#meta 2018-11-30

2018-11-30 UTC
jgmac1106, jjuran, benwerd and [tantek] joined the channel
Haven't totally caught up but has anyone discussed using gender neutral or ambiguous names? Tho I kind of like the mnemonic idea. I've always been confused with Alice and bob, too hard to keep track of who is doing what once you get a few sentences in.
aaronpk: [tantek] left you a message 1 week ago: there's a number of tweets in this thread that are perhaps worth follow-up to now that we have social readers (and an increasingly accessible /Reader page) that are able to more than replace Google Reader, and demonstrate why RSS alone was never enough, and never the point: https://twitter.com/mgsiegler/status/311992206716203008
aaronpk: jgmac1106 left you a message 1 day, 12 hours ago: ,eddie, gRegorlove please look at https://indieweb.org/wikifying and feel free to revert anything or fix it.
o.O have I really not said anything here for a week
benwerd joined the channel
it's ok aaronpk, we got along ok 🙂
aaronpk, re: gender neutral or ambiguous names, I think that could make a nice ideal all things being equal, however in the context of technical specifications (which are predominantly written by and implemented by men), any gender ambiguity would likely be interpreted as male due to context.
mblaney joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
Just generated the first draft of this week's newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2018-11-30.html I'll generate a draft again tomorrow, so please add to it before then! https://indieweb.org/this-week#How_to
Very true
cjwillcock and [tantek] joined the channel
hmm I think [jgmac1106]'s selfie is better than the desktop screenshot. I'm going to comment out the latter until after the newsletter
edited /events/2018-11-28-homebrew-website-club (+8) "just one photo for New Haven until after the newsletter goes out"
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edited /chat-name (-30) "fix r"
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jjuran and jgmac1106 joined the channel
edited /events/2018-12-12-homebrew-website-club (+14) "/* San Francisco */ indie event, rsvp"
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edited /MediaWiki:Sidebar (+0) "next hwc"
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edited /next-hwc (+0) "next"
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sl007 joined the channel
created /TTL (+139) "prompted by jjuran and dfn added by jjuran"
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I'm uploading my screenshots of Path for Android since I can't sleep
jgmac1106 joined the channel
[kevinmarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Re: gender neutral names; I think it is helpful for reading flow to also have possessive pronouns available. That means either you use “their” for everyone, or you are forced to put a his/her along the name anyway.
Re: Bechdel’s test; interesting idea. A lot of roleplaying rule books use female pronouns by default, even though the majority of readers (and writers?) are male. So why wouldn’t we in tech be able to do the same :D
[grantcodes] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
I just use they as singular now, easier
[kevinmarks], [schmarty] and TIA1 joined the channel
[manton] you might want to get the tix system up soon and maybe charge the nominal $10...we had a 80-85 no show rate in NYC..wanna see if nominal fee alleviates ....I think existing HWC and repeat conference will lead to lower rate too
I used ti.to wasn't bad
[manton] joined the channel
Last year I think we did $5 on Eventbrite. I should check what the no-show rate was... Definitely a bunch of people who missed it.
Like I said we will sponsor at $200 level, once you put up microdot.blog, logo I will add mine, I will need to add my university logo as a sponsor as well for time and travel money
Two months out from now we may have some people who may want to apply for travel funds for Austin. [tantek] [tmiller] [aaronpk] need to revisit setting up info...maybe a template section that can be added to any IWC page
welll unless you get a bigger breakfast bar sponsor, I call dibs...more money always bumps dibs
Thanks again!
yeah who knows with ReVIEW maybe I will be even able to demo the public instance that will have mf2 for h-review and use FrancisCMS to create a teacher portfolio system.....gots some pretty packed sprints between now in Feb so not sure I will make it
and micro.blog can trump all dibs
[kevinmarks] and [tantek] joined the channel
Manton I think $5 or even $10 is totally ok to charge for a weekend event that is run all volunteer. It’ll help with food budget and maybe even a bit for preparty
Also it’ll likely have less % no shows
who's excited for day 1 of the indieweb 2018-12 challenge tomorrow?
gimme 3 days to finish my migration… byt 1/1/2019 I want to be WordPress free
30* grrrr
[eddie] joined the channel
[manton] there are some people who do not like eventbrite having their data
I thought we documented it somewhere…looking for page
[manton] joined the channel
Okay, I'm certainly not tied to Eventbrite. It was convenient last year for some reason.
