#meta 2018-12-20

2018-12-20 UTC
[tantek] joined the channel
edited /event (+418) "[tantek] added "https://twitter.com/mspowahs/status/1075209376950935552" to "See Also""
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eduardm joined the channel
I really want an IWC LA plus Disneyland experience right now.
↩️ Used to use TT-RSS but the lead dev was pretty toxic. Turned me off from the project. Suspect you'd be interested in https://indieweb.org/reader (see also https://aaronparecki.com/2018/03/12/17/building-an-indieweb-reader), and the broader Indieweb effort.
That's why I left TT-RSS also
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
↩️ Yes! Let's bring back blog discovery!! I added a following page to my blog I am building on @glitch https//jgmac1106homepage.glitch.com/following. And @grantcoxes built an IndieWeb directory on @Glitch. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/hJ0uF)
↩️ You mean like these on https://microcast.club/ and the #IndieWeb ring @schmarty build you can find that on @glitch here: https://steady-sundial.glitch.me/ We have a team going here: https://glitch.com/@indieweb We want to make 2019 the year of the web… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/12/20/faeruntheworld-you-mean-like-these-on
↩️ The goal is to get all the #IndieWeb building blocks up on @glitch so people can spin up any blogging platform they want or use the awesome one push Ghost blog feature... We don't need to talk about a better web. We need to build it. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/PIoGh)
↩️ If you do end up quitting facebook ( I believe we now have a moral obligation) please reach out so we can add you here: https://indieweb.org/silo-quits (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1zd36O)
benwerd joined the channel
created /nofacebook-badge (+923) "added a no facebook webmention badge"
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↩️ If @basecamp or your personal website accepts webmentions we can give you a no facebook badge from the #IndieWeb wiki https://indieweb.org/nofacebook-badge (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1RVIjd)
↩️ If you do do it we can even award you a verifiable No Facebook Badge from the #Indieweb.org wiki https://indieweb.org/nofacebook-badge (you need to accept webmentions or otherwise manually add it) Happy to help. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/gy5Az)
Hey if anyone is around and wants to learn more about #IndieWeb @dshanske and I are going to start up an impromptu virtual Homebrew Website club in like five minutes...I will post a link in a few #literacies #IndieWeb #DoOO #digped (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/jFv1M)
benwerd joined the channel
sl007 joined the channel
edited /Drupal (+226) "make clear connection to the transformative Indieweb module"
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[asuh] and [tantek] joined the channel
GWG++ nice work!
GWG has 13 karma in this channel over the last year (160 in all channels)
↩️ Have you heard of @indiewebcamp? This is a growing community of web folks eager for your same hopes trying to recapture an independent web outside of social media (https://asuh.com/communities/)
[xavierroy] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
jgmac1106 Basecamp cc'd a Facebook Free badge at: https://basecamp.com/nofu/fb-free-badge.png
[Vincent] joined the channel
We Should Replace Facebook With Personal Websites. Personal websites and email can replace most of what people like about Facebook—namely the urge to post about their lives online. https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/vbanny/we-should-replace-facebook-with-personal-websites?utm_source=vicetwitterus | #blogging #indieweb #posse #DeleteFacebook
edited /Webmention (+526) "added information about my usage of webmention"
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created /User:Beesbuzz.biz (+1385) "a bit about me"
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[kevinmarks] joined the channel
edited /nofacebook-badge (+1) "switched image"
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edited /Special:Log/upload () "uploaded a new version of "[[File:fb-free-badge.png]]""
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deleted /File:fb-free-badge.png "Deleted old revision 20181220102916!fb-free-badge.png: too big"
sl007 joined the channel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
!tell chrisaldrich now with our color scheme: https://indieweb.org/nofacebook-badge
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
swentel joined the channel
Hey everyone we remixed the badge from dhh and if your website receives mentions, and you meet badge criteria listed on https://indieweb.org/nofacebook-badge just let me know and we can isuue you a verifiable http://IndieWeb.org “no facebook badge”
Remixed the @dhh no @facebook badge and you can be issued one from the #indieweb wiki let me know if interested https://t.co/PtRcQqzBxL
↩️ As someone who never gave up my personal domain, I think it'd work well for those who like talking into the void AND have the wherewithal to setup and manage their own domain #indieweb
[jgmac1106] and [eddie] joined the channel
↩️ This sounds like a great time to mention @indiewebcamp, which is a movement to make personal websites more convenient to use as social networking nodes.
