@ChangelingMxAll right. I've decided my next project is to teach myself #IndieWeb. Looking back on it, I've basically been setting myself up ever since I bought my own domain. (twitter.com/_/status/1087527089727856640)
jgmac1106good point gwg at this point we have put feelers out to to the Aussie crowd, now it is matter to see if anyone wants to organize parallel sessions, otherwise we look for times between EU and NA
jgmac1106yeah and we put the feeelers out there if someone wants to organzie a tiem zone friendlky session during ?Online they may, but let people set and meet their own goals, make sure audience exist
jgmac1106or do we just say “live intros” and asynch demos….beauty of online we don’t have cosntraints of being reomived of physical space but want the commuinity vibe still
[eddie]I think you could probably merge North America and have two demos worst case scenerio. I'm trying to think, if we have sessions / hack-day sessions start at 5 UTC on Saturday, Europe will have a couple hours, go to sleep and then start in the morning.
jgmac1106So it would be like hey everyone I want to talk about YAML and Grav, I am available from 10-4, mark the hours you are available, meet the majority of someone available in your time slot if you like the topic too
jgmac1106so eddie wants to propose a session on automation, he lists it as a possible topic on wiki page and hours available, people check out the board ans say I liek automoation too, and I am available for an hour at same time
[eddie]that could be a challenge for people who are new to IWCs if they get an email in advance asking them to put their interest in for sessions or propose sessions
[eddie]So we do session planning in advance. We would provide written details for people to explain what is going on, and refer them to chat if they have questions
jgmac1106and we should continue letting the idea of never run a session feel free to propose…which may mean etherpad easier than wiki for lower barrier…
jgmac1106yeah that is my thinkng, break into session suggestion, propose a session,,,basically here is an idea I want or somethign I need help with versus I will run this session
[eddie]That's pretty good, because then that gives us our official schedule on the wiki, and if two events end up overlappping that's okay people just choose between the two
[eddie]I think encouraging people on similar topics to group together in Hangouts or something similar, like people first getting their website set up, Wordpress *cough* GWG *cough*
[eddie]Like if on Hackday jgmac1106 you could hang out in a getting started room, GWG could hang out in a Wordpress room and I could hang out in a Micropub/IndieAuth room or something similar
jgmac1106sweet, yeah I need to finish this class: https://edu407.glitch.me/ and now that my nav is so long I really need to figure out a media query to convert my nav grid area into a flexbox or add js for a collapsible menu……but for now really long list….need to redesign my tempaklte..don’t know why I can’t do grid areas as well as explicit grids and rows
jgmac1106yeah but I enjoy it, WP.com screwed me a bit as I have to redo tutorials….the hardest lesson for the first two weeks is simpl;y learnign what is a url and how do I share the url from my post from the wp.com editor
petermolnarthe "For me what it's hard is to understand all the concepts in all protocols ... for example WebSub." sentence in the main channel got me thinking
Loqijargon is a specific unobvious word, concept, or technology (like Webmention), or re-use of a word to mean something other than its common meaning (like feed), or sometimes re-using a word as an acronym (like POSSE) https://indieweb.org/jargon
jeremycherfasYes, what would be good would be to make them easier to find, maybe from the home page, or from the beginners' home page, when that comes into being.
@jackjamieson↩️ wrote a nice review about the state of IndieWeb in WordPress.
Overall, there’s been a lot of progress, and it is much simpler to set up an IndieWeb site in WordPress now than it was 1-2 years ago. Moreover, thanks largely to dshankse’s efforts, things… https://jackjamieson.net/?p=3158 (twitter.com/_/status/1087765632924438528)
jackjamieson, tomasparks and dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
[chrisaldrich][eddie] It came out just about how I would have wanted personally. Mostly providing side spaces for people to interact, chat, and capture conversations in real time may be the hardest piece.
[chrisaldrich]Then building some of the additional infrastructure for people to read in advance may take some additional time, though I suspect things like how to propose sessions and do session picking for this may be useful and reusable for in-person camps as well.
[eddie]Yeah, that'll definitely take a little extra time to get that stuff all written up and available, but as you said, it'll be re-usable for in-person AND if it feels successful, once we have things set up in a way that we feel works, because Online doesn't take the typical resources, it could be something we could do every 6 months or something
[chrisaldrich]but if those chats are so off to the side and "hidden" it's hard for someone 10 feet away to overhear the word "IndieWeb directory" and think, "I need to be in _that_ conversation!"
