Loqiblockchain is a technology in search of a problem to solve, pushed by ideology into areas where the unsolved problems aren’t technological https://indieweb.org/blockchain
[Vincent]Hello, what is the syntax to add a link to my user profile on the wiki? I can’t figure it out after ages of digging through the wiki docs. Also looking at other examples all seem to be different. V.Confusing!
ZegnatAnd then a lot of people have created a third page, being a Template:… type page, that they use to refer to themselves on the wiki. That way you can sign your name like I do on pages: {{martijnvdven}}
jgmac1106skenbel the current chat-name tempalte says {{irc user|dunlaps.net/darius|dariusdunlap|America/San_Francisco}} Would it be {{slack user|dunlaps.net/darius|dariusdunlap|America/San_Francisco}} if they only use slack?
jgmac1106[vincent] later tonight when you try again can you see if these instructions: https://indieweb.org/wikifying seem clearer? I should record some cognitive labs of users trying to do it. Shouldn’t take an IWC session for people to figure out
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "chat-name" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "chat-name is ____", a sentence describing the term)
jgmac1106I will look later but anyone else can feel free to redirect or “move” page or rewind., but folks like [vincent] should be able to figure this out without assistance or having to return (except for moar content)
Loqi[tantek]: jgmac1106 left you a message 4 hours, 36 minutes ago: ,eddie, gRegorlove please look at https://indieweb.org/wikifying and feel free to revert anything or fix it.
Zegnat[tantek], maybe? As I said to [jgmac1106] most of the steps for documenting yourself on the wiki should be optional. But if someone does want to make use of the optional niceties (e.g. add to /chat-names for photo in logs) it doesn’t hurt to have it as easy as possible so we do not end up fielding questions about it
[tantek][tantek] set the channel topic: community related: event planning, wiki gardening, anything about the community rather than your personal site. https://chat.indieweb.org/meta
boffosocko.comedited /academic_samizdat (+1497) "/* Examples in the Wild */ Zeynep Tufekci's self-hosted copy of her book with creative commons licensing" (view diff)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "samizdat" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "samizdat is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiAcademic samizdat is the act of publishing one's academic work on one's own website (generally making it freely available) while it also appears in a for-profit publication (functioning like a silo) which often charges an exorbitant rate for individual downloads of the same content https://indieweb.org/samizdat
[schmarty][gRegorLove]: thanks! aaronpk was the one who put it all together. he had a compact wireless mic that was handed around the room during day 1 wrap-up. then we wrote and i recorded a little script for me to intro/outro and name all the sessions.