Oh yeah major bad change to Eventbrite TOS last year
which was rolled back though
pretty sure it's on /Eventbrite - they hid a clause about owning all the media you take during your event
sknebel, O RLY? citation? update /Eventbrite accordingly?
citation is on /Eventbrite...
lol autolinking of the ellipsis
benwerd joined the channel
sknebel++ thanks - that's worth restructuring into a resolve issue
sknebel has 19 karma in this channel over the last year (92 in all channels)
hard to believe the article is such a stub
glad to see the recall of ToS..but someone thought it a good idea..ti.to wasn’t bad, wonder if they’d let us make a template event. should atleast provide a header banner on /logo for organizers who may not have editing skills…my banner looked crappy but it was just one more thing to do
we have a tito account already, happy to give more people access to it
aaronpk, how hard is it for someone else to clone the template for one of our tito events at events.indieweb.org and establish it? e.g. /2019/austin
sorry I got that wrong. it's yyyy . indieweb.org
it could use some documentation but it's https://github.com/indieweb/2018.indieweb.org
marty made the one for baltimore
that's worth expanding upon, because we're likely to keep using it for summits, and it may help to have a consistent sign-up flow to our camp events
so does every event need to be its own repo in the indieweb org? or is there a way to make it one repo and just have different folders for each event?
it's not super well organized, but it's one repo per year, one file per event
(technically a little more than one file but that can also be tweaked)
I originally made this repo for just the 2016 summit but then added stuff to it for the next IWC and never got around to refactoring it to make it easier to use
we would then be technically storing email addresses, is there a privacy policy somewhere if use a common ti.to account? Using organizers individual accounts may make better sense in terms of privacy laws and not having a formal org
I don't think we've used email addresses for anything other than contacting people up to an event, about the event.
We could formalize that.
Maybe a final "thank you and congrats" email after an event that links to the session notes and videos, and encourages folks to stay in touch on the chat
and note that this is the final email they'll get from this event registration because we don't like when we're bothered by marketingy emails so we're not going to bother them 🙂
link to upcoming events for next six months etc, perhaps encouraging folks to sign-up for another indiewebcamp to keep their momentum going
marc does a good job of that. I should try to dig up an email
yes exactly
worth prototyping an email based on that
I have his from BT Berlin, and Joschi's was also great from a11yclub
[schmarty] joined the channel
just made https://github.com/indieweb/2019.indieweb.org with stub pages and minimal instructions
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Just generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2018-11-30.html
[eddie] joined the channel
created /autoauth (+22) "make redirect for people that don't capitalize"
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[tantek], [schmarty] and tantek joined the channel
Generated the final version of the newsletter! This will be sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2018-11-30.html
schmarty++ for HWC Baltimore! Great showing!
schmarty has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (65 in all channels)
it was [jonathanprozzi] bringing in some lovely new DHF folks!
(Digital Harbor Foundation, where we host HWC Baltimore)
co-organizer right? who'll keep it going in December etc.?
that's the plan! rhea was there, too, and politely tolerated our suggestion that she become the new co-organizer with jonathan. maybe it'll happen!
jgmac1106 joined the channel
schmarty hopefully you can confirm and update https://indieweb.org/Homebrew_Website_Club#Baltimore 🙂
Also I'm looking for a co-organizer for SF in 2019
Would help a lot. Jacky perhaps?
edited /Homebrew_Website_Club (+38) "/* San Francisco */ need a co-organizer for 2019"
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[jonathanprozzi] ^^ let's chat w/ rhea on the Dec 11 HWC Baltimore about making it official and adding her to /HWC#Baltimore and /Baltimore!
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
edited /Events (-19) "done with 2018-11 events!"
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[eddie] joined the channel
edited /User:Fireburn.ru (+1385) "Added website section and listed my web stack"
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created /Template:kisik21 (+104) "Added a sparkline"
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[tantek]: I think I'm up for that!
re: co-organizer in SF
I kinda also wanted to have one in Oakland too but it's too close
maybe soon
edited /voice-comments (+271) "stub, dfn, see also"
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jacky - would be awesome to see you start one in Oakland too or instead!
I'm trying to get one off the ground in Mountain View on alternating weeks
jacky, can you make it to HWC 2018-12-12?
I'll aim to
at least I posted the event well in advance this time 🙂
we were so close to matching 2017 HWC days! https://indieweb.org/Template:Homebrew_Website_Club
huh I was expecting Loqi to do one more newsletter rebuild like 14:50 before it went out today at 15:00
did that not happen?
oh I think the newsletter is still on the wrong timezone
so the last regen was an hour early
but it got posted at the right time
so I'm confused. different parts of Loqi use different time code?
yeah cause that's mailchimp polling the RSS feed
Loqi just generates an XML file and mailchimp picks it up at 15:10
edited /Facebook (+238) "/* Criticism */ Inflated Content Viewing stats"
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edited /Facebook (+1) "more articles about faking viewing video statistics"
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created /2018/Berlin/offline (+3055) "archive from Etherpad"
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tomasparks joined the channel
edited /2016/Dusseldorf/photos (+392) "add apparently remaining notes at end of Etherpad, may have been for IWC Berlin 2018, not sure - would have to ask @jgmac1106"
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jgmac1106 joined the channel
edited /2018/Berlin/Organizers (+16997) "archive notes from Etherpad into a new section"
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