Zegnat[tantek] I was specifically talking about PRs on the PHP parser, rather than any pending spec changes, before a release. Some seem to be low hanging fruits.
@megarush1024Achievement unlocked: I got Ditchbook installed and I have my Facebook archive. Trying to convert to MF2 but Ditchbook is throwing errors. Time for the old Google of Python debug errors. #indieweb (twitter.com/_/status/1078615600019243009)
LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2018-12-28.html
[tantek]it has a text input for manual webmentions with label "To respond on your own website, enter the URL of your response which should contain a link to this post's permalink URL. "
chrisaldrichTantek, I think GWG did build something like that into the Syndication Links plugin. It was discussed earlier this week when that post originally went up.
chrisaldrichThough in some people's cases, they may also click that checkbox wondering what it does without knowing fully what IndieNews is or what it's readership may be.
[tantek]!tell aaronpk anyway to report spam on indienews? looks like someone with a wordpress blog has spammed indienews - and I can't find any way to report spam.
[tantek]!tell aaronpk looks like we'll have our first spam in the newsletter in about 5 minutes unless you can manually remove it from indienews in that time.
chrisaldrichPerhaps having it as an extension to the plugin? or an additional side plugin within github that requires manual installation and use. That might raise the bar enough.
chrisaldrichIn fact, if it's extensible that way then every silo that allows syndication could allow it... one for twitter, one for facebook, (potentially) one for Instagram or even IndieNews or Indieweb.xyz
[tantek]!tell aaronpk this (religious) spam in particular is fairly harmless, however the next ones could be much worse, code of conduct violating stuff (hate speech etc.), so looks like it is time to put some ability to report / remove spam in indienews, or we have to remove it from the newsletter
Loqi[Zegnat] Re: Your Christian Bible and Christmas Trees being on IndieNews, looks like it uses some sort of syndication WordPress plugin? GWG, is there a plugin that comes with IndieNews support by default?
[tantek]Sorry until this is addressed at multiple levels (dropping the IndieNews features from Syndication links, adding spam reporting/removal to IndieNews), I'm going to do a pull request to drop IndieNews from the newsletter.
ZegnatDoes WP have some soft statistics on how many people have the current version of syndication links installed? That is how many people are in a position to (effortlessly) send (spam) posts to IndieNews. And that will not be fixable by GWG unless all of them have automatic plugin updates enabled and working
[tantek]GWG, it's not about "things", it's about mindset. You have to put yourself in the mind of a spammer and think what would they do or abuse, and then be sure to avoid enabling that
chrisaldrichIn mathematics there's an old saw that says during daylight hours you try to make your proofs directly and then at night you spend your time trying to prove them indirectly .
chrisaldrichThe reframing of that here is to develop with your "white hat" on for part of the day and then with your "black hat" on the other part of the day.
ZegnatInteresting enough, it doesn’t look like IndieNews gives any sort of guidance as to what should and shouldn’t be submitted on https://news.indieweb.org/en/submit
[tantek]well the newsletter claims it is showing "Posts about the IndieWeb" when showing all recent posts, which clearly means *either* the expectation is that all IndieNews posts are about the IndieWeb, *or* the newsletter needs to be fixed to only pull in IndieWeb posts that specifically have an "indieweb" hashtag
chrisaldrichAs an additional extreme example, keep in mind occasional other uses of indieweb which may occur the same way we sometimes see twitter "spam" on keywords like IndieAuth when the meaning is independent author.
[tantek]Zegnat, reasoning like "Still, spammers could easily just add that one" shows a lack of understanding of security, defense in depth etc. This is a common misconception in lots of dev circles
ZegnatIf a spammer has setup webmentions and mf2, where the mf2 specifically includes either syndicate or category to point at indienews, adding 1 extra category to the mf2 is a clear example of trivial, IMO.
Zegnat1/400 people have used that plugin to spam. Possibly unintended spam, as they may have just “checked all the boxes” without knowing that their WordPress installation was going to put the link in a newsletter down the chain
ZegnatSure, but I am differentiating spammers (people acting with an intend to spam) from people who only syndicated to places their WP allowed them to syndicate. In the case of active spammers, requiring a hashtag feels just like security through obscurity to me *shrug*
ZegnatI’d much rather work on a solution that will keep active spammers out of IndieNews, if IndieNews is supposed to be “a community-curated list of articles”, than go and read some bloated wikipedia article that is only 2 paragraphs long in my own language.
[tantek]your choice how you prioritize, yet I'd advise prioritizing minimum necessary fixes for actual known abuses (that have happened) rather than overdesigning based on theoretical scenarios (because that can suck-in infinite time)
[tantek]anyway I've disabled including IndieNews in the newsletter until *some* improvement is done somewhere in the way IndieNews works and/or how the newsletter uses it
[tantek]" Music/Outdoors/Synths/Code/Projects/Learning/Sharing Main menu Skip to content Blog Search About this site Posts and pages about this project Privacy ..."
chrisaldrichthe Chris Beckstrom post actually had content earlier in the week. I think he redesigned his site and did a hello world post and syndicated to indienews. Even then it was as much a test submission as anything else.
[jgmac1106]I think @aruah syndicated that article on purpose...while her work is for the web in general I like stories in Indie News to up our accessibility game