[eddie]So really what we need is somethign like google hangouts that allows you to click on someone's name and have all the other voices reduce in volume
[eddie]So you can choose who you can primarily hear and other people are background audio that if you pick up on something interesting you can refocus your attention
[eddie]So all of that for video and something that maybe provides a Slack type interface? Where you can have pre-set rooms, where people could create new public rooms for various topics but maybe even provide optional private rooms if three people wanted to chat about something in private
[eddie]I don't know if any of them have things like that but I feel like that might be the closest thing. Something that allows you to say "here are all the rooms available"
[eddie]"In addition to being a pretty sweet voice & text chat app, Discord can offer you and up to 9 of your closest compadres an equally awesome video and screen sharing experience. "
sknebelat least a while back one could also use at least the web interface without really "signing up", just picking a username and being able to start
[Rose]We use RocketChat at work, you can create lots of rooms and add people to them, it's open source, do voice or video chat, and I think you can do screen sharing too
wiegand.iocreated /User:Wiegand.io (+283) "Created page with "= Daniel Wiegand, @wiegimania = <span class="p-summary">'''<dfn class="h-card">[https://wiegand.io/ Daniel Wiegand]</dfn>''' is a Webworker from Karlsruhe, Germany.</span> *..."" (view diff)
[eddie]The only downfall is having everything in one would likely lead ALL conversations around to happen there rather than in IRC, so we wouldn't have our usual historical logs unless we built some type of bridge
[eddie]Alright, so jitsi meet would allow us to have "unlimited rooms" but doesn't provide an interface with a list of rooms. We could however, create a bunch of pre-named rooms on the server and link to them from the wiki
[eddie]So would go to the wiki page to see the schedule and the schedule would have a list of all the rooms, and we could create a couple extra "collab" rooms. Someone could also just change the url extension like Google Hangouts to enter a new room
LoqiVirtual HWC is an online Homebrew Website Club for IndieWebbers who either can’t make a regular meeting or don’t yet have critical mass to host one in their area https://indieweb.org/vHWC
[chrisaldrich]I remember Zegnat and gang trying out several options, but I thought they at least documented sketches of them in the wiki at some point.
[eddie]Looks like I need to get jitsi meet set up on a server so we can test it out and we'll have to get Zegnat on the call to provide data usage feedback
[tantek]!tell aaronpk,schmarty,jgmac1106,gRegorLove,cleverdevil,gwg,rose I had the planning dates for Summit mistakenly off by one - could you double check your dates preferences and update if necessary? Thanks! https://indieweb.org/Planning#Summit
Loqi[jgmac1106]: [tantek] left you a message 19 minutes ago: I had the planning dates for Summit mistakenly off by one - could you double check your dates preferences and update if necessary? Thanks! https://indieweb.org/Planning#Summit
[tantek]Per IWC NYC lessons learned, I strongly recommend getting at least one co-organizer who is good at making sure details are handled that you can work with
[jgmac1106]would happily take on some IWC NHV co-organizers, though I do have the computer science club and three other faculty members helping to plan but they aren't on wiki (yet)
[tantek][jgmac1106] also the femhack.tech website only lists their April 16 event, do you have a link for the one day event before IWC that is mentioned on /2019/NHV?
tantek.comedited /2019/New_Haven (+0) "fix end date, presuming Saturday/Sunday usual, and per "two days" in description at top, fix presumed typo" (view diff)
[jgmac1106]no, I need to update that site, furst day of semester just getting into the swing, launch and run first classes...back to only playing on Thurs-Fru
[jgmac1106]We will have NYC in Sept pretty sure [eddie] will get you one. Or just plan IWC-DC, I can get you venue no problem get [jgarber] and [jonathanprozzi] to help you
Loqi[schmarty]: [tantek] left you a message 2 hours, 30 minutes ago: I had the planning dates for Summit mistakenly off by one - could you double check your dates preferences and update if necessary? Thanks! https://indieweb.org/Planning#Summit
LoqigRegorLove_: [tantek] left you a message 2 hours, 47 minutes ago: I had the planning dates for Summit mistakenly off by one - could you double check your dates preferences and update if necessary? Thanks! https://indieweb.org/Planning#Summit
LoqiGWG: [tantek] left you a message 3 hours, 9 minutes ago: I had the planning dates for Summit mistakenly off by one - could you double check your dates preferences and update if necessary? Thanks! https://indieweb.org/Planning#Summit