#meta 2018-11-27

2018-11-27 UTC
sl007, [jgmac1106] and benwerd joined the channel
[tantek] I thought Loqi was already doing something with pronouns on user pages when responding to tells, but I don't see it currently
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
If we add it to that template, I think we'd want to limit it to one pronoun and specify it should be second-person
And probably with Zegnat's single-property version from http://microformats.org/wiki/h-card-brainstorming#Pronouns
Renaming the template and redirecting the old one would be good too.
To something like Template:chat-name
eli_oat, benwerd, tomasparks, [jgmac1106], [eddie], Zegnat, Kaja___, sknebel, j12t, eduardm, swentel and Kaja____ joined the channel
edited /Mastodon (+401) "Mastodon support in micro.blog"
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Kaja____ joined the channel
edited /WebSub (+187) "/* Silo Implementations */ Moved Instagram section to historical data since they removed the documentation and probably deprecated the endpoint"
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Kaja____, sl007, jgmac1106, jeremych_, [jgmac1106], [kevinmarks], Kaja, eli_oat, sknebel, Zegnat, benwerd, swentel and jackjamieson joined the channel
created /Cargo_culting (+189) "prompted by jjuran and dfn added by jjuran"
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[jgmac1106] joined the channel
What is cargo cult
cargo cult antipattern is the tendency of many (most?) web developers to code by rote/tradition/fashion/trends rather than actually have a rational understanding of the technologies they use and how to analyze tradeoffs therein, sometimes revealed by purely emotional responses to having their tradition/fashion/habits questioned https://indieweb.org/cargo_cult
[jeremycherfas], doesn't fit definition perfectly but I am trying really hard not to use any CSS I do not understand yet, makes my site uglier longer but I know what I am doing (kind-of)
benwerd joined the channel
I am exactly the same. Happy to copy code, but try to use that to further my understanding.
Don't always succeed.
edited /pronoun (+201) "/* See Also */ added article about Google removing pronoun suggestions from email AI."
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yeah I should do a collapsible nav bar and it looks simple, but I want to go step by step, same way
someone in an a homebrew club interested in Homebrew Computer Club after learning about teacup: https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/11/27/joefromkenyon-i-am-actually-experimenting-with-creating
[Greg McVerry] @joefromkenyon I am actually experimenting with creating a system of badges free of silos like untappd. If your actual homebrew club wanted to learn how to set up a network with each other from their own websites you folks should def remote into an H...
[tantek] joined the channel
jjuran could you update that new cargo culting page you made to instead redirect to the existing one above?
what is cargo culting?
Cargo culting is the act of copying a feature or design element without understanding how it works or what it's for, on the basis of its popularity or reputation https://indieweb.org/Cargo_culting
edited /Cargo_culting (-153) "Replace with redirect to cargo-cult-antipattern"
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what is cargo culting?
cargo cult antipattern is the tendency of many (most?) web developers to code by rote/tradition/fashion/trends rather than actually have a rational understanding of the technologies they use and how to analyze tradeoffs therein, sometimes revealed by purely emotional responses to having their tradition/fashion/habits questioned https://indieweb.org/Cargo_culting
eli_oat and [schmarty] joined the channel
edited /annotation (+125) "/* Other Annotation Related Projects */ added announcement of YouTube ending annotations"
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grantcodes[m], swentel, [jgmac1106], benwerd, [kevinmarks], jgmac1106 and jjuran joined the channel
[tantek] and [schmarty] joined the channel
HWC Baltimore starting our quiet writing hour.
jjuran, benwerd and eduardm joined the channel