙂
yeah i messed that one up, for now will copy page new date
just thinking of reducing friction for organizers and wiki gardening
yeah, since the automation for /Events doesn't exist yet sticking to the old-style pages was less editing for now
(also I thought there'd only be the two that had been announced on Friday)
eli_oat joined the channel
edited /events/2018-11-28-homebrew-website-club (+553) "/* Where */ added new haven"
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sorry for the confusion
edited /events/2018-11-28-homebrew-website-club (+128) "/* New Haven */ added link to post"
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eli_oat joined the channel
space in front
fixed it
eli_oat joined the channel
eduardm, kisik21, blundin, tantek, eduardm_ and [tantek] joined the channel
what is New Haven
It looks like we don't have a page for "New Haven" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "New Haven is ____", a sentence describing the term)
^^^ [jgmac1106] feel free to stub that page with generic information of what indieweb related things occur (have happened) at New Haven
what is Portland
Portland (AKA PDX) is a city in the US state of Oregon, the site of the inaugural IndieWebCamp, annual IndieWeb Summits, and montly Homebrew Website Club Portland meetups https://indieweb.org/Portland
like that
[jgmac1106] we need to get back to having pages for HWC setup by no later than the Friday before, otherwise they don't get included in the newsletter, or Monday morning announcements etc.
benwerd joined the channel
edited /events/2018-11-28-homebrew-website-club (+4) "fix heading formatting, link Bmore to its own page"
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benwerd joined the channel
now to see which page [schmarty] creates for HWC Bmore for this week
Unaware there were due dates and deadlines. Those documented anywhere for future reference.
pretty sure zegnat and I documented them on /HWC a while ago but perhaps they are not obvious enough
we were very diligent about a weekly cycle for a while
edited /events/2018-11-27-homebrew-website-club-baltimore (-4) "/* RSVP */ upcoming.org and FB POSSE"
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eli_oat joined the channel
[schmarty] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
what are chat-names
Chat names is a list of chat regulars sorted by nickname, with their website and usual timezone(s) https://indieweb.org/chat-names
I'm in support of somehow adding pronouns to chatnames and Loqi.
Would be awesome.
Also an awesome thing would be pulling h-cards from our own sites...
as in I think that would be an easier problem to solve than the broader problem of internationalized pronouns in h-card for any language / culture
that is, adding just the necessary pronoun to the chat-names template
would be a good example in the wild to cite for microformats also
edited /permashortlink (+899) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ add myself"
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kisik21 have you seen / have opinions about https://indieweb.org/pronoun ?
edited /pronoun (+227) "/* FAQ */ personal pronoun?"
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[tantek]: I think I'll insert <span class="p-x-pronoun-nominative">she</span>/<span class="p-x-pronoun-oblique">her</span>/<span class="p-x-pronoun-posessive">hers</span> in my h-card to signify pronouns right now~!
kisik21 that does seem to be in use by a few folks http://microformats.org/wiki/h-card-brainstorming#Pronouns
got it from the wiki page
should (can?) we add a "pronoun" field or some specific one to https://indieweb.org/Template:irc_user ?
use-case: Loqi at a minimum would be able to use it in messaging
I think it's a nice idea
gRegorLove thoughts? I think you worked on some of the mechanics of that template
edited /short-domains (+210) "/* IndieWeb Examples */"
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tell me via Loqi if something needs my action. As for now, sleep well, IndieWeb
edited /short-domains (+169) "/* Domains */ add re with indieweb example schmarty"
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schmarty does your post permalink design limit you to one post per second?
tantek: it does! i have decided, philosophically, that i appreciate this limitation. :}
I almost did that but then decided not to because I figured some day I'd have passive (semi-)automated post(s) that could occur sometimes more than once a second
it makes sense! there's also a chance that posts simply collide in time (e.g. an ownyourswarm post arrives as i am posting something else from a venue).
right - that was one of the motivations for separate explicit post type codes
there some additional design background here: http://tantek.com/w/Whistle#howdothetshortURLswork
i decided to roll the dice and fix up any collisions like that by hand. and w.r.t. multiple posts per second: i don't think i should be publishing that often to my site, for now!
I've been saving "g" for checkin for this reason
haha oh yeah i remember these.
if I setup ownyourgram I might also use "p" for those
i read a lot of your URL design writing back when i was designing my current site.
in general I think having type-less permalinks are better
but this was my thinking at the time - to partition the space of permalinks, *just in case* the different types had very different posting, caching, storage, hosting behaviors
that required URL level knowledge / switching
that list is ~8 years old and likely needs re-assesment
they have tradeoffs! i ended up going with timestamp-based URLs in part because i liked how easy it made it to do shortlinks. these days i sometimes wish my URL slug offered hints about the post they represent.
when i switch over to hugo, posts with titles will have meaningful slugs, but i'll also set up aliases to redirect the timestamp URL to the new URL.