jgmac1106 joined the channel
↩️ And we already brought back the webring! You can find them on most #IndieWeb sites like https://martymcgui.re (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/sCUwy)
[jgmac1106], [tantek], [grantcodes] and swentel joined the channel
edited /Microsub-spec (+30) "float the TOC left since it is so wide"
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edited /Microsub-spec (+129) "dfn here includes spec, quick call out at top for users in case they wind up here, and are just looking to get started"
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edited /Microsub (+277) "move indieweb examples after clients (for users wanting to get started right away, preview screenshots closer to the top), put iOS and Android side by side for mobile folks, spec is not main, but rather a callout for devs, move Together after screenshots"
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Did another presentational (and somewhat semantic) update to /Microsub to hopefully appeal to more folks that might land there directly (from Twitter etc.)
Please take a look and review: https://indieweb.org/Microsub
I emphasized mobile clients, showed iOS & Android side by side, and put anything without screenshots below those with screenshots
bumped from chat: nope, I am going to have something by Jan, bc it can be self contained
for students I started on WP I will keep on WP but moving forward I think I can layout a platform in Glitch and just give kid a tempalte folder and say...copy post type X, add your content and you are done
making a platform for my student with article, note, reply, photo and then using @mblaney's unicyclic for our social reader
next semester is a push I have a book and a grant to finish
There are a bunch of recent good looking together screenshots that could be added [tantek]
Please do!
grab them right from [eddie]'s website
one from monocole, one from unicyclic
I still think it's correct to emphasize and lead with mobile screenshots
as I think most users will be most compelled by that
agree all CTA need to mobile first...i want to kick myself for saying that, sounds so SEO
what is CTA
It looks like we don't have a page for "CTA" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "CTA is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[eddie] joined the channel
grab what from my website? lol
is confused
[jgmac1106] yes I suppose it depends what the goal is. I guess your system is going to involve people copying files and manually writing html with mf2?
That was RE glitch indieweb stuff
yep, and then they can all sign up for unicyclic and I have a class reader...though this would require micropub so I couldn't do that ye either
I mean let's get to the smallest HTMl file blog there..I may not make it for Jan but I can layout a template in a way to help kids grow into HTML and CSS
Keep saying the dumbest lesson we learned from web 2.o as teachers was, "now we can all be online without knowing HTML (opr insert Grant's this will be better than HTML flavor of the month) instead of , "Ohh shit now everyone better know HTML if we want them to know how any of this works"
Call to Acrtion, sorry
benwerd joined the channel
edited /videos_about_the_indieweb (+126) "/* 2018 */ add video of swentel's talk"
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edited /reply (+68) "/* Post a reply */ repair fragment How_to_markup"
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created /u-reply-of (+33) "r because jgmac1106 used this unused classname in chat"
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[kevinmarks] joined the channel
where do I find img to building blocks: https://indieweb.org/Category:building-blocks
we should add img here, I can't find it
quick with the puns that one, but great reminder for IndieWeb as well
[jgmac1106] who would such an image serve? and why?
part of what we have deliberately avoided is such marketecture diagrams that turn out to be nearly useless, and almost always deceiving
what is marketecture?
marchitecture is a term for architecture-like diagrams that contain lots of jargon, buzzwords, or marketing phrases for sales or political reasons yet make little actual sense, especially if you look at the apparent or implied relationships therein https://indieweb.org/marketecture
it has all the building blocks in a hexagon shape, it would serve us making these presentations
you just want something pretty to look cool?
swentel joined the channel
"make little sense" is dependent on the author, not I want to present information in multiple modalities so it is learned through repeated exposure.
Aside: we have only 12 days left in the IndieWeb Challenge! Congrats to all the contributors so far for 19 contiguous days of IndieWeb presents for the community!!!
edited /Events (+16) "/* November */ Update drupalcamp ghent stub"
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[jgmac1106] what's the information you're trying to present?
I am just looking for the building block images with all the parts...I want to be able to explain indieweb in an elevator speech
image != speech
speech + img > speech
in an elevator? lol
is this the kind of marketing image you're looking for? (see if you can spot what needs improving 🙂 ) https://indieweb.org/images/8/88/BuildingBlocks.svg
ah I used that one in my presentation
so I suppose having an inaccurate image is motivation to make a better one
everyone was looking at me like 'oh no, this is going to be hard to follow' :)
hey [jgmac1106] if you want to make it actual clickable / search engine friendly HTML instead of dead-end static SVG, feel free to copy some code from my very very old CSS hexagons 🙂 http://tantek.com/map.html
swentel, they were not wrong. there's lot of buzzwords & jargon there
created /events/2018-11-24-drupalcamp-ghent (+883) "Add event page for Drupal Camp Ghent"
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eddie has 10 karma in this channel over the last year (86 in all channels)
hmm, it's belgium, not germany :)
sorry about that swentel 🙂
heh, no worries
..dang no microsub logo in that pic
swentel++ for a great presentation
swentel has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (35 in all channels)
first parts is heavily inspired by chris aldrich's presentation
ohh very cool. I haven't gotten a chance to see his
gonna just turn the websub up side down...it is such a good talk!!
in reality microsub sending info down to...and a W upside down is an M
not sure if there's a video though
ahh nice
we should have a topical wiki page that corresponds to each of these slides
edited /silo (+29) "like most social media"
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I'm pretty excited that we have only 12 days left in the IndieWeb challenge and have 19 contiguous days!!
That is awesome
I still have a couple bigger lifts I'm trying to finish up so we can include them in the challenge
I fear one won't make it though, because Indiepaper for iOS in the App Store requires Apple's approval and I'm thinking we might be near a point of no return on that one with the holiday breaks in the App Store
benwerd joined the channel
edited /algorithmic (+44) "grammar"
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edited /algorithm (+276) "add indieweb relevance to dfn, silos, negative connotations"
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Updated definition in particular for common indieweb and related usage:
Please review:
what are algorithms
An algorithm in general is a series of steps used to to automatically perform computations and other operations to produce a result; on the IndieWeb many standards have user-centric algorithms for peer to peer site interactions; social media silos have user-exploitative algorithms for advertising and reinforcing addictive behaviors https://indieweb.org/algorithms
hopefully appropriate for # 11 in swentel's slide deck: https://realize.be/presentations/indieweb-drupalcampgent-2018/#/11
Con cada tarascada de las redes sociales, volvemos a la vieja idea de la #indieweb que proponía @t hace años y que comparto al 100% https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/vbanny/we-should-replace-facebook-with-personal-websites
edited /algorithm (+501) "describe what social media algorithms do and their goals, add YouTube Up Next"
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benwerd joined the channel
Yep, that seems good
My Attempt at Representing #IndieWeb in an Image. https://t.co/HdgSTa1PGh
[tantek] going to steal tha hex hnav menu for sure!! Have so many use cases for it
swentel, [cleverdevil] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
Oh cool, spanish speaking indieweb! I need to figure out something about multiple languages on my site!
created /GraphQL (+371) "prompted by KartikPrabhu and dfn added by [grantcodes]"
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edited /GraphQL (+40) "[grantcodes] added "https://graphql.org/" to "See Also""
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[tantek] joined the channel
Wow [jgmac1106] that’s a pretty impressive diagram! Especially for a first draft!
The only thing that threw me is Isabel syndicating her *comment* to social media sites when the original was not. That’s a bit odd and I don’t think anyone actually does that?
What if Janice syndicates her cat picture to social media instead?
And Isabel only replies directly to the original post?
jgmac1106 and [eddie] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]++ Great first draft of the diagram!
[jgmac1106] has 40 karma in this channel over the last year (95 in all channels)
This might be too complicated for the diagram, but the one thing that throws me is Microsub is set as coming FROM janice.com TO isabel's phone.
I'm not sure if there is a simple way to depict what is actually happening, which is isabel's website (or external service, but we can keep it as her website for now) reads janice's website and then the arrow would go from janice's website to her phone
That said, for laypeople maybe the current arrow direction is the best? Just wondering if it will cause any confusion that the reader is actually interacting with janice.com (which it's not)
the POSSE arrow is my only big concern, as noted
the rest is allowable simplification for the sake of general communication
edited /GraphQL (-265) "rm marketing sentence, dupe see also"
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do we need @ indiewebcampes ?
Thanks! We need one more person to confirm the retweet!
what are benefits?
It looks like we don't have a page for "benefits" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "benefits is ____", a sentence describing the term)
benefits are /why
created /benefits (+16) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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swentel, closest to # 16 is https://indieweb.org/why
for # 17 too
18 is clearly indieweb.org 🙂
hmm adding links to those slides is probably a good idea for the next talk
should write that down
swentel WDYT of [jgmac1106]'s diagram https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Du4QTsXWsAAw95y.png ?
do you think that's better / worse / or just different from a "stacked (hex) blocks" diagram of building blocks? at least for presentation / slide purposes
also can't believe how fast [jgmac1106] whipped that up
jgmac1106 has 41 karma in this channel over the last year (96 in all channels)
the steps are fine (although I think 2 and 3 can be combined, you don't really post into the reader right)
I would also start the syndication arrow from janice.com
That's a good point, swentel. Step 2/3 would be something like "Janice uses her social reader to publish a post over a standard called micropub to her website" (might be able to be shortened, but something to that effect
same with 5 and 6 no, they can be combined again?
maybe we can make multiple diagrams
one with only site-to-site interaction
another one where a post gets syndicated to twitter
and then a backfeed comes back
makes it clearer I think
Look what you started, [jgmac1106]! hahaha 😉
jgmac1106 joined the channel
well, that makes simpler diagrams, at least in my head :)
you can tell different stories then during a talk
second story is an effective demo too then
which I did in my talk
I think there are benefits both to simpler diagrams (one per protocol?) to illustrate what it is doing, and to an overall ecosystem diagram that shows how the indieweb building blocks fit together to create a complete system interaction
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
I tried to design it so the text can be leveled for audience
One is wrong is that you do not log into phone.
The latter is what I think [jgmac1106] was doing and I think is (likely) more beneficial than just abstract building blocks as squares / hexes IMO
[jgmac1106] one is not really wrong. you do have to sign-in to a reader on your phone using your indieauth
it's explainably correct
Yeah might just log into app
but again, using IndieAuth
Gotta go son woke up
and that graphic should say IndieAuth not just "Auth"
It's just a Google draw will share and people can play to hearts content
still quite impressive
is it something we can collaboratively edit?
edited /GraphQL (+111) "Add basic indieweb usecase"
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↩️ owning your data is much more than that limited definition https://indieweb.org/own_your_data
"How I Quit Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Amazon." "A reflection on my month without Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Amazon, plus a how-to guide if you want to quit the biggest companies in tech. https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/ev3qw7/how-to-quit-apple-microsoft-google-facebook-amazon | #DeleteFacebook #indieweb #posse
jgmac1106 joined the channel
sorry for those with no access, I will lay it out in CSS Grid if I get the chance
@swentel I would say for most users they would report they are writing in their reader...if Indigenous ends up labeled as a social reader.
jgmac1106, [tantek], [chrisaldrich], j12t, [kevinmarks] and [mrkrndvs] joined the channel
Google draw exports svg
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
yeah it does but my audience deals in pings..still be a fun CSS Grid challenge, kind of make a circle unwind as a display shrinks.
[alexbayleaf], [matpacker] and j12t joined the channel
We should replace Facebook with personal websites - https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18725413 sounds like a great conversation opportunity for the #IndieWeb http://indieweb.org