#wordpress 2018-12-23

2018-12-23 UTC
[eddie], [tantek], AkyRhO, [jgmac1106] and metbril joined the channel
GWG would there be a way to ship a “generic” webmention+u-syndicate module that requires users to first set it up with targets in the backend? Thus there would be imediate support for news.indieweb.org (and similar websites) but a user would first need to enter the indieweb.org URL somewhere?
That way people who do not know about news.indieweb.org, and therefor do not have its URL, wouldn’t be able to push to it by toggling a switch?
I could also ship Indienews as a separate plugin
That would extend the primary one
That is what syndicate links has, a generic one
I could substitute any API interface
Like I said, just thinking out loud, it hasn’t actually been a problem yet
But do indieweb.xyz and news.indieweb.org use the same way of syndication? If that turns out to be a popular way to enable syndication, it feels like you shouldn‘t need a separate plugin for each one of them. Instead just a config field to put the URLs you may want to syndicate posts to using that system
Yes, I just figured I'd hard codr the most popular ones
XYZ is a problem
Because using the Micropub checkbox style of decision making, I would need one for each topic
Indienews is coded for your language
@gwg you could use a form field for xyz for people to add the tag
metbril joined the channel
Yes, but that wouldn't work in a Micropub client
I like the simplicity of just a checkbox
I think xyz should work by a single target plus p-category properties
But with xyz you can add new channels by creating a new tag...what if it ends up with dozens of tags
You couldn't have a checkbox for each
<p><em>This was also posted to
<a href="https://indieweb.xyz/en/hottubs" class="u-syndication">/en/hottubs</a>.</em></p>
Checkbox should add everything up to language, which is set by default in browser (or just en) then a form field for hottubs
Well, I may just create an interface like Zegnat suggested
But today I am fine
metbril, [schmarty], AkyRhO, [jgmac1106] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
Is indieweb.xyz also supporting different languages?
Do you know where to suggest new languages? Is there a github repo?
Not aware of a Github
I think indieweb.xyz just accepts anything you want. So it doesn’t have anything special for languages? Kinda like a wiki, just create something with a German name if you want it to be in German?
I tested it, it only works for /en/
I would love to see /de/
Oh, I didn’t realise it had a hard-coded /en/. Interesting
And this is currently blocked
Been adding incoming Webmention support to my blog, a bit like so: https://github.com/janboddez/webmention-comments. (Mind you, I'd rather just use https://wordpress.org/plugins/webmention/, but right now I can't, thanks to the site's weird setup.)
now yes 😉
@zegnat do you know who is working on indieweb.xyz?
I tried it on twitter, thanks 🙂
I think they’ve been in #indieweb, but I don’t recall IRC/Slack nick :(
gRegorLove and Kaja joined